BHMA Minutes June 21 2017Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of June 21, 2017 Meeting
Board: Harbor Management Authority
Date: June 21, 2017
Location: Beverly Public Library -Fogg Room
Members Present: Chair Paul Earl, Don Neuman, David Suminsby, Emily
Flaherty, George Simon, Chris D'Alfonso, Scott
Houseman, Rob Dever (Marina Manager)
Members Absent: Rinus Oosthoek, Estelle Rand, Pat McAleer
Others Present: Stephanie Williams, Esq, Chip Nylen, Esq.
Recorder: Brett Bauer
Earl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
Earl announces a change to the agenda. The proposed executive session will be moved ahead of
public input.
Executive Session with Stephanie Williams and Chip Nylen re: City of Beverly v. Beverly
Port Marina, Inc. et al, Essex Superior Court Action No. 1677CV00924 -A
Earl makes a motion to go into executive session. A roll call vote is taken: Flaherty -yes, Simon -
yes, D'Alfonso -yes, Suminsby -yes, Neuman -yes, Houseman -yes, Earl -yes. Executive session
begins at 7:10.
Earl makes a motion to go back into open session. A roll call vote is taken: Flaherty -yes, Simon -
yes, D'Alfonso -yes, Suminsby -yes, Neuman -yes, Houseman -yes, Earl -yes. The executive
session ends at 7:40.
Public Input
Two slip holders are present to discuss some concerns at the recreational marina. When the trash
barrels for the recreational marina fill up, trash is accumulating around the commercial marina.
They asked if additional trash barrels could be installed. Also, they asked if they could store
dinghies on the empty rack spaces since they are no longer allowed to store them on the floats.
Dever responds that they cannot install additional trash barrels or racks on the docks. The two
trash barrels at the top of the ramp will be emptied four days per week. They cannot be locked to
prevent public usage, but they are intended solely for the marina. The dinghy and kayak racks
can be used for a fee.
Dever notes that the card keys for the bathrooms came in today but they are not working
properly. He has a call into the IT department to fix this. A July 10th completion date for the
Harbormaster Building has been announced. The electrical issue with the lights on the floats is
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of June 21, 2017 Meeting
being resolved. The slip holders note that the issue of casting from the apron and the docks has
improved but has not been eliminated.
Approval of Minutes
Neuman motions to approve the May 17, 2017 meeting minutes. Seconded by Simon. All
approved, motion passes unanimously (7 -0).
Project Updates
Pilings Project
Dever reports that the City is comfortable with the revised proposal received from GZA and the
Mayor is prepared to sign -off on it. Major revisions were made to the electrical work proposed,
and the seawall work was changed to painting. Neuman asked about the Bid Solicitation Support
that was removed in the revised proposal and if this was needed. Dever indicated this was an
oversight and will look into it. Earl notes general agreement to the revised proposal. If the HMA
is in general agreement, then no vote is needed. Dever notes that the Lieutenant Governor will
make an appearance during the borings for this project.
Bass River Dredging
The consultant is applying to get extended timelines for this work.
Obear Park
Flaherty and Earl report that this project has been revised. The water access will be cleaned up
and pavers will be installed to make it ADA accessible. A kayak rack will still be installed, but
the bench has been removed from the plans. Flaherty adds that the signs showing allowed uses
have been designed, and the language will change from "please enjoy this public way" to "please
enjoy these water activities ". Earl notes that two bids were obtained and a general contractor has
been selected.
Harbor Building Bathrooms
Earl reports that a cleaning contract for the bathrooms should start on July 1st. The bathrooms
will be cleaned once per day for $22 per day. $5000 has been budgeted for this operating expense
in FYI 8.
Harbor Fest
Earl reports that he has received commitments from food and entertainment vendors. A ribbon
cutting ceremony for the Harbormaster Building is still being considered. Suminsby is working
on the flyer and other promotional materials for the event.
Marina Facilities Report
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of June 21, 2017 Meeting
All of the commercial customers are paid up except for one that has left the marina. All of the
recreational customers have paid up except for two that owe minor amounts.
Financials Report
Earl reports that there is $404,000 in the capital fund, and the fund has increased by $84,000
since the beginning of the year.
Seaport Economic Council Update
Neuman reports that seaport money may be available for potential projects such as the public
pier and the hoist. The City Planner, Aaron Clausen, has stated that he wants to be the point
person for seaport matters. GZA has submitted a preliminary estimate for work that includes
three parts: 1) rebuilt the hoist pier, 2) repairs to the commercial walkway area, 3) repairs to the
public pier. It may be possible to revise the proposal such that the price comes down to $1
million. Neuman will review with the City Planner.
Other Announcements
Earl announce that the HMA is participating in the Massachusetts Local Marina discount
program this year. Customers and members of the HMA can receive a discount card for 10% off
fees of participating marinas.
There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Neuman
makes a motion to adjourn. Simon seconds. Motion to adjourn approved unanimously (7 -0).
The HMA Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.
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