BHMA Minutes May 17 2017Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of May 17, 2017 Meeting
Harbor Management Authority
May 17, 2017
Beverly Public Library -Fogg Room
Members Present:
Chair Paul Earl, Don Neuman, David Suminsby, Pat
McAleer, Emily Flaherty, Rinus Oosthoek, George Simon,
Estelle Rand, Rob Dever (Marina Manager)
Members Absent:
Chris D'Alfonso, Scott Houseman
Others Present:
Aaron Clausen (City Planner), Greg Howard
Brett Bauer
Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Discussion with Aaron Clausen, Beverly Planning Director about HMA projects
Municipal Harbor Plan
Clausen discusses how the Municipal Harbor Plan can work to create the type of waterfront the
City wants. They are looking at the potential for altering the Federal Channel boundaries and
changes to Chapter 91 in order to meet the development needs for the waterfront. A consultant
will be utilized and an RFP for this is going out. Earl notes that the HMA can provide comments
on the RFP if it is shared with the group. Clausen states that an Advisory Committee will be
formed to guide the planning process and he would like to see at least one or two members from
the HMA included. Clausen notes they are also looking to incorporate the conclusions of the
Coastal Resiliency Plan. McAleer asks if there are any particular waterfronts they are looking at
to serve as models. Clause responds that they are looking at other cities for precedent, but are not
aiming to model any particular city's waterfront. Simon asks if there are any plans for the
National Grid substation. Clausen responds that this will likely not change or move. National
Grid has no interest in moving the substation or their parking lot from this location. But Clausen
notes that the parking lot may be a future redevelopment opportunity.
Piling Project
The grant received from the seaport council is $400,000 and was intended to cover work to
replace the pilings. Dever reports that an amendment to the GZA contract was recently received
to include $20,000 for boring samples, testing electrical wires and painting the seawall. Neuman
expresses concerns that the project was originally estimated at $250,000 and has escalated to
$500,000. He asks why this work was not included in the original bid since the original estimate
is what drove the grant amount and they could have sought a larger grant. Dever responds that it
is important to do the project right and cost escalation is typical in every project. The Seaport
grant came along unexpectedly and the design at the time was submitted. Earl, Simon and
Oosthoek also comment that it appears the boring work should have been included in the original
bid. Dever adds that this work could save money on the next bids to come in as we will be better
informed accounting for the unknown. Oosthoek asks if the boring work could be included in the
RFP for the next work bids. Flaherty asks if there is any benefit to knowing the results of the
boring before putting out the next RFP. McAleer comments that every contractor in this industry
communicates with each other and knows the last driving of piles was challenging. Clausen
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of May 17, 2017 Meeting
notes that the grant requires construction to begin by November. Earl states that an option "A" is
to have GZA do a sample of the borings, not all of them, to be better informed in preparing the
next RFP. Flaherty asks if there are geological maps to provide this information. Dever responds
that they tried to find results of past borings. Earl asks how long the RFP needs to be out?
Clausen responds it should be out three weeks but it could be less. The intent of front loading the
bid process was to get better pricing by allowing contractors to schedule the work in advance.
Earl states that an option "B" is to include the boring in the next RFP. Dever adds that an
additional cost in the GZA amendment is to engineer and coat the seawall in sheet metal, but that
it has always been painted in the past at a lesser cost. Earl asks if Dever can question GZA about
the amendment in terms of some work not being needed and some of the cost escalations. Earl
adds that a vote will be held at June's meeting to determine the options chosen.
Congress Street Project
Clausen states that conversations about the Ventron Site / Beverly Crossing project are stalled
between the developer and the landowner. Earl notes that they will need to request a one -year
extension to the grant for the pocket park.
Glover Wharf
Clausen states that the City is working with a broker to help find restaurants that want to locate
here. The broker has recommended finding a developer - restauranteur team. There has been some
interest. An RFP may go out soon. From a previous RFP, it was found that the public
accommodations requirements were problematic in securing a developer. There may be some
relief to these requirements. Simon asks how will the McDonald's building play into this.
Clausen responds that it depends on the developer but the RFP will not have any specific
Coastal Resiliency Plan
Clausen encourages attendance at the final meeting.
Gruppe Mural
Oosthoek asks what the City's plan for the Gruppe Mural is. Clausen responds that conversations
with the Mayor are continuing but there are no conclusions.
Rand mentions that the mural project for under the bridge is at the permitting stage.
Approval of Minutes
Oosthoek motions to approve the April, 2017 meeting minutes. Seconded by Neuman. All
approved, motion passes unanimously (8 -0).
Facilities Committee Report
Dever reports that Cignet came yesterday. The card keys are being made and should be available
to recreational slip holders before Memorial Day weekend. Oosthoek notes that the process for
lost or non - working card keys should be clarified.
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of May 17, 2017 Meeting
Earl asks when the Harbormaster will be moving into the new Harbormaster building? Dever
responds that the carpeting and flooring are still needed. Completion is anticipated before the end
of the month.
Dever reports that all recreational slips are occupied. With the exception of a few partial
payments, all slip fees are paid in full. Earl asks if the dinghies and kayaks are causing problems.
Dever responds no. Neuman asks if there are commercial tenants that still have not paid. Earl
responds that these agreements are on different payment schedules. Dever states that there are no
other problems to report.
Financials Report
Earl is still seeking clarification on some of the budget spreadsheet line items.
Draft Budget
Earl received input on how to adjust the estimates for the HMAs expenses. He suggests moving
money from "other projects" to "Professional Services - Piles Project (GZA)" after learning
about the $22,000 contract amendment from GZA. Grant money will be allocated in a separate
section, but Earl will inquire as to the reasoning for this again.
Neuman motions to approve the proposed budget with the amendment that $22,000 is moved
from "other projects" to "Professional Services - Piles Project (GZA)." Seconded by Rand. All
approved, motion passes unanimously (8 -0).
Harbor Fest
Earl asks committee members to help promote the Harbor Fest this year. He would like to see
more promotion on Facebook. Oosthoek suggests a ribbon - cutting ceremony at this event for the
Harbormaster building.
Grant Opportunities
Flaherty reports that the Obear Park project is moving along. Earl says he met with Amy Maxner
from the planning department and she will see if the ConComm process can be sped up.
Neuman comments that knowing the Seaport Economic Council has money and gives grants,
perhaps the committee should consider using this money for improvements to the big pier or
adding a float to the end. Suminsby thought this source of grant money could be used for
dredging the Bass River. Dever adds that he thought the plan was to use this source of grant
money on the commercial hoist pier. Earl concludes that clarification should be sought on what
this money can be used for. Neuman notes his concern that a year of grant opportunities may be
missed while waiting on a planning process.
Earl reports that the "No Camping" sign is up. Flaherty adds that the allowed -use signs have
been designed and the first ones may go up at Obear Park.
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of May 17, 2017 Meeting
Striper Blitz Fundraiser
The organizers of this tournament had their permits approved.
There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening,
Oosthoek makes a motion to adjourn. Suminsby seconds. Motion to adjourn approved
unanimously (8 -0).
The HMA Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.
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