BHMA Minutes September 20 2017Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of September 20, 2017 Meeting
Board: Harbor Management Authority
Date: September 20, 2017
Location: Beverly Public Library -Fogg Room
Members Present: Chair Paul Earl, Don Neuman, David Suminsby, Rinus
Oosthoek, George Simon, Emily Flaherty, Chris
D'Alfonso, Scott Houseman, Estelle Rand, Rob Dever
(Marina Manager)
Members Absent: Pat McAleer
Others Present:
Recorder: Brett Bauer
Earl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Approval of Minutes
Oosthoek motions to approve the July 19, 2017 meeting minutes. Seconded by Neuman.
Approved 9 -0.
A summary of the discussion at the August 16, 2017 meeting was distributed. There is no need
for a vote to approve these since a quorum was not present.
Project Updates
Bass River Dredging
Neuman notes that the comment period for the Army Corp of Engineers closes in 10 days.
Neuman reports that there is potential to meet with Jay Ash regarding this project and he has
emailed with Clausen about this. The Mayor is trying to find money for Beverly's portion of the
funding. The CZM is looking for shovel ready projects. Bourne was encouraging that this is
feasible. The Corp needs an updated mitigation plan; Earl notes this may have gone to Clausen.
Neuman adds that a firmer commitment is needed from the City on funding. Earl has spoken
with Brian Ayles about the potential for bond financing for the Bass River Dredging.
Neuman notes that the project would cost the City about $1 million (their share) for each half of
the Bass River. If the lower half could be defined to include National Grid's clean -up cost, that
could be significant with regard to cost share. Bourne has indicated that they could still start in
October if no significant comments are received and the City returns the mitigation plan.
Seaport Grant - Pilings Project
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of September 20, 2017 Meeting
Dever reports that the borings indicated that there may be more rock sockets to contend with.
Earl asks how long it would take to get a proposal out after the City's internal review. Dever
notes that the bid period is five weeks, but they could still have a contractor selected by the end
of November. Earl notes that the project must be completed by March 15 but it is not expected to
take a long time.
Seaport Grant Application - Commercial Area and Public Pier
Neuman reports that the application for new grants is due November 1. Clausen has indicated
that he is not interested in having the conversation about new projects for this grant until the
pilings project for the current grant year has made progress and gone out to bid. Dever adds that
the Seaport Council has typically awarded more money in total with the more proposals received
each year.
Harbormaster Building
Dever reports that the Harbormaster has moved in to the new building, but some stuff still
remains in the old McDonald's building. The Police will have space to use in the new building
and keys to use the bathrooms. Earl raises the question about what portion of the new building
the HMA should be funding. Starting next month, he will receive detail of expenses and revenues
from the City's Finance Department, and will distribute along with the financials report.
Oosthoek asks about the next steps for the McDonald's building - who is responsible for
demolishing it, and whether the HMA will have a seat at the table in determining the demolition
and redevelopment process. Earl asks when the McDonald's building will be completely vacated
and if the utilities can be completely shut off. Dever responds that the utilities can be mostly shut
off. Dever adds that Mike Collins is ultimately in charge of all city -owned buildings. Earl will
connect with Collins to discuss the fate of the McDonald's building.
Kayak and Paddle Board Racks
Earl seeks to form a sub - committee to examine new rules and potential for expansion of the
kayak/SUP racks. He notes that the sub - committee should include Parks & Rec in the
conversation. Dever adds that City Staff that maintain the parks should also be included.
D'Alfonso asks about any liability for damage to the kayaks stored on the racks. Earl responds
that it is the same as for boats in the marina, but this could also be examined by the sub-
committee. Suminsby, Simon and D'Alfonso volunteer for the new sub - committee. Rand
expresses interest in helping, but is unsure how available she will be. Oosthoek prefers that the
results of the sub - committee be presented at the March HMA meeting in order to allow time to
market any new rack space.
Waterfront Master Plan
The City has selected Harriman as a consultant to help conduct this Master Plan process. Earl
notes that the HMA should have two delegates on the advisory committee. The emphasis for this
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of September 20, 2017 Meeting
plan is expected to be along the Bass River and less so at Glover Wharf. It is noted that this could
coincide nicely with the dredging plans.
Coastal Resiliency Plan
Suminsby believes that the process has been completed. Houseman reports that the plan is up on
the City's website. Earl notes this topic will then be removed from the on -going projects.
Harbor Fest
Earl notes that a large crowd attended. Positive feedback was received from the vendors. has footage of the event on their website. Three different groups were present to
raise money for their respective causes. The HMA will likely continue this event as long as the
space is available and we are welcome to host the event.
Congress Street
Earl will draft an extension letter for Clausen's review before November 1.
National Grid
Earl will check on timelines for the comment period.
Obear Park
Earl notes that they will be passing this year on applying for phase II of this project.
Bridge Mural Update
Rand reports that the artist has received permits from MassDOT. The work will take him
approximately three weeks, but he currently has other projects right now. He will need a cherry -
picker lift to reach all of the surfaces. Rand asks if the City has one to use. Dever responds that
the City rents these when needed and does not have one available. Rand notes that the artist will
likely bear this cost himself Suminsby suggests he look into staging which may be cheaper.
Marina Facilities Report
D'Alfonso and Neuman asked about the fishing boat that is often docked on the transient float
next to the Public Pier. Earl asked for them to confirm that is still there, and then he will check
with the Harbormaster about status and fees charged.
Neuman noted a couple of dinghies stored on the recreational float but all agreed that this
situation has improved.
Financials Report
Earl reports that their numbers are down a little but still in good shape. Neuman asks again about
the reason that HMA is paying a large portion of the Harbormaster Building construction and
utilities if they are only using the bathrooms. Flaherty notes that the Harbormaster does help bill
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of September 20, 2017 Meeting
and collect fees for the marina. Earl proposes to examine these expenses for the next three
months and consider what the HMA is getting related to its contribution to the expenses.
Other Announcements
Oosthoek has been recruited by the Downtown 2030 Plan and the Economic Restructuring
Committee of Main Streets. This will be good continuity with the HMA.
There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening,
Suminsby makes a motion to adjourn. Oosthoek seconds. Motion to adjourn approved
unanimously (9 -0).
The HMA Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.
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