01-04-17 OSRC MinCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Mann opens the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Open Space and Recreation Committee January 4, 2017 Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), Elizabeth Dunne, David Long, Marilyn McCrory, Wayne Miller via telephone David Gardner, Barbara King Darlene Wynne, Assistant Planning Director Jane Dooley Guests: Beverly High School Senior Project Seniors from the Beverly High School express interest in a four -week project /internship that would benefit the City and focus on their future career choices (i.e., engineering). The students are available nearly full time from April 24 to May 19, 2017 to work on project. An appropriate project would be the Greens Hill boardwalk (a 200 hour project) to be built for the trail on the Bass River. The permits and funding are in place for this project. Trailwork has to be finished (i.e., raking, grading and brush clearing). No power tools will be used. The 90' long, 4' wide boardwalk will be constructed on piles and have railings. Many volunteers will work on this structure. Other work in the area is stabilization. The students note that they will need a site guide (aka sponsor or supervisor) to vouch for them doing the work (i.e., 20 hours for each student). The deadline for submitting their proposal is in March. Discussion ensues about additional signage needed at Norwood Pond. The Committee asks the students to develop a schedule of their availability (i.e., hours in the four weeks). The students describe how they have to be involved in a project that meets the High School's project /internship requirements. The students will correspond with Wynne or Mann about what requirements they will need met by the OSRC (i.e., letter). Discussion addresses effort done in the past working toward certifying vernal pools. The students mention that construction of the boardwalk and involvement in the project permitting process would fit their engineering interest. Mann suggests a carpenter could be hired (i.e., for $3,600) to work with the students during weekday times when Committee members are unavailable to oversee the project. OSRC members will be available to assist with the internship project on weekends. Also mentioned was need to clean up pathway behind stores at the Bass River (on Elliott Street) and OSRC members would have to meet with property owners first before such Open Space & Recreation Committee January 4, 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 work would be undertaken. The OSRC notes that the School Committee representative for the ward would be involved in the Greens Hill Project. Signage Grant Application Priscilla Walsh, City Grants Director, is introduced. She and Darlene Wynne discuss OSRC's application for the EEA Recreational Trails Grant for trail wayfinding, trailhead, trail numbering, kiosk signage and maps for Beverly trails. Discussion ensues about gathering latitude and longitude data for the signs as well as need for photographs of potential locations. Graphics have been or will be provided to a vendor who will develop a price estimate and a mock -up of sign design. It is necessary to seek the best price. The vendor designated currently has graphics for kiosks. None of the trails have national designation. The application has to be submitted by February 1, 2017. Discussion addresses in -kind time and labor as well as financial donations. Information will have to be provided about if there is any adjacency to historic or wetland areas. Details will also be given on what new signs will require new digging for installation. Also mentioned was importance of support letters from community groups that would be interested in public access for using the trails (i.e., ECGA, birders, equestrians, mountain bikers, runners, dog walkers, YMCA, School Department, and Scouts). Narrative will include specifics about the mapping (G.I. S. manager Roland Adams can assist). Photographs for application submission will include signage location and possibly signs that are worn out and need replacement. Walsh will manage the compilation of information, editing, and submitting the application. Discussion ensues about who will determine longitude /latitude information for signage locations (i.e., Dunne), provide photographs, create draft support letters, and get a high quality file of frog graphic. Approval of Previous Minutes Brewster moves to approve the December 7, 2016 minutes as amended. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 5 -0 -1 with Dunne abstaining. Principal Items of Business Priority Parcel List — Subcommittee Report on Activities Mann reports that Mayor and Aaron Clausen did a site walk of Tanzella Hill relative to the City potentially acquiring the parcel for open space and there is some interest by City officials. Next steps are under review. Encroachment Protocol — Update on progress A meeting occurred with City Solicitor Stephanie Williams, Wynne, Mann and Clausen on this matter. The City is open to having a protocol for dealing with encroachment but the Solicitor's Open Space & Recreation Committee January 4, 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 office is opposed to having a specific timeline. Discussion ensues about draft encroachment protocol policy verbiage and how the policy should be implemented Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report on Activities Discussion addresses when CPA project pre - applications need to be submitted to CPC by January 20, 2017. Discussion ensues about how a commitment is needed from the City that acquisition of open space parcel is an eligible project it wants to do and possible dollar amounts. Planning Board — Representative Report on Activities No activities to report. Coastal Resiliency Grant - Representative Report on Activities Wynne announces that the City has received a grant and hired BSC Group to assess coastal resiliency and infrastructure actions the City can take related to climate change. An Advisory Group has been established and includes David Gardner from the OSRC. Three public workshops will be held in January, March and May that will be interactive and meant to engage the public using various tools. Data analysis and modeling have been done. Other Business & Updates Bass River Walkway Discussion ensues about need for OSRC members to speak to owners with property along the edge of the Bass River relative to walkway. Sylvan's Bench Harbor Management Authority is interested in helping out with this bench project in memory of Sylvan Menezes. Discussion ensues about where a cast bronze plaque commemorating Sylvan could be located. Community Gardens Discussion addresses status of interest in getting community gardens located on Standley Street. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, McCrory moves to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Seconded by Dunne. The motion carries 6 -0. The next meeting of the Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at City Hall, 3 d Floor Conference Room at 7:00 p.m.