Minutes - Tuesday 6 September 2016Regular Meeting - Beverly City Council, Beverly, MA
MINUTES — Tuesday, 6 September 2016 @ 7:00 PM
Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3r Floor, Council Chamber
Called to Order @ 7:02 PM
Roll Call: John P. Frates Jr., Scott D. Houseman -Vice President, David J. Lang, James F.
Latter, Donald G. Martin, Estelle M. Rand, Matthew J. St.Hilaire, Jason C. Silva, Paul M. Guanci-
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Councilor Martin
The Council President requested a Moment of Silence for Dr. Mayo Johnson,
longtime Member of the Conservation Commission and the BPD Citizens
Advisory Committee
Comments by Citizens (subject to the conditions contained in
Appendix A to the "Rules and Orders "): None
Swearing -In: Tyler J. Simpson, Firefighter, BFD
Resolutions: #192 — Beverly Williamsport Team — Beverly Little
League — Council President entertained a Motion to Approve — Vote: 9 -0
Public Hearings:
1. 7:30 PM - #180 re: CPC's FY2017 Proposed CPA — Public Hearing held & Closed,
Referred back to Finance & Property
Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meetings:
1. Monday, 20 June 2016 — Regular Meeting
2. Wednesday, 6 July 2016 — Special Meeting
3. Tuesday, 2 August 2016 — Special Meeting
4. Tuesday, 16 August 2016 — Special Meeting - Vote to Accept All: 9 -0
Communications from His Honor the Mayor:
September 6, 2016
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I request the authorization for the establishment of a revolving fund to support off -duty
safety work by our Harbormaster staff The fund would allow the City to bill entities
requiring specific safety or patrol coverage and compensate any off duty harbor
employees performing such work. This fund would hold and revenues and expenses
outside of the City general fund and facilitate timely billing and compensation in the
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P Cahill
Referred to Finance & Pro
September 6, 2016
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I request the authorization for the establishment of a special revenue fund to receive and
expend gifts in support of our veterans and veteran related events. The initial gift of
$4,059 from the Beverly Veterans Council would be deposited into the fund upon your
approval of its establishment. The Beverly Veteran's Council would continue to play an
advisory role in the disbursement of these funds which would be held within the City
treasury. I look forward to discussing this request in more detail at your upcoming City
Council meeting.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
Referred to Finance & Pro
September 6, 2016
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I am hereby submitting for your consideration an amended Home Rule Petition seeking
additional liquor licenses for the City of Beverly. I originally submitted a Home Rule
Petition seeking these licenses on June 6, 2016. (Order 123 of 2016) On July 8, 2016,
the order was adopted by the Council, and thereafter, it was filed with the state
legislature. Subsequent to the filing, the legislature determined as a matter of policy that
home rule petitions for liquor licenses should include designated zones for the issuance of
the licenses. We have amended our Petition as such. The purpose of the Petition remains
the same: to promote economic development by allowing for the issuance of additional
licenses at the discretion of the City at locations and to establishments in a thoughtful,
planned manner that will facilitate that goal.
A copy of the Petition is attached herewith.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
Voted, to petition the General Court to enact legislation authorizing the Licensing
Authority of the city of Beverly to grant: (i) 6 additional licenses for the sale of wines and
malt beverages to be drunk on the premises pursuant to section 12 of said chapter 138;
(ii) 3 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the
premises pursuant to said section 12 of said chapter 138; provided, however, that 2 of
these licenses shall be restricted to establishments with seating capacities of not more
than 150 persons; and (iii) 3 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not
to be drunk on the premises pursuant to section 15 of said chapter 138; provided,
however, these licenses shall be restricted to specialty grocery stores as defined in the
proposed special legislation below, all licenses being subject to the terms and conditions
set forth in the proposed special legislation below concerning the payment of an
acquisition fee, the procedure for application for and issuance of licenses and limitations
of transfers, and the creation specific zones in which the licenses may be granted;
provided that the legislature may reasonably vary the form and substance of the requested
legislation within the scope of the general public objectives of this petition.
The purpose of this Petition is to spur economic development by allowing for the
issuance of additional licenses at the discretion of the City at locations and to
establishments in a manner that will facilitate that goal.
A draft of the proposed legislation is set forth herein below:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court
assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follow:
SECTION 1. (a) For the purposes of this act, the word "map" shall refer to the
map entitled "Beverly Proposed Liquor License Area Locations" dated August 12, 2016,
a copy of which is on file at the Beverly City Clerk's Office.
(b) Notwithstanding section 17 of chapter 138 of the General Laws, the licensing
authority of the city of Beverly may grant; (i) 6 additional licenses for the sale of wines
and malt beverages to be drunk on the premises pursuant to section 12 of said chapter
138; (ii) 3 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the
premises pursuant to said section 12 of said chapter 138; provided, however, that 2 of
these licenses shall be restricted to establishments with seating capacities of not more
than 150 persons; and (iii) 3 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not
to be drunk on the premises pursuant to section 15 of said chapter 138; provided,
however, these licenses shall be restricted to specialty grocery stores as defined in
subsection (c). The licensing board may restrict the all alcoholic beverage licenses to a
holders of a common victualler license. The licensing authority of the city of Beverly
may grant the licenses in this Section, subject to the following conditions:
(1) One or more licenses may be granted to establishments within the North
Beverly area, the boundaries of which are shown on the map.
(2) One or more licenses may be granted to establishments within the Route 22
area, the boundaries of which are shown on the map.
(3) One or more licenses may be granted to establishments within the
Farms /Prides area, the boundaries of which are shown on the map.
(4) One or more licenses may be granted to establishments within the Ryal Side
area, the boundaries of which are shown on the map.
(5) One or more licenses may be granted to establishments within the
Downtown /Waterfront area, the boundaries of which are shown on the
(c) For the purposes of this act, "specialty grocery store" shall mean retail food
markets that are limited in scale and offer food provisions including, but not limited to,
fresh produce, dairy, baked goods and meats similar to a delicatessen or green grocer. A
specialty grocery store may include locally -grown or locally -made food and beverages
and may also include prepared food for consumption off the premises.
(d) The licenses issued pursuant to subsection (b) shall be subject to all of said
chapter 138 except said section 17.
SECTION 2. (a) Once a license is granted pursuant to this act, the licensing
authority shall not approve the transfer of the license to any other location or area, but it
may grant the license to a new applicant at the same location and under the same
conditions as specified in this act if the applicant files a letter from the department of
revenue and a letter from the department of unemployment assistance indicating that the
license is in good standing with the those departments and that all applicable taxes, fees
and contributions have been paid.
(b) If a license issued under this act is cancelled, revoked or no longer in use, it
shall be returned physically, with all of the legal rights, privileges, and restrictions
pertaining thereto, to the licensing authority and the licensing authority may then grant
the license to a new applicant at the same location under the same conditions as specified
in this act.
SECTION 3. Notwithstanding sections 12 and 15 of chapter 138 of the General
Laws, a license issued pursuant to this act may be subject to an initial, 1 -time acquisition
fee in an amount to be determined by the city of Beverly which shall be in addition to any
existing annual license fee applicable in the city of Beverly for the sale of wines and malt
beverages to be drunk on the premises, for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk
on premises or for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises, as
the case may be. The initial 1 -time acquisition fee shall be due and payable upon the
original issuance of the license and also upon the issuance of any such license to a new
applicant under this act.
SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Beverly Proposed
Liquor License Area L
Referred to Legal Affairs
The Council President entertained a Motion to Accept 4 Late Files from His Honor
the Mayor — Approved - Vote: 9 -0
LATE FILE - #195
September 6, 2016
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I respectfully request that you approve the attached order accepting the new version of
M.G.L. ch. 32B, section 20 concerning the creation of an Other Post Employment
Benefits (OPEB) trust fund by the City. In April 2015, the Council accepted the then
existing provisions of ch. 32B section 20, which authorized the creation of an OPEB
reserve /stabilization fund. Recently, as part of Governor Baker's Municipal
Modernization Act, ch. 32B, section 20 was amended in order to clarify that
governmental units may establish an OPEB trust fund that complies with the legal
requirements for trusts and with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
The Solicitor's Office has recommended that the City re- accept the statute so that the
City may proceed under the revised language if it chooses to do so.
The revision of the statute is timely because, on October 1, 2016, the City plans to
implement its agreement with seven of the City's bargaining units pursuant to which,
each year, employees will reduce their annual sick leave allotment by one day and the
City, in turn, will deposit the value of each sick day into the City's OPEB trust fund.
Establishing a trust to meet the City's OPEB liability is widely viewed as fiscally
responsible. For your consideration, I am attaching a Memorandum, dated March 10,
2015, prepared by the Finance Director concerning this issue and a copy of the revised
I respectfully request that you commence action on this order at your September 6, 2016
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
Referred to Finance & Property
LATE FILE - #208
September 6, 2016
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby appoint subject to your review and recommendation Ms. Amy Gadbois Garniss,
5 Melvin Avenue, Beverly to serve on the Conservation Commission. She will fulfill the
term of Jay Donnelly, who stepped down.
Her term is to be effective until June 30, 2018.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
Referred to Legal Affairs
LATE FILE - #209
September 6, 2016
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby appoint subject to your review and recommendation Ms. Nancy Houghton, 20
Sohier Road, Apt. 707, Beverly to serve on the Commission on Disabilities.
Her term is to be effective until November 1, 2017.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
Referred to Public Services
LATE FILE - #210
September 6, 2016
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation Mr. Wayne Miller, 5
Pasture Road, Beverly to serve as the Planning Board representative on the Open Space
and Recreation Commission.
His term is to be effective until August 31, 2019.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
Referred to Legal Affairs
Communications from other City Officers & Boards:
Chief, BPD re: Promotions
Receive and Place on File
Councilor Silva re: Council's Auditors
Referred to Finance & Property
Councilor Rand re: Amended Ordinance — H sign — Church Street & YMCA
Referred to Legal Affairs
BPD Traffic /Safety Sergeant re: H Sign — 14 Chestnut Street
Referred to Legal Affairs
Councilor Lang re: Reappointment — OSRC — David Brewster
Approved on the Floor: 9 -0
Council Vice President Houseman re: Reappointment — OSRC — David Gardner
Councilor Martin commented that there is also a position open for a Ward 5
Representative to the OSRC and if any resident of Ward 5 is interested they should
contact him to be considered for appointment.
Approved on the Floor: 9 -0
The Council President entertained a Motion to Accept 4 Late Files from Planning
Director - Approved — Vote: 9 -0
LATE FILE - #211
Planning Director re: Proposed Amendment to the City's Zoning Ordinance —
Section #300 -38 — Set a Joint Public Hearing with the Planning Board
Referred to Legal Affairs and the Planning Board
Council President re: Amended Ordinance — Elected Officials Compensation
Referred to Legal Affairs, and Finance & Property
Communications, Applications & Petitions:
Application — Livery License — Tri -Star Vehicle Leasing — 1 additional vehicle for
total of 24 vehicles
Referred to Legal Affairs
Petition — National Grid re: Set Public Hearing — 102 Cherry Hill Drive & Sam
Fonzo Drive
Referred to Public Services to Set a Public Heari
Petition — National Grid re: Set Public Hearing — 102 Cherry Hill Drive
Referred to Public Services to Set a Public Hearing
.� .,
Petition — National Grid re: Set Public Hearing — 22R Lothrop Street
Referred to Public Services to Set a Public HearinLy
Communication — Manny Barros re: Claim
Receive and Place on File — Approved — Vote: 9 -0
Unfinished Business: None
Final Passage:
The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Councilor
Latter re: Repeal of Parking Ordinance — North Shore Volkswagen, have considered said matter and
beg leave to report as follows:
Submit the accompanying amended Ordinance and recommend its adoption pending Publication
and Final Passage:
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows:
In the year two thousand and sixteen
The following Ordinance is hereby repealed following the closing of the referenced
business, North Shore Volkswagen:
Chapter 270. Vehicles and Traffic
Article VI. Stopping, Standing and Parking Restrictions
#270 -44. Permitted parking.
REPEAL: "Parking shall be allowed in the driveways of North Shore Volkswagen from
9:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and from 6:00 p.m. Saturday until 8:00 a.m.
First Reading: Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Advertised in the Salem News on 27 August 2016
Second Reading: Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Final Passage: Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Order read once and adopted — Vote: 9 -0
Public Hearings:
2. 7:45 PM - #176 re: Appropriation Request for BPBA Contract — Public Hearing held &
Closed, Referred back to Finance & Property
Presentations, Awards and Memorials:
1. Patrick & Lauren Belmonte, "Change is Simple"
Reports of Committees:
The Committee on Finance & Property, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor
re: Appropriation Request for BPBA Contract funding have considered said matter and beg leave to
report as follows:
Recommend the Council Approve the Request
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 8 -1 (Silva opposed).
The Committee on Finance & Property, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — CPC
re: FY2017 Proposed CPA, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows:
Recommend the Council Approve the Request
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Finance & Property, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor
re: Request for new Revolving Account — Off Duty Safety Work - Harbormaster, have considered
said matter and beg leave to report as follows:
Recommend the Council Approve the Request
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Finance & Property, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor
re: Request for new Special Revenue Account — Gifts — Veterans & Veterans' Events, have
considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows:
Submit the accompanying amended Ordinance and recommend its adoption pending Publication
and Final Passage:
Recommend the Council Approve the Request
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Finance & Property, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor
re: Request for Creation of OPEB Trust Fund, have considered said matter and beg leave to report
as follows:
Recommend the Council approve the Request
Council Vice President Houseman raised questions concerning the requirements and control
of the Trust Fund, discussion ensued with City Solicitor and the Finance Director, and
Councilors. Council President entertained a Motion to return the Measure to Committee for
further review
Referred back to Finance and Property - Annroved - Vote: 9 -0
The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Mayor re:
Amended Home Rule Petition for additional Amended Liquor Licenses , have considered said matter
and beg leave to report as follows:
Recommend the Council approve the Request
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
2 nd Readings & Final Passage ( #199 & 200)
The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — Councilor
Rand (Amended Ordinance) re: Additional Handicapped parking Space on the west side of Church
Street behind the Cabot YMCA, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows:
Submit the accompanying amended Ordinance and recommend its adoption pending Publication
and Final Passage:
ORDERED: Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows:
In the year two thousand and sixteen
An Ordinance amending an Ordinance relative to:
Chapter 270: "Vehicles and Traffic ", Section 270 -49 "Off- street parking; handicapped parking ",
Amending Section 270 -49 as follows:
ADD: one additional handicapped accessible parking space to the West side of Church Street
behind the Cabot YMCA.
Ordinance to take effect upon Final Passage.
First Reading: Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Advertise and hold for Final Passage
Second Reading: Monday, 19 September 2016
Final Passage: Monday, 19 September 2016
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Communication — BPD
Traffic /safety Sergeant (Amended Ordinance) re: Additional Handicapped Parking space at 14
Chestnut Street, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows:
Submit the accompanying amended Ordinance and recommend its adoption pending Publication
and Final Passage:
ORDERED: Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows:
In the year two thousand and sixteen
An Ordinance amending an Ordinance relative to:
Chapter 270: "Vehicles and Traffic ", Section 270 -49 "Off- street parking; handicapped parking ",
Amending Section 270 -49 as follows:
ADD: one additional handicapped accessible parking space in front of 14 Chestnut Street
Ordinance to take effect upon Publication and Final Passage.
First Reading: Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Advertise and hold for Final Passage
Second Reading: Monday, 19 September 2016
Final Passage: Monday, 19 September 2016
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of Application — License for 1
Additional Vehicle — Tri -Star Vehicle Leasing, have considered said matter and beg leave to report
as follows:
Recommend the License be Granted
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Legal Affairs, to whom was referred the matter of a LATE FILE Communication —
Planning Director re: Proposed Amendment to the City's Zoning Ordinance — Section #300 -38 (Set a
Joint Public Hearing with the Planning Board), have considered said matter and beg leave to report
as follows:
Submit the accompanying Order and recommend its adoption:
ORDERED: that the Beverly City Council and the Beverly Planning Board will hold a Joint
Public Hearing on Monday, 3 October 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall, 191 Cabot Street — 3 r
Floor, Council Chamber, Beverly, MA, relative to a proposed Amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance 4300 -38 by amending Chapter 300 — Zoning, Article VI: District Regulations as
By deleting Section 300 -38 RSD Special Residential District.
By entering the following amendment on the Zoning Map pursuant to Section 300 -8:
The District designated "RSD" on the Zoning Map of the City of Beverly, Massachusetts, shall be
henceforth designated "R -22" and any and all lots therein shall henceforth be designated as
"R -22" (City of Beverly Tax Assessor Map 40, Lots IA, 45, 46, 47, Map 28, Lot 126, and Map
52 Lot 75).
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Public Services, to whom was referred the matter of Application — National Grid
re: Set a Public Hearing for 102 Cherry Hill & Sam Fonzo Drives, have considered said matter and
beg leave to report as follows:
Submit the accompanying Order and recommend its adoption:
ORDERED: That the City Council of the City of Beverly hold a Public Hearing on
Monday, 19 September 2016 at 7:45 PM at City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3rd floor,
Council Chamber, Beverly, MA relative to a Petition from National Grid to
relocate 1 SO Pole beginning at a point approximately 360 feet Northwest of the
intersection of Cherry Hill Drive and Sam Fonzo Drive and continuing
approximately 56 feet in a Northwest direction.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Public Services, to whom was referred the matter of Application — National Grid
re: Set a Public Hearing For 102 Cherry Hill Drive, have considered said matter and beg leave to
report as follows:
Submit the accompanying Order and recommend its adoption:
ORDERED: That the City Council of the City of Beverly hold a Public Hearing on
Monday, 19 September 2016 at 7:50 PM at City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3rd floor,
Council Chamber, Beverly, MA relative to a Petition from National Grid to install 1
Secondary Handhole approximately 6 feet from base of new pole locatiojn. +/-
1 Oft of 1 -2" conduit will be installed from Handhole to base of street light support.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Public Services, to whom was referred the matter of Application — National Grid
re: Set a Public Hearing for 22R Lothrop Street, have considered said matter and beg leave to report
as follows:
Submit the accompanying Order and recommend its adoption:
ORDERED: That the City Council of the City of Beverly hold a Public Hearing on
Monday, 19 September 2016 at 7:55 PM at City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3rd floor,
Council Chamber, Beverly, MA relative to a Petition from National Grid beginning
at a point approximately 20 feet Northeast of the centerline of the intersection of
Lothrop St and Quincy Park and continuing approximately 210 feet in a
Northwest direction. Conduit will be installed from MH 505 -A ( -2 Oft from
intersection of Lothrop St and Quincy Park) to Public Row entrance ( +/- 35ft)
between 22 and 24 Lothrop St, down Public Row ( +/- 175ft) into proposed
Handhole located in Row approximately 10ft in front of foundation of 22R Lothrop
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
Motions and Orders: None
Meeting Adjourned: 8:56 PM Attest: D. Wesley Slate, Jr.
City Clerk