Minutes - Monday 19 June 2017Regular Meeting - Beverly City Council, Beverly, MA MINUTES - Monday, 19 June 2017 @ 7:00 PM Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3r Floor Council Chamber Called to Order @ 7:04 PM Roll Call: John P. Frates Jr., Scott D. Houseman -Vice President, David J. Lang, James F. Latter, Donald G. Martin, Estelle M. Rand, Matthew J. St. Hilaire, Jason C. Silva, Paul M. Guanci- President. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Councilor Lang Moment of Silence: None Comments by Citizens (subject to the conditions contained in Appendix A to the City Council's Rules and Orders): Anyone who would like to speak at the Meeting has until 9:30AM on the day of the Meeting to register with the City Clerk. (Limit of 3 @ 5 minutes each): None Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting: 1. Monday, 5 June 2017 - Regular Meeting 2. Monday, 12 June 2017 — Special Meeting Vote to Annrove: 9 -0 Resolutions: 1. #436A — Ryal Side Civic Association Parade Grand Marshalls (read by Councilor Lang) Vote to Annrove: 9 -0 Council President entertained a Motion to accept a Resolution as a Late File from Council Vice President — Approved — Vote: 9 -0 2. LATE FILE - #454 — FY2018 Budget Referred to Finance & Property Presentations, Awards & Memorials: None Communications from His Honor the Mayor: #438 June 19, 2017 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 319 Dear Honorable Council: I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly, through the Beverly Senior Center and Council on Aging, has received a Massachusetts Council on Aging Grant in the amount of $3,750. With your approval, this grant will be used to fund the Aging Mastery Program, a ten week series for seniors focused on positive aging and healthy lifestyles. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44 Section 53Arequires both council and mayoral approval before any grant or gifts to the city can be expended for their prescribed purpose. I therefore request the council approve this grant by taking action on this matter at your upcoming meeting of the City Council on June 19, 2017. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Finance & Property #439 June 19, 2017 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly, through our Police Department, has received a Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety Grant in the amount of $3,000. With your approval, this grant will be used to fund traffic enforcement shifts. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44 Section 53Arequires both council and mayoral approval before any grant or gifts to the city can be expended for their prescribed purpose. I therefore request the council approve this grant by taking action on this matter at your upcoming meeting of the City Council on June 19, 2017. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Finance & Pro #440 June 19, 2017 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: 320 I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation Mr. John L. Massa, 96 Woodland South, Lynn, MA 01904 to serve as Constable in the City of Beverly for the express purpose of serving Civil Process. Attached is Mr. Massa's application which has been approved by Police Chief John LeLacheur. Mr. Massa's term will be effective until June 30, 2020. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor MPC /mal Attachment Referred to Legal Affairs #441 June 19, 2017 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation Mr. Douglas T. Vigliotta, 9 Deer Haven Road, Beverly to serve as Constable in the City of Beverly for the express purpose of serving Civil Process. Attached is Mr. Vigliotta's application which has been approved by Police Chief John LeLacheur. Mr. Vigliotta's term will be effective from July 31, 2017 until July 31, 2020. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor MPC /mal Attachment Referred to Legal Affairs #442 June 19, 2017 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 321 Dear Honorable City Council: I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation Jessica Wistran, Esq., 65 Lexington Circle, Swampscott to serve on the Council on Aging. Ms. Wistran is an attorney with Glovky & Glovsky located in Beverly. She brings valuable experience and guidance, therefore I ask that you grant a waiver for the residency requirement and allow her to serve on the Board. Her term is to be effective from June 30, 2017 until June 30, 2020. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor MPC /mal Referred to Public Services #443 June 19, 2017 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation Mr. Gregory Sharp, 8 Leather Lane and Mr. Charlie Mann, 21 Riverview Street, Beverly to serve as the At -Large Representatives on the Open Space and Recreation Committee. Their terms are to be effective from August 31, 2017 until August 31, 2020. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor MPC /mal Referred to Legal Affairs Communications from other City Officers & Boards: #444 Council President — Re- Election of City Clerk Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 322 #445 Council Vice President — Solicitor's Opinion relative to Budget Analyst position Referred to Legal Affairs #446 Finance Director — Request for reauthorization of revolving accounts Referred to Finance & Pro Council President entertained a Motion to accept two Late Files from Council President — Approved — Vote: 9 -0 LATE FILE - #452 — Council President — Reappointment — CPC — Christy Edwards Referred to Legal Affairs LATE FILE - #453 — Council President — Appointment — CPC — John A. Hall Referred to Legal Affairs Council President entertained a Motion to accept a Late File from City Solicitor — Approved — Vote: 9 -0 LATE FILE - #445A — City Solicitor — Response to Council Vice President's Communication Referred to Legal Affairs Communications, Applications & Petitions: #447 Application — Temporary License to Peddle — 4th of July - Bruce W. Gordon (Balloons & Novelties) Referred to Legal Affairs #448 Waiver of Alcohol in Public Buildings Ordinance — Mini -Golf Tournament — Beverly Public Library, 23 September 2017 — Sarah Weiss Referred to Legal Affairs 323 #449 Communication — John Taylor, 41 Cole Street — MBTA Shutdown Received and Placed on File — Vote: 9 -0 #451 Communication — Julie Snyder, 17 Old Rubbly Road — School Budget Received and Placed on File — Vote: 9 -0 Unfinished Business: #144A (Final Passage) Amended Zoning Ordinance — Inclusionary Housing The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication – Planning Director – Proposed Zoning Amendment – Article XV – Affordable Housing ( "Inclusionary Housing Ordinance "), have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying amended Ordinance and recommend its adtoption, pending Publication and Final Passage: PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT March 30, 2017 The Beverly Planning Department hereby submits a proposed amendment to the Beverly Zoning Ordinance Chapter 300, Article XV — Affordable Housing ( "Inclusionary Ordinance "). The following amendments are proposed: 0 Amend Section 300 — 103: [Applicability] the amendment will lower the threshold for residential development projects that are subject to Inclusionary Housing requirements from 10 or more dwelling units to 6 or more dwelling units. Section 300 — 103 is to be amended as follows: A. This article applies to any development that results in or contains 146 or more residential dwelling units. The types of development subject to the provisions of this article include, without limitation, the following: A division of land resulting in the creation of ' '41 - -r or more residential lots. Developments shall not be segmented to avoid compliance with this Section. "Segmentation" shall mean divisions of land that would cumulatively result in an increase of 1— (4 -0 -) or more residential lots above the number existing on a parcel of land or contiguous parcels in common ownership or control twenty - four months prior to the application. Where such segmentation occurs, it shall be subject to 34.1Article XV. A subdivision or division of land shall mean any subdivision as defined in the Subdivision Control Law, Chapter 41, Sections 81K -81GG of the Massachusetts General Laws, or any division of land under Chapter 41, Section 81P of the Massachusetts General Laws, when such division of land results in lots for residential use. 324 2. New residential construction or new mixed -use construction that includes ten (10 )6 or more dwelling units. 3. A development of 10 JIOIF or more new dwelling units that involves the redevelopment, reconstruction or rehabilitation of an existing multi - family building or structure, if such development results in an increase of or more units in the number of dwelling units in the original structure. 4. A development that will change the use of an existing building from nonresidential to residential use. B. This Section does not apply to nursing homes, projects meeting the definition of subsidized elderly housing or congregate elderly housing, nor to the rehabilitation of any building or structure wholly or substantially destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty; provided, however, that no rehabilitation nor repair shall increase the number of dwelling units on the lot as existed prior to the damage or destruction thereof, except in conformance with this Section. (Ord. No. 72, 7 -9 -09) C. Any other development with dwelling units to which this Section does not otherwise apply may elect to be subject to this Section, provided the development meets all applicable requirements herein. Special permits authorized under this Section for developments with (ta)' or more dwelling units may also be granted to any other development with dwelling units, in the discretion of the Planning Board. Amend Section 300 — 104: [Housing Affordability] the amendment will introduce additional levels of affordability for meeting on -site affordability requirements of the Inclusionary Ordinance. Section 300 — 104 is to be amended as follows: A. Except as provided below, each affordable unit created under this Section shall be sold or rented by using one of the following affordability scenarios: to No less than twelve percent (12 %) of dwelling units shall be affordable to a household with income at or below 80% of the area median income that applies to subsidized housing in the City of Beverly, as reported annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), adjusted for household size. 2._ less than eight percent (8 %) of dwelling units shall be affordable to a household with income at or below 60% of the area median income that applies to subsidized housing in the City of Beverly, as reported annually by HUD, adjusted for household size. 3.— No less than ten percent (10 %) of dwelling units shall be affordable to household hen an applicant provideswhere at least one -half of required affordable units for households with income at or below'.Of'% of area median income, the remaining affordable units may be sold or rented to households with incomes up to 105 of area median income, adjusted for household size, subject to approval by the Planning Board. B. In the instance of a fraction, a fraction of a lot or dwelling unit shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Nothing in this section shall preclude a developer from providing more affordable housing units than required hereunder. C. Development projects creating or containing six to nine dwelling units as established in Section 300— 103 shall provide one affordable unit sold or rented to a household with income at or below 80% of the area median income that applies to subsidizedhousing in the City of Beverly, as reported annually by (HUD), adjusted for household size. 325 Amend Section 300 — 106: [Minimum Percentage of Affordable Units] by eliminating the section in its entirety, and incorporating its provisions within Section 300 —104. * Amend Section 300 — 108: [Methods for Providing Affordable Units] the amendment will allow donation of land for purpose of creating affordable housing units for both home ownership or rental residential units. The ordinance would amend Subsection B(3) as follows: Donation of developable land in the City of Beverly to the Beverly Housing Authority, the Beverly Affordable Housing Coalition, Inc. or a comparable entity determined at the discretion of the Planning Board, provided the receiving organization agrees in writing to accept the land and the applicant demonstrates to the Planning Board's satisfaction that said land is developable for an equivalent number of affordable units in conformance with the Beverly Zoning Ordinance, ,,...ply— erfy -- Donated land need not be located in the same zoning district as the development, and shall be subject to a deed restriction limiting its use to mixed - income or affordable housing. First Reading: 3 April 2017 Second Reading: 5 June 2017 Publication in the Salem News: 9 June 2017 Final Passage: 19 June 2017 Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #386 (Final Passage) Amended Zoning Ordinance — Recreational Marijuana Moratorium The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication – Planning director – Zoning Amendment – "Recreational Marijuana Sales ", have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying amended Ordinance and recommend its adoption, pending Publication and Final Passage: Ordered: Article XVII Section 300 -22 Temporary Moratorium on the Sale and Distribution of Recreational Marijuana until December 31, 2018. 1. Purpose. By vote at the State Election on November 8, 2016, the voters of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts approved a law (Ballot Question 4) regulating the cultivation, distribution, possession and use of marijuana for recreational purposes. In Beverly, Ballot Question 4 passed with 54.3% of the electorate voting in favor and 44.1% voting opposed to the measure. The law went into effect on December 15, 2016. Pursuant to Chapter 334 of the Acts of 2016, as amended by Chapter 351 of the Acts of 2016, the Cannabis Control Commission is required to promulgate regulations regarding implementation of Marijuana Establishments for non- 326 medically prescribed marijuana ( "Recreational Marijuana Establishments ") by March 15, 2018 ( "CCC Regulations "). The CCC Regulations are expected to provide guidance to the City in regulating Recreational Marijuana Establishments. Currently, Chapter 300 of the City's General Code (the City's Zoning Ordinances) does not identify Recreational Marijuana Establishments (defined below) as permitted uses, nor are there specific restrictions on such use. The regulation of Recreational Marijuana Establishments raises novel and complex legal, planning, and public safety issues. The City needs time to study, consider, and engage in decision - making regarding this new use and is awaiting the CCC Regulations for its consideration in that process. Additionally, the City needs time to address the potential impact of the CCC Regulations on local zoning and to undertake a planning process to consider amending the City Zoning Ordinances in order to regulate Recreational Marijuana Establishments, as well as other uses related to the sale and distribution of recreational marijuana. The City hereby adopts a temporary moratorium on the use of land and structures in the City for Recreational Marijuana Establishments in order to allow the City sufficient time to engage in a planning process to address the effects of such structures and uses in the City and to adopt provisions of the Zoning Ordinances in a manner consistent with sound land use planning goals and objectives. 2. Definitions. "Hemp ", the plant of the genus Cannabis or any part of the plant, whether growing or not, with a delta -9- tetrahydrocannabinol concentration that does not exceed 0.3 per cent on a dry weight basis of any part of the plant of the genus Cannabis, or per volume or weight of marijuana product, or the combined per cent of delta- 9-tetrahydrocannab inol and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid in any part of the plant of the genus Cannabis regardless of moisture content. "Manufacture ", to compound, blend, extract, infuse or otherwise make or prepare a marijuana product. "Marijuana " - "all parts of any plant of the genus Cannabis, not excepted below and whether growing or not; the seeds thereof, and resin extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of the plant, its seeds or resin including tetrahydrocannabinol as defined in section 1 of chapter 94C of the General Laws; provided that "Marijuana" shall not include: (1) The mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced 327 from the stalks, oil, or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of the mature stalks, fiber, oil, or cake made from the seeds of the plant or the sterilized seed of the plant that is incapable of germination; (2) Hemp; or (3) The weight of any other ingredient combined with marijuana to prepare topical or oral administrations, food, drink or other products. "Marijuana accessories ", equipment, products, devices or materials of any kind that are intended or designed for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing marijuana into the human body. "Marijuana cultivator ", an entity licensed to cultivate, process and package marijuana, to deliver marijuana to recreational marijuana establishments and to transfer marijuana to other recreational marijuana establishments, but not to consumers. "Marijuana product manufacturer ", an entity licensed to obtain, manufacture, process and package marijuana and marijuana products, to deliver marijuana and marijuana products to recreational marijuana establishments and to transfer marijuana and marijuana products to other recreational marijuana establishments, but not to consumers. "Marijuana products ", products that have been manufactured and contain marijuana or an extract from marijuana, including concentrated forms of marijuana and products composed of marijuana and other ingredients that are intended for use or consumption, including edible products, beverages, topical products, ointments, oils and tinctures. "Marijuana testing facility ", an entity licensed to test marijuana and marijuana products, including certification for potency and the presence of contaminants. "Marijuana retailer ", an entity licensed to purchase and deliver marijuana and marijuana products from recreational marijuana establishments and to deliver, sell or otherwise transfer marijuana and marijuana products to recreational marijuana establishments and to consumers. "Process" or "processing ", to harvest, dry, cure, trim and separate parts of the marijuana plant by manual or mechanical means, except it shall not include manufacture as defined in subsection (f) of this section. 328 "Recreational marijuana establishment ", a marijuana cultivator, marijuana testing facility, marijuana product manufacturer, marijuana retailer or any other type of licensed marijuana- related business. 3. Temporary Moratorium. For the reasons set forth above and notwithstanding any other provision of the Zoning Ordinances to the contrary, the City hereby implements a temporary moratorium on the use of any and all land or structures for Recreational Marijuana Establishments. The moratorium shall be in effect through December 31, 2018. During the moratorium period, the City shall undertake a planning process which: - addresses the potential impacts of recreational marijuana in the City; - considers the Cannabis Control Commission's regulations regarding Recreational Marijuana Establishments and related uses; - considers any updates or changes to Massachusetts General Laws regarding the use of marijuana; - considers public safety implications, if any, of Recreational Marijuana Establishments; - considers the appropriate locations within the City, if any, for the various types of licensed Recreational Marijuana Establishments; and - develops and adopts new provisions of the Zoning Ordinances to address the impact and operation of Recreational Marijuana Establishments and related uses. 4. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are severable. If any provision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person, establishment, or circumstances shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or application of this ordinance. First Reading: 18 April 2017 Second Reading: 5 June 2017 Publication in the Salem News: 9 June 2017 Final Passage: 19 June 2017 Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 Public Hearing: 1. 7.45 PM - #425 — FY2017 Summer Projects Public Hearing Held and closed, referred back to Finance & Property 329 Reports of Committees: #374 The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Joint Public Hearing with the Planning Board — Ground Floor Activated Uses Zoning Amendment, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #374A The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Planning Board Recommendation re #2017 -374 — Ground Floor Activated Uses Zoning Amendment, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying amended Ordinance and recommend its adoption, pending Publication and Final Passage: PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT: ACTIVATED GROUND FLOOR USE The following proposed changes to the proposed zoning amendment for Activated Ground Floor Use in the CC District have been suggested between March 30, 2017 and May 30, 2017. Section 300 -5. Definitions Activated Ground Floor Use, Item (1) — Add "(16) Taxi, rail, bus passenger terminal' as exception to permitted uses by- right. Core Pedestrian Area — Changed "Fayette Street" to "Edwards Street" due to writing error in initial draft. Section 300 -40I. Activated Ground Floor Development Standards (2) Change "hotel' to "hotel /motel' for greater accuracy and broader coverage (5) Add "(windows)" after "transparency. Revise 2n sentence to read: "Dark tinting and completely covered windows should be avoided." (6) Add "Where permitted outside the Core Pedestrian Area," at the beginning of the 2n sentence, before "Residential... " and change "should" to "may ". Add new - (7) On buildings with a zero foot front setback, doorways shall be recessed, at a minimum distance equal to the swing of the door, to add visual character to the street and prevent doors from opening into the sidewalk. Doorways on buildings with greater front setback may also consider a recessed doorway. PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT March 30, 2017 *revised May 30, 2017* The Beverly Planning Department hereby submits a proposed amendment to the Beverly Zoning Ordinance Chapter 300, Article II — Definitions and Article XVII — District Regulations. The following 330 amendments are proposed: Section 300 -5 [Definitions] Add the following new definitions to Section 300 -5. Activated Ground Floor Use Uses that encourage and support pedestrian activity on the ground floor of buildings and meet the Activated Ground Floor Development Standards in Section 300 -40I. They include: (1) Non - residential uses permitted by right in Section 300 -40B except not (11) funeral home, (14) data processing center, etc., (15) printing and publishing establishments, J 16 Taxi, rail, bus passenger terminal; (2) Non - residential uses permitted by special permit according to Section 300 -40C, only including (1)(g) hotel or motel, (1)(h) place of commercial recreation, (1)(m) maker space, and (2)(a) Bed & Breakfast; (3) Lobby and circulation space serving a multi - family dwelling, pursuant to Section 300 -40I; and (4) Open space or area that is accessible to the general public (e.g. pocket park, plaza). In the Core Pedestrian Area, this use does not include any other uses accessible only to residential tenants, or their management, of the same building, including single -unit residential entrances, trash/recycling areas, metering stations and utilities (except fire service stand pipes), delivery and service bays, and other typically back -of -house functions for residential. Drive - through uses are not permitted. Core Pedestrian Area Refers to those parcels within the CC Central Business District that front on (a) either side of Cabot Street (a "Primary Street ") from Elliott Street to Highland Avenue; or (b) either side of Rantoul Street (a "Primary Street ") from Bow Street to Edwards Street; or (c) lower Railroad Avenue and Broadway (both "Primary Streets ") only where they face Odell Park. This area need not be shown on the Zoning Map. Section 300 -40 [CC Central Business District] Amend Section 300 -40.B. Uses by right. Property and buildings shall be used only for the following purposes: B._Uses by right. Property and buildings shall be used only for the following purposes: (3) Mixed -use building containing both commercial and residential (multi - family dwelling) uses, provided: (a) In the Core Pedestrian Area (as defined in Section 300 -5), 100% of the ground floor facing the primary street shall be occupied by an Activated Ground Floor Use (as defined in Section 300 -5) and the use(s) shall meet the Activated Ground Floor Design Standards in Section 300 - 40I. If a specific use is listed separately under Section 300 -40C, the special permit still applies. (b) Outside the Core Pedestrian Area (as defined in Section 300 -5), the ground floor facing the primary street shall be designed to accommodate an Activated Ground Floor Use (as defined in Section 300 -5) and to meet the Activated Ground Floor Design Standards in Section 300 - 40I in anticipation of future market demand for non - residential uses. However, while Activated Ground Floor Uses are encouraged, residential uses, including residential units, and any other use permitted by right, may be located on the ground floor. If a specific use is listed separately under Section 300 -40C, the special permit still applies. Amend Section 300- 40C(1). Uses by Special Permit. C. Uses by special permit. L1 The following uses are only allowed by special permit granted by the Planning Board: (a) Multifamily dwelling, apartment house, or mixed -use building that does not meet the standards specified in Section 300- 40B(3). Subject to Subsection H, Special Requirements for Multiple Buildings, if applicable. Add new Section 300 -40I. Activated Ground Floor Development Standards. 331 Section 300 -40I. Activated Ground Floor Development Standards. The development of Activated Ground Floor Uses in the CC District shall be in accordance with the following standards, as well as the Beverly Downtown Design Guidelines and Design Guidelines for Tall Buildings, as applicable: (1) Buildings shall extend across a minimum of 80% of the lot at the frontage on the primary street, allowing for vehicular and pedestrian circulation. Public open space at the sidewalk may be included in the 80% if a building is located behind it. (2) No more than 25% of the ground floor space in the building facing the primary street can support any combination of residential lobby and residential circulation, private open space, and/or hotel /motel uses, in the Core Pedestrian Area. (3) Uses on the ground floor shall have no less than 25 feet of building depth (or the full depth of the building, whichever is less). (4) The floor to floor height of ground floors shall be no less than 12 feet in all mixed -use buildings in the CC District, regardless of residential use on the ground floor. Floor to floor heights may be adapted to accommodate grade changes along the street as necessary. (5) In the Core Pedestrian Area, the glazing /transparency (windows) of the facade shall extend for 70% of the facade width, between 2 feet and 10 feet from the sidewalk grade. Dark tinting and completely covered windows should be avoided. (6) On ground floors facing primary streets, doorways shall open directly to the sidewalk. Where permitted outside the Core Pedestrian Area, residential units on the ground floor may open to the sidewalk where feasible. (7) On buildings with a zero foot front setback, doorways shall be recessed, at a minimum distance equal to the swing of the door, to add visual character to the street and prevent doors from opening onto the sidewalk. Doorways on buildings with greater front setback may also consider a recessed doorway. Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #418 The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Application — Class II Motor Vehicle License — Cabot Fuels Auto Repair, Inc., 449 Cabot Street, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the License be Granted Order read once and adopted — Vote: 8 -1 (Councilor Houseman opposed) #427 The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor — Reappointment — Constable — Mark S. lanuzzi, 29 Granite Street, Peabody, MA, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit. Recommend the Council approve the Request Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #428 The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor — Reappointments — Conservation Commission — Christine Bertoni, 62 Hart Street; Jenna Pirrotta, 94 Brimbal Avenue; Richard Grandoni, 58 Neptune Street, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit. Recommend the Council approve the Reappointments. Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 332 #431 The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor — Reappointment — Licensing Board — Richard S. Kelley, 2 Goodwin Road, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit. Recommend the Council approve the Reappointment. Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #432 The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Councilor Martin — Appointment — Open Space & Recreation Committee, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit. Recommend the Council approve the Appointment. Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #447 The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Application — Temporary License to Peddle — 4 of July @ West Beach — Bruce W. Gordon (Balloons & Novelties), have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit. Recommend the License be Granted Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #448 The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Request for Waiver of Alcohol in Public Buildings Ordinance — Sarah Weiss, Beverly Public Library, Saturday, 23 September 2017, Mini -Golf Tournament, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit. Recommend the Council approve the Request Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #438 The Committee on Finance & Property, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor — Grant — MA Council on Aging - $3750 — Aging Mastery Program, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows: Recommend the Council Approve the Request Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #439 The Committee on Finance & Property, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor — Grant — MA Executive Office of Public Safety - $3000 — Beverly Police Department Traffic Enforcement Shifts, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows: 333 Recommend the Council Approve the Request Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #446 The Committee on Finance & Property, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Finance Director — Request for reauthorization of revolving accounts, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows: Recommend the Council Approve the Request Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #425 — Council President had referred this Order back to Finance & Property, however it was voted on the floor in Committee of the Whole Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #429 The Committee on Public Services, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor — Reappointment — Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services — Bruce Doig, for a period of three years, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows: Recommend the Council Approve the Reappointment Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #430 The Committee on Public Services, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor — Reappointment — Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works — Michael Collins, for a period of three years, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows: Recommend the Council Approve the Reappointment Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #414 The Committee on Finance & Property, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor — FY2018 Budget, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows: Recommend the Council Approve the Request Much discussion ensured based on the FY2018 Budget submitted by the Mayor, his Budget Message and subsequent e-mail communication with the Council. Council President proceeded to go through the document line by line and obtain votes on each department, which votes are shown on the copy of the document filed with the Order. The final vote on the entire Budget reflected the Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0. #454 334 Council Vice President Houseman requested that his Resolution be Received and Placed on File Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 Motions and Orders: None Meeting Adjourned: 9:43 PM Attest: D. Wesley Slate, Jr. City Clerk 335 335