Approved HRC Minutes 11 3 16 2Beverly Human Rights Committee
Draft Minutes
November 3, 2016
BOARD OR COMMISSION: Beverly Human Rights Committee
DATE: November 3, 2016
LOCATION: Conference Room B Third Floor City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Leah Jones, Chair, Rabbi Allison Adler, Beverly Police
Chief LaLecheur, Superintendent of School Steve Hiersche,
Renee Gagnon, Paul Lanzikos, Esther Ngotho, Megan
DeFranza and Salvatore DiMercurio
RECORDER: Eileen Sacco
Ms. Jones calls the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
ADUroval of Minutes
The minutes of the Beverly Human Rights Committee meetings held on October 6, 2016 were
presented for approval.
Megan DeFranza moved to approve the minutes of October 6, 2016 meeting as presented. Supt.
Hiersche seconds the motion. The motion carried.
Issues for Attention
Meeting with President Immerman and President Wylie
Mr. Lanzikos reported that President Immerman is unable to join the Committee this morning. He
states that he would like to have both President Immerman and President Wiley meet with the
Committee together. He suggests that someone contact their assistants and try to coordinate a time
for them. Ms. Gagnon stated that she would contact them.
Mission and Goal Setting
Dr. Hiersche suggested tentative dates for meetings to draft the mission statement and goals of the
Human Rights Committee. He stated that he has a couple of people in mind who could facilitate
this. He noted that he would like to get an idea of how much time will be needed for this and set
aside some time for the meetings.
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Beverly Human Rights Committee
Draft Minutes
November 3, 2016
Mr. Lanzikos suggested that one of the things he would like to talk with the college presidents
about is the possibility of getting an intern for the Human Rights Committee. He notes that an
intern with a technology background would be helpful to frame the message and story of the HRC.
Chief LaLecheur states that he takes interns from all the colleges noting Salem State University,
Endicott College, School of Communication and suggests that maybe we could reach out to them
as they are always looking for placements for students.
Mr. Lanzikos states that he has a contact at Montserrat that could be contacted. Ms. Jones to follow
Black History Month and Woman's History Month
Ms. Jones states that she had a discussion with Councilor Rand who suggested that the
Committee's idea for celebrating citizens Beverly with pictures and quotes be done for Black
History month and Woman's History month. She suggested that an intern could be helpful in
putting this together.
Social Media / Facebook Page Status
Ms. Jones noted that the Facebook page is getting noticed and suggests that members share the
page with their friends and colleagues.
The group noted that current events and local events should be noticed there and members should
refrain from communicating back and forth with the public on social media.
Ms. DeFranza reported that there was some graffiti in one of the parks and they followed up with
the police department. She noted that it has been cleaned up.
Chief LaLecheur noted that issues should not be reported on Facebook and stated that it is best to
call the police station to report them.
Current Issues
Ms. Jones noted that there are a lot of issues being raised in this presidential election and questions
if there is anything that the HRC should be thinking about.
Rabbi Adler stated that the Multi Faith Coalition is planning a "Coming Together" event for
November 22, 2016.
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Beverly Human Rights Committee
Draft Minutes
November 3, 2016
Ms. DeFranza also noted that there is an article from NPR — "How to Live Beyond Election" and
suggested that it could be put up on the Facebook page.
Chief LaLecheur cautioned that we need to be sure that the City is staying neutral.
Beverly Department Heads Meeting
Ms. Jones reported that representatives of the HRC have been invited to attend the monthly
Department Head meeting at the end of November. Chief LaLecheur stated that he will be there.
Ms. Jones states that Kevin suggested it would be great if Dr. Hiersche could attend as well. She
explained that the meeting is at 8:45 a.m. and the HRC will have a 10- minute window to address
the department heads. Chief LaLecheur suggested that a 5- minute presentation and 5 minutes for
questions would be good. He noted that there are about 25 people attending the meeting. He
noted that the department heads go around the table and report on projects and events and noted
that printed materials are not necessary. Mr. Lanzikos suggested that it would be a good
opportunity to get email addresses and contact information from people who we may need to
Chief LaLecheur reported that the Trick or Treating was rescheduled to this evening. He also
reported that the first Thursday event at Gloucester Crossing will be held this evening as well. He
also reported that Stephie's Kitchen will be hosting a big turkey dinner for Thanksgiving and the
Holiday Parade will be held on November 27, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.
Rabbi Adler reported that there will be other holiday meals at various church's in Beverly noting
that the church's all take a turn hosting them. She notes that information on them could be posted
on the Facebook page.
Chief LaLecheur reported that he will be attending a program at the North Shore Music Theater —
"No Tolerance for Intolerance" on November 10' and he will be addressing the group and he
intended to include information on the HRC in his presentation.
Martin Luther King Day
Ms. Adler stated that she would like to have some event to recognize Martin Luther King Day and
suggested that members think about ideas for the next meeting.
It was suggested that the public schools be invited to participate noting that teachers are always
doing unique activities with the students.
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Beverly Human Rights Committee
Draft Minutes
November 3, 2016
Next Meeting
Mr. Lanzikos suggested that two meetings be scheduled and allow for three hours. He suggested
that it is hard to schedule before the end of the year and suggested that they be scheduled after the
holidays in January.
Discussion was held regarding moving the December HRC meeting date. It was suggested that a
community conversation and brainstorming meeting be held at the Beverly Public Library on
Winter Street on December 5t' from 6 -9 p.m., with a meet and greet at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting to
follow. The purpose of this meeting will be to gather community perspectives on human rights to
feed into the vision and goal setting sessions to be facilitated in the new year. This will allow for a
more representative vision setting process.
Chief LaLecheur will reserve the room and Renee will work with vendors to get coffee and snacks.
A few members will meet to outline the community conversation, after which the whole group will
agree on the structure and content prior to the meeting.
It was suggested that in addition to the community meeting the HRC may want to think about
doing an online survey to get an idea of what people would like incorporated into the HRC vision
and value statement.
Lanzikos suggested that member be polled to select dates for the mission and goal setting
It was suggested that the regular meeting scheduled for December 1, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. be held as
scheduled to coordinate and finalize the meeting on December 5'
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
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