BHMA Minutes April 19 2017Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of April 19, 2017 Meeting
Harbor Management Authority
April 19, 2017
Beverly Public Library -Fogg Room
Members Present:
Chair Paul Earl, Don Neuman, Emily Flaherty, Chris
D'Alfonso, Rinus Oosthoek, George Simon, Scott
Houseman, Rob Dever (Marina Manager)
Members Absent:
David Suminsby, Pat McAleer, Estelle Rand
Others Present:
Kevin Harutunian (Mayor's Office)
Brett Bauer
Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
No- Camping Signs at Glover Wharf
Harutunian explains that the Community Impact Unit was dispatched to respond to reports of
homeless persons occupying the parking lot at Glover Wharf. The City recently passed a no-
camping ordinance. The City Solicitor and the Police have agreed on language for signs that will
notify people of the no- camping ordinance. One sign is currently proposed for the parking lot of
Glover Wharf, but two signs could be considered. Harutunian responds to the the committee's
concerns about the language being too negative by noting that enforcement of the ordinance will
be facilitated by making the message very clear and direct, and that the City is also aiming for
consistency in this signage at other public spaces. Neuman states that a lot of effort was put into
starting the message with "Please Enjoy ". Harutunian asks where the signage for the Glover
Wharf parking lot starts. Earl responds that it starts at the Harbormaster building. Harutunian
says there may be an opportunity there for a more welcoming sign. Flaherty notes that a sign has
been designed with city sign staff to indicte allowed uses. Flaherty also states her concerns for
sign pollution. Harutunian is open to adding the message to the allowed uses sign, as long as the
message, "No Camping" or "No Campers ", be firm and that the installation happens quickly.
Harutunian can order the no- camping sign tomorrow and have it installed as soon as possible. He
makes a suggestion to match the sign in the Commons, but to make the color blue. Flaherty feels
that two separate signs may be more appropriate, as the intent of the proposed sign with city sign
staff is really for way finding. Flaherty will forward the proposed sign to Harutunian and work
with him to determine the appropriate size. But two separate signs will be installed and a no-
camping sign will be installed first.
Approval of Minutes
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of April 19, 2017 Meeting
Oosthoek motions to approve the March, 2017 meeting minutes. Seconded by Simon. All
approved, motion passes unanimously (7 -0).
Facilities Committee Report
Dever reports that the water is on at the recreational marina. Some damage to the concrete will
be patched. GZA will test the cables to repair the electrical supply.
Earl asks when the Harbormaster will move into the new building. Dever reports that the
painting is done, the tiles and carpet will go in next. Railings on the deck are also needed. They
are still waiting on Cignet to get the door card keys finished and operational. This involves
addressing the computer system. Earl asks how /if Cignet can be pressured to respond and
complete the job. Neuman asks if mechanical keys can be distributed so that the bathrooms can
at least be used. Dever responds that the problem is someone could walk into an occupied
bathroom, and any internal slide bolts would need to be handicap accessible.
Earl asks for a ballpark estimate on the costs to finish the Harbormaster building. Dever responds
approximately $15,000. Neuman asks why the expense of the Harbormaster building is coming
from the HMA's budget, as there will be no space in the new building for the HMA. Oosthoek
feels the building should be finished as soon as possible despite the costs. Earl notes that the
utility costs for the building will come from the Harbormaster's budget once the building is
finished. The HMA pays the portion of the utility costs attributed to the marina. The question is
what share of the money should the HMA be paying. Oosthoek feels there is value in having a
conversation with the mayor about the last $15,000 in the budget to complete the building. Earl
notes this can be discussed as the budget does not need to be approved until May.
Earl notes that three recreational customers have paid nothing and 5 have also not returned
signed contracts. A letter went out in early April. Another letter will be sent with a time period
stipulated. Dever says he will call these customers. Neuman asks what will happen after the
phone call to the three customers. Earl says that if no payment or contract is received by May 1,
they can then offer the slip to those on the waiting list. Dever notes that some on the waiting list
have gone to other marinas and some are unwilling to pay the extra fee amount for a larger slip
than needed. Earl concludes that if the three delinquent customers return a signed contract but
have not paid the fee, them they can enforce the $200 late fee.
Earl reports that the dinghy and kayak racks are filling up. In terms of the questions about dinghy
storage for recreational customers and the change in language in their contract, there are three
feasible places for storage: by the gate, in front of the commercial marina by the Harbormaster
building, and in the slip if agreed upon with the neighboring slip - holder. Dever feels that if the
dinghy is not being used for a week or more, it should be kept on the boat. Flaherty and
D'Alfonso note that other marinas have a full -time manager to facilitate communication among
slip - holders and keep track of when they will be away for extended periods of time. Earl
highlights that the section of the contract that prohibits dinghy storage in the water is what is up
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of April 19, 2017 Meeting
for discussion. Since the language has already been changed for this year, lets see how it plays
out over the season. Earl will add "Dinghy Storage" to the agenda under Facilities Report for
every meeting during the season as a check -in.
Financials Report
Earl reports that there is currently $384,000 in the capital fund. They started the year with
$320,000. There is still some revenue to collect, but expenses are also only half -way in. HMA
should add approximately $30,000 to the fund this year. Oosthoek asks if this can be used to do
repairs. Dever responds that the money can be used to replace some of the planks on the pier.
Neuman asks what the $10,000 for marina operating expenses are, along with some other line
items. Earl responds that he is still seeking clarification on some line items and that Bryant has
not provided all the details yet.
Earl distributes the draft budget for 2018. He notes that some assumptions need adjustments.
Also, there is no revenue noted for the winter slips because of the pilings project that will occur.
Oosthoek suggests not lowering the expenses on the budget, as it can be harder to get the budget
for them increased if needed. He would aim for a flexible budget. Neuman agrees with Oosthoek
and states that we should increase the budget for projects in which the costs are uncertain, as well
as the bathroom cleaning. Oosthoek notes that City Council approval is needed for operating
expenditures that are over budget, but not for capital expenditures. Based on a conversation with
the City Planner, the Planning Department has increased interest in grant money involving
projects at the waterfront. Oosthoek adds that this should still be added as capital revenue. Some
minor edits to the budget will be made and the final budget approved for submission at the May
Striper Blitz Fundraiser
The organizers of this tournament would like to serve beer after the event. They will need a one-
day permit from the licensing board, a waiver from City Council for open- container laws, and an
insurance waiver. They will also need a plan in place for all of the logistics. The HMA has
approved the event but the fundraiser organizers are responsible for all the party planning and
Other News
An informational brochure about the Harbor Management Authority is distributed. A copy of the
brochure can be put on the website.
The City Planner, Aaron Clausen, will be at the May meeting.
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of April 19, 2017 Meeting
There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening,
Oosthoek makes a motion to adjourn, D'Alfonso seconds. Motion to adjourn approved
unanimously (7 -0).
The HMA Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.
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