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05-14-15 OSRC MinCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee May 14, 2015 Charlie Mann (Chairperson), David Brewster (Vice Chair), Elizabeth Dunne, Barbara King, Bill Squibb, Marilyn McCrory, David Gardner arrives 7:15 David Long, James Matz, Sandra Stacey Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Miranda Gooding attorney with Glovsky & Glovsky, Chris Weld of Project Adventure Amy Maxner Mann calls the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Principal Items of Business Continued: Proiect Adventure Application for ZBA Variance for lot at Moraine Farm — Discussion with Proiect Adventure Representatives Miranda Gooding, attorney with Glovsky & Glovsky, introduces herself and Chris Weld of Project Adventure (PA). Gooding recaps the May 6 th discussion with the OSRC about PA's application to the ZBA for a variance from frontage for a single family lot and the Committee's letter of opposition and notes that the Committee decided to table the discussion and reschedule to another date to be determined but before the ZBA meeting on May 26. She notes that PA is asking the Committee to retract or withdraw its previous letter opposing the ZBA application. Gooding reviews PA's current situation from a financial and programing perspective. Weld explains that the framework of this endeavor is to work with TTOR and give them the right of first refusal with a 10% discount based on PA's Board approval. Very extension discussion ensues as to all possible options available to PA and hardship criteria required for the variance request. Mann suggests the Committee take a straw poll as to whether the Committee would support PA's application to the ZBA. • Gardner is opposed • Brewster is neutral • Mann is opposed • Dunne is neutral Open Space & Recreation Committee May 14, 2015 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 • King is opposed • McCrory is opposed • Squibb is neutral Mann summarizes that there are 4 opposed and 3 neutral. Gardner moves to rescind the OSRC's previous vote and resulting letter to oppose the variance. Seconded by Squibb. The motion fails 2 -5 -1 with Dunne and Squibb in favor, and King, McCrory, Mann and Gardner opposed and Brewster abstaining. King moves to re -word the OSRC's letter submitted to the ZBA to delete the language "strongly opposed" and insert language emphasizing the Committee's mission for preserving open space. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 7 -0, all members in favor. Other Business 7 -Year Action Plan in Open Space & Recreation Plan Discussion ensues as to Ward parcel priorities. Member suggest the specific parcel references be taken out and remove school population in the criteria section. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Dunne moves to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. Seconded by King. The motion carries 7 -0. The next regular meeting of the Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at City Hall, 3r Floor Conference Room at 7:00 p.m.