Minutes - Tuesday 2 January 2018Regular Meeting — Beverly City Council, Beverly, MA MINUTES — Tuesday, January 2, 2018 @ Noon Beverly High School Auditorium, 100 Sohier Road Called to Order @ 1:05 PM as part of Inauguration Ceremony Roll Call: Timothy P. Flaherty, Julie R. Flowers, John P. Frates Jr., Scott D. Houseman, David J. Lang, James F. Latter, Donald G. Martin, Estelle M. Rand, Paul M. Guanci - President. Acceptance of Minutes: Regular Meeting — Monday, 18 December 2017 Approved 7 -0 (Councilors Flaherty & Flowers Not Voting, as they were not on the Council that term). The Council President asked for a vote to take a brief Recess to allow him to address the audience. Approved 9 -0 Address by the Council President: January 2, 2018 Welcome to today's first regularly scheduled meeting of the Beverly City Council for this term and thank you for braving the frigid temperatures to be here. This is always my favorite meeting of the term because of the size of the crowd and everyone in the audience is excited to see their newly elected representatives in action and to wish us well. Honoring the City's Korean War veterans makes today even more special. I feel tremendously fortunate and extremely honored to return as your City Council President for the next two years. Not only because all of the candidates in this year's councilor at large race were outstanding but also because my IT professional/campaign advisor missed an error within our excel data sheet when merging voter information for our campaign mailer. The result was that everyone who received one in the mail was given the wrong first name. I was given a heads up to the problem by a few Facebook messages and then a few phone calls but one morning when my father in law Bob Pieroni showed up for work and asked me and I quote "Who the hell is Damian Pieroni" I knew then we had a much bigger problem. If getting a mailer with your wrong first name on it upset you I apologize. As to the IT professional /campaign advisor who helped me I promised my longtime friend and Ward Three City Councilor Jim Latter that I would not let everyone know it was him. Sorry Jim, I couldn't resist. That said you are the best and congrats on your recent engagement. Last month we said goodbye to two outstanding city councilors, Matt St. Hilaire and Jason Silva. Between the two of them they gave the City 10 great years of combined service. We all wish them well in their future endeavors. Today we welcome two new city councilors to our mix. Julie Flowers ran an energetic, enthusiastic and professional campaign. Her desire to make Beverly a better place for everyone to live will make her a welcomed addition to this term's City Council. Hello again to our other addition, Tim Flaherty. Tim's love for his hometown and his years of experience as a city councilor and former City Council President will greatly add to the effectiveness of this body. It will be nice to have the original number 33 (Sorry Brendan) back within the confines of City Council Chambers. In closing I just want to stress how important it is to foster a respectful and cordial relationship between the Mayor's Office and City Council. Two decades ago naysayers of this philosophy coined the phrase "Rubber Stamp" because they did not agree with the close working relationship that had developed between both branches of government during a time when the City's finances were not as solid as they are today. For years our local newspaper, the Salem Evening News, has praised the working relationship between the Council and the Mayor in Beverly always noting that it is not how business is done in our neighboring cities. Decisions are made after much discussion, leg work and collaboration before they are presented to the Council for consideration. I look forward to continuing this relationship over the next two years. While we have accomplished a lot the past two years there is still much work to do. Once again, thank you for being here and Happy New Year. City Council President Paul Guanci 2018 -2019 Comments by Citizens (subject to the conditions contained in Appendix A to the "Rules and Orders "): Anyone who would like to speak at the Meeting has until 9:30AM on the day of the Meeting to register with the City Clerk. (Limit of 3 @ 5 minutes each). None Public Hearings: None Resolutions: None Presentations, Awards and Memorials: None Election of Council Vice President: The Council President asked for nominations from the floor for Council Vice President for the 2018 -2019 term. Councilor Houseman nominated Councilor Frates, seconded by Council Latter. No other nominations were made. Council President closed nominations and called for a vote. Approved: 9 -0 Communications from His Honor the Mayor: #001 January 2, 2018 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I respectfully request that the City Council approve an appropriation of $175,000 from the Recreation Enterprise fund balance to perform various repairs of playground equipment throughout the city. We have completed an inventory of park equipment in 2 the city's numerous playgrounds that require repair or replacement. This appropriation will allow the city to purchase replacement parts as well as contract out portions of the repair work. This appropriation request requires a public hearing be set prior to final City Council action. I appreciate your attention to this at your upcoming meeting on January 2 d 2018. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill, Mayor Council President entertained a Motion to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, 16 January 2016 (cD_ 7:45 PM, City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3` Floor Council Chamber, Beverly, MA. Vote: 9 -0. #002 January 2, 2018 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: Pursuant to our stabilization fund policy I, as the city's Mayor, am required to request a transfer from the City's certified free cash balance into the City's stabilization fund each year. The policy calls for a minimum transfer of 10% of the certified balance. This year, I am requesting more than that be transferred. I am requesting that $3 Million be transferred to the City's stabilization fund. This is a significant milestone for the city, which if approved will represent a stabilization fund balance of 10% of the original FY2018 budget approved this past June. This will better position the City to weather the next economic downturn. In addition, we must continue to take real and meaningful actions to address the long term liabilities of the City. During FY2017, we established an OPEB trust for the city's long term health care obligations, and both the City and its employees have made initial contributions into that fund. This year, I request an additional transfer from the City's free cash balance of 5% of the certified value, or $468,543, to be placed into this OPEB trust fund. Further, I have included within my capital expenditure submission two projects which this appropriation request also seeks to address. First, with your approval, we will retrofit all city owned streetlights with LED lights in the coming months. This is a project that has received support from two separate state grants and will also generate National Grid incentives to help fund the total project cost. The project is expected to cost $1.5 Million; however the city has already received state grants totaling roughly $528,000. The remaining $972,000 will require a transfer of free cash to complete the project; however National Grid incentives which will replenish the general fund upon completion of the project are expected to be in the range of $300,000. The net project cost to the city is thus estimated to be $672,000. It is also expected that the city will reduce its energy consumption for street lights by two thirds, generating an estimated $200,000 in annual savings and reducing the city's carbon footprint considerably. Last, I request $1 Million to begin the process of constructing our city's new police station. These funds will allow the City to contract for Owner's Project Manager services and hire a design/architectural firm to complete the preliminary study and design phases for the project. At that point, my administration will come back before the City Council to 1) request funding of the remaining costs of design (likely up to $1M additional) and 2) present an informed projection of total construction costs and request an appropriation of funding for construction of the new police station. This free cash transfer request requires that a public hearing be set prior to a final City Council vote. Please initiate action at your next City Council meeting by scheduling a public hearing. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Council President entertained a Motion to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, 16 January 2016 (cD_ 8:00 PM, City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3` Floor Council Chamber, Beverly, MA. Vote: 9 -0. #003 January 2, 2018 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I respectfully request your authorization to sign the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the Massachusetts Harbormaster Association, Inc. and the city of Beverly allowing the installation of CCTV Cameras at the Beverly Harbor. There will be no cost to the city for participation in this program. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Council President entertained a Motion to approve that Motion on the Floor - Vote: 9 -0. #004 January 2, 2018 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation the following to serve as Trustees of the Public Library: Kevin O'Reilly 6 Mason Street Myron Shirer -Suter 12 Munroe Street Marshall Handly 6 Clark Avenue Their terms are to be effective until January 31, 2021. 11 Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Public Services #005 January 2, 2018 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation Ms. Victoria Burke Caldwell, 7 Bancroft Avenue and Mr. James Levasseur, 27 Pershing Avenue to serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Their terms are to be effective until January 31, 2021. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs #006 January 2, 2018 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation the following to serve as trustees on the Beverly Affordable Trust: Susan Gabriel Richard Dinkin Michael P. Cahill 26 Dartmouth Street 93 Bridge Street Mayor Their terms are to be effective until January 31, 2021. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs 5 #007 January 2, 2018 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I hereby appoint subject to your review and recommendation Mr. Sean R. Leach, 63 Kernwood Avenue, Beverly to serve on the Clean Energy Advisory Committee. He will fulfill the term of Lisa Lillelund who recently stepped down. His term is to be effective until January 31, 2020. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs •11: January 2, 2018 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I hereby appoint subject to your review and recommendation Ms. Susan Feeney, 27 Roderick Avenue, Beverly to serve on the Council on Aging. She will fulfill the term of Larry Albert who stepped down. Her term is to be effective until June 30, 2019. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Public Services #009 January 2, 2018 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: 0 I hereby appoint subject to your review and recommendation Ms. Allison Kilcoyne, 26 Linden Avenue, Beverly to serve on the Planning Board. She will fulfill the term of John Thomson who recently stepped down. Her term is to be effective until December 31, 2019. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs Communications from other City Officers and Boards: #010 December 26, 2017 Dear Honorable Council, Every two years the most difficult decision I have to make as City Council President is whom to put on each of our three Standing Committees. My intention for this coming term is to make sure that every Councilor is on a different Committee from last term and to have each Committee chaired by someone who did not serve as a Chair last term. My decision to do so is reflected in this term's appointments: Committee on Finance and Property: Ward 4 Councilor Scott Houseman (Chair) Ward 6 Councilor John Frates Council President Paul Guanci Committee on Legal Affairs: Ward 5 Councilor Donald Martin (Chair) Ward 1 Councilor David Lang Councilor at Large Julie Flowers Committee on Public Services: Ward 2 Councilor Estelle Rand (Chair) Councilor at Large Timothy Flaherty Ward 3 Councilor James Latter Respectfully, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved: 9 -0 #011 December 26, 2017 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint Councilor At Large Paul M. Guanci as representative to ECDC. Respectfully, 7 Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved 9 -0 #012 December 26, 2017 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint Councilor At Large Timothy Flaherty and Ward 3 Councilor James Latter to serve as liaison to the Beverly School Committee. I would ask that the Council Liaison provide the City Council with quarterly reports detailing important information and actions taken by the School Committee. Respectfully, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved 9 -0. #013 December 26, 2017 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint Councilor at Large Julie Flowers and Ward One Councilor David Lang to serve as City Council Liaisons to the Beverly Police Department Community Advisory Council. Respectfully, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved 9 -0. #014 December 26, 2017 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint Councilors James Latter and Estelle Rand Don Martin to serve as City Council Representatives on the Financial Forecasting Committee. Respectfully, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved 9 -0. #015 December 26, 2017 Dear Honorable Council: Each term the City Council appoints two representatives to serve as members of the Beverly Harbor Management Authority. I respectfully request that Councilors David Lang and Estelle Rand serve on the Beverly Harbor Management Authority as Representatives of the City Council. It is requested that semi - annual reports be given to the full Council regarding ongoing projects brought before the Harbor Management Authority. Respectfully, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved 9 -0. #016 December 26, 2017 Beverly City Council 191 Cabot Street Beverly MA 01915 Re: Standing Designation of Substitute Chairman Joint Meetings with Committee of the Whole Dear Honorable Council: In accordance with Rule 21 (4) of the Rules and Orders of the City Council, I do hereby make this standing designation. In my absence, I do hereby designate the Chairman of the Finance & Property Subcommittee, the Chairman of the Public Services Subcommittee, or the Chairman of the Legal Affairs and Ordinances Subcommittee (as each Subcommittee may then be duly noticed to be in Joint Meeting the Committee of the Whole) to convene, to recess, to reconvene, to adjourn, and to serve as Acting Chair of the Committee of the Whole during such Joint Meeting. Very truly yours, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Annroved 9 -0. #017 Communication — Community Preservation Committee — Pete's Park Renovation — CPC Project #R3 -11, Additional Funding Recommendation (Set a Public Hearing) 0 ORDERED: That the City Council of the City of Beverly hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, 16 January 2018 at 7:30 PM at City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3rd Floor, Council Chamber, Beverly, MA relative to the request by the Community Preservation Committee Additional Funding Recommendation — Pete's Park Renovation, CPC Project #R3 -11. Council President entertained a Motion to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, 16 January 2016 (cD_ 7:30 PM, City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3` Floor Council Chamber, Beverly, MA. Vote: 9 -0. #018 Communication — Chairperson, Planning Board — Adoption of City of Beverly Smart Growth Overlay District Design Standards Council President entertained a Motion to Receive and Place on File - Vote: 9 -0. Communications, Applications & Petitions #019 Application for License — Livery — Tri -City Services, Inc., 55R Walnut ST / Peabody, MA Referred to Legal Affairs. Unfinished Business: None Motions and Orders: None Reports of Committees: None Meeting Adjourned: 1:22 PM Attest: D. Wesley Slate, Jr. City Clerk 10