Historic District Commission - 9 27 2017 - edited notesCITY OF BEVERLY
COMMITTEE /COMMISSION: Historic District Commission
DATE: September 27, 2017
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: William Finch - Chair, Suzanne LaMont - Vice Chair, and
Wendy Pearl
ABSENT: Martin Lian, James Younger
OTHERS PRESENT: Emily Hutchings, Dan Lohnes
RECORDER: Travis Lovett
Finch calls the meeting to order at 7:10pm.
Lohnes said he is happy with the Hale House Preservation Restriction. Hutchings said
nothing substantial changed legally. The legal department tweaked one sentence in
reference to Hale House. The preservation restriction now protects the "historic structure"
instead of the premises. Finch said the Historic District Commission holds the preservation
restriction. Pearl said the chimney work was funded by the Community Preservation Act.
Lohnes said the chimney work is covered under the new restriction, but the grant did not
sufficiently trigger a separate preservation restriction for it. Lohnes said the preservation
restriction is in perpetuity.
Pearl motions that based on further review of the preservation restriction to approve the
restriction, LaMont seconds the motion. The motion carries 3 -0.
Preservation Easement Program for Private Properties
Page two of the guidance should say "preservation easement program," LaMont said. Pearl
said that the Livermore House was one example where private properties are seeking city
funding to preserve their properties in exchange for some kind of restriction or agreement.
Pearl attended a forum called CPA in the city. Pearl said Cambridge officials do not place
restrictions upon private properties. Pearl said they suggested to create a memorandum of
understanding with some financial stipulations that would allow for the city to recapture
funding if the property is not maintained. Pearl said Cambridge has a much greater
capacity to support such programs. Pearl said the funds would come from CPA. Finch said
he administered the 312 loan program in Lawrence and homeowners will do all sorts of
things to be eligible for funds. This can be a real nightmare to administer, Finch said. Is
this something like the demo /delay process, Hutchings asked? There are administrative
funds in CPA to provide logistical support, Pearl said. The Community Preservation
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Committee makes all decisions on funding and staff provide logistical support. Funding
recommendations are made to the city council. Disbursements are made as proposed in
the final agreement. Pearl is interested in determining whether or not the Livermore
House is an outlier. Finch said the core question is "where do you make the cut ?" Finch
said most CPA funds don't open up their processes to private individuals. Finch said
Brookline or Newton might have programs. Finch said Historic New England has about
100 preservation restrictions in the whole state. There's an endowment fee for yearly
visits for Historic New England.
Pearl asked if they need to know more about options. Finch is concerned about the pitfalls,
but thinks it is worth investigating further. Newburyport doesn't give CPA funds for
private properties, Pearl said.
Pearl said the city could distribute money to the Beverly Main Streets program. Finch said
the grant wouldn't be worth it for Beverly Main Streets. Pearl said the Livermore House
application was confusing. The Community Preservation Committee members reviewed
the cost for a regular roof versus rehabbing the house with a historic roof. Pearl said there
is a preservation premium, but it was not clear in the application what the cost difference
was between rehabbing the historic roof and installing a regular roof. Pearl asked if the
Historic District Commission would hold a restriction on private projects. Finch said the
CPA requires the commission to find a holder. Finch said the Beverly Historical Society
could hold the restriction, but Pearl said they would not hold the restriction.
Rehabilitation projects do not require a preservation restriction, Pearl said. Property
purchase requires a restriction, Pearl said. Finch said a 10 year recapture clause would
provide some protection to the investment if homeowners do not abide by project approval
guidelines. LaMont said that seems reasonable. Pearl said they could have a maximum
award amount for private projects. Pearl said North Andover has a conservation district.
Hutchings said she would look into guidelines from Andover or North Andover. Pearl said
Gloucester is a nice example.
Pearl said the Beverly housing plan says there is a housing shortage. LaMont said she
would like to see an adaptive reuse plan in place for properties such as the Briscoe School.
Commission Rules and Procedures
LaMont said committee rules and procedures should match the City of Beverly ordinance.
Finch said the ordinance calls for a quorum of four members, based on city officials
appointing seven members to the Historic District Commission. Pearl said there is no need
to define the quorum as it is already defined in open meeting law. Finch said some of the
guidelines are fairly amorphous. Hutchings said there are some inconsistencies between
the functions of a historic district commission and the functions of a historical commission.
Finch said meeting minutes should reflect language of approval or denial when reviewing
potential projects. Finch said issues with respect to certificates of non - applicability should
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be dealt with administratively. Pearl said she would like electronic versions of applications
to be shared with the general public with the burden of creating electronic files being
placed on the applicant. She said demolition delay applications could be dealt with in this
manner as a pilot procedure.
Meeting Minutes Approval from August 23, 2017
Pearl motions to approve the meeting minutes as amended. LaMont seconds the motion.
The motion carries 3 -0.
New Business
Pearl said the City Council approved five project recommendations from the Community
Preservation Committee. The projects include updating the GAR Hall Facade, replacing the
heating system at Beverly Golf and Tennis, restoring historical records through the city
clerk's office, repairing the tennis courts at Cahill Park, and making renovations to Colgate
Park playground. There will be a public hearing on October 12th at the Beverly Senior
Center for potential applicants and the general public to learn more about the Round Five
CPA application process.
LaMont motions to adjourn the meeting at 9:15pm. Pearl seconds the motion. The motion
carries 3 -0.
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