Minutes - Regular Meeting Monday 21 February 2017Regular Meeting - Beverly City Council, Beverly, MA MINUTES — Tuesday, 21 February 2017 @ 7:00 PM Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3r Floor, Council Chamber Called to Order @ 7:00 PM Roll Call: John P. Frates Jr., Scott D. Houseman -Vice President, David J. Lang, James F. Latter, Donald G. Martin, Estelle M. Rand, Matthew J. St. Hilaire, Jason C. Silva, Paul M. Guanci- President. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Council Vice President: Houseman Presentations, Awards & Memorials: None Public Hearings: None Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting: 1. Monday, 6 February 2017 — Regular Meeting Vote to Accept: 9 -0 Communications from His Honor the Mayor: #328 February 21, 2017 The Honorable City Council City of Beverly 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Re: Parking and Traffic Commission Ordinance Amendment Dear Honorable Council: I am writing in support of the attached amendment to the Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Ordinance that has been presented to the Council for approval. The two additional appointments to the Commission proposed by this amendment will lend experienced voices to the Commission's efforts to improve transportation throughout the City. I wholeheartedly support this measure and urge the Council to take swift action to approve it. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs 238 #28OA February 21, 2017 The Honorable City Council 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint subject to your review and recommendation the followings citizens to serve on the Veterans' Advisory Committee: Mr. Jerome Guilebbe 26 Vine Street, Beverly March 1, 2020 Mr. Ronald Genest 9 Vineyard St., Danvers March 1, 2020 Mr. Timothy C. Smith 13A Folger Avenue, Beverly March 1, 2020 Mr. Chuck Clark 55 Juniper Street, Beverly March 1, 2019 Mr. Donald O'Connor 20 Haskell St., Beverly March 1, 2019 Mr. Robert Laws 245 Elliott Street, 4107, Beverly March 1, 2019 Mr. David Richardson 91 Standley Street, Beverly March 1, 2019 Det. Darlene Prinz 191 Cabot Street, Beverly March 1, 2018 Mr. Charles Rehal 245 Elliott Street, 4102, Beverly March 1, 2018 Mr. Paul Weinberg 39 Abbott Street, Beverly March 1, 2018 Ms. Susan Moran 2 Bates Park Avenue, Beverly March 1, 2018 Their terms are to be effective as noted above. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Public Services #329 February 21, 2017 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: The City is well underway with the construction of our new Beverly Middle School. As we finalize many design details, we have spent significant time reviewing options for the two playing fields that will be built on the site. Based on that review, I request the City Council approve a loan order for $1M to construct a turf field on site. It is anticipated that some to all of this cost may ultimately be absorbed within the existing Middle School construction budget, and this loan will not be necessary. However, since the field needs to be constructed this year and potential savings within the project budget won't yet be confirmed, it is necessary to identify and commit this additional loan amount in order to proceed. We look forward to discussing this opportunity in detail at an upcoming public hearing. This loan order will require a public hearing be set prior to any final action of the City Council. 239 Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Finance & Property to Set a Public Hearing Council President entertained a Motion to accept a Late File from His Honor the Mayor — Approved — Vote: 9 -0 LATE FILE - #333 February 21, 2017 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation Mr. George Binns, 51 Baker Avenue, Beverly to serve as the Mayoral Appointee to the Parking and Traffic Commission. His term is to be effective from March 1, 2017 until March 1, 2020. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs Communications from other City Officers & Boards: #270A Parking & Traffic Commission Response — Councilor Frates Stop Sign request @ Landers Drive & Middlebury Lane Referred to Legal Affairs #211 B Planning Board response to Proposed Zoning Amendment #300 -38 — Folly Hill Referred to Legal Affairs #319A Planning Board Approval of OSRD (Sunnycrest Circle) 240 Referred to Legal Affairs #2896 Planning Board Recommendation (Emily Way f /k/a 44 & 52 Standley Street Referred to Legal Affairs Communications, Applications & Petitions: #330 Application for 1 additional Amusement Device license (Pickled Onion) Referred to Legal Affairs #331 Application for 2 additional Livery licenses (Tristar Vehicle Leasing Inc.) Referred to Legal Affairs #332 FY 2016 Financial Report (Powers & Sullivan) Referred to Finance & Property Motions and Orders: None Reports of Committees: #329 The Committee on Finance & Property, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor BMS Loan Order for $1 M to construct a turf field — Public Hearing to be set, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying Order and recommend its adoption: Ordered: That the City Council of the City of Beverly hold a Public Hearing on Monday March 6, 2017 at 7:30 PM at City Hall 191 Cabot St., 3 "d floor Council Chamber, Beverly, MA. relative to the City appropriating the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) to pay costs of designing and constructing a turf athletic field at the new Beverly Middle School, to be located on Cabot Street, in Beverly, Massachusetts, and for the payment of all other costs incidental and related thereto, and to meet said appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow said sum under M.G.L. Chapter 44, or any other enabling authority and that the Mayor is 241 authorized to take any other action necessary to carry out this project. Any premium received by the City upon the sale of any bonds or notes approved by this vote, less any such premium applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such bonds or notes, may be applied to the payment of costs approved by this vote in accordance with Chapter 44, Section 20 of the General Laws, thereby reducing the amount authorized to be borrowed to pay such costs by a like amount. Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0. #330 The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Application for 1 additional Amusement Device License @ the Pickled Onion, 355 Rantoul St. have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows: Recommend the License be granted Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #331 The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Application for 2 additional Livery Licenses for Tristar Vehicle Leasing INC, 100 Cummings Ctr. #220G, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows: Recommend the Licenses be granted Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0 #270A The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Parking & Traffic Commission regarding amendment of ordinance relative to Stop Sign @ Intersection of Middlebury Lane & Landers Dr., have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows: Receive and Place on File as it was a duplicate Order from two years ago that was passed and approved, and the sign is in the process of being installed. Councilor Frates suggested a lot of confusion, and asked that the Order reflect his discussion with Rich Benevento, Chair of the Parking & Traffic Commission, that the sign should actually be placed at the intersection of Middlebury Lane and Landers Drive, in front of 65 Middlebury Lane where it had been previously marked. Council President suggested that it be sent back to Committee to be redone, Motion made but not seconded so it failed. Councilor St.Hilaire suggested the Order be Amended to reflect the other location. Councilor Houseman asked since Committee had reported the Order out to be Received and Placed on File, could the Council Amend it at this level, Council President ruled that it could, so Councilor Frates suggested an Amendment that the sign be placed at the intersection of Middlebury Lane and Landers Drive at 65 Middlebury Lane where it had been marked previously. Motion to Amend made and seconded. Amended Order read once and ado — Vote: 9 -0 Unfinished Business: None Meeting Adjourned: 7:30 PM Attest: Helen F. Butler 242 Assistant City Clerk 242