Minutes - Thursday 9 June 2016Special Meeting - Beverly City Council, Beverly, MA MINUTES — Thursday, June 9, 2016 @ 6:45 PM Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3r Floor, Council Chamber Called to Order @ 6:45 PM Roll Call: John P. Frates Jr (absent), Scott D. Houseman -Vice President, David J. Lang (arrived @ 6:57 PM), James F. Latter, Donald G. Martin, Estelle M. Rand (arrived @ 6:50 PM), Matthew J. St.Hilaire (arrived @ 7:03 PM), Jason C. Silva, Paul M. Guanci- President. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Council Vice President Houseman Public Speakers: None Resolutions: None Presentations, Awards and Memorials: None Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting: None Public Hearings: None Communications from His Honor the Mayor: #133 June 8, 2016 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I respectfully request that you approve a transfer of $255,227 from the FY17 Reserve for Union Negotiations 11324 / 57810 into various departmental budgets as a result of the recently agreed upon Beverly Municipal Employees Association (BMEA) contracts. The terms of the contracts cover the periods of FY2015 through FY2018. As such, a portion of the requested transfer will be allocated to pay retroactive salary adjustments and a portion will be allocated to adjust the FY2017 budgeted salaries for BMEA members. Sufficient funds are available within the reserve account to support this transfer. Please initiate action on this matter at your Special City Council meeting scheduled for Thursday June 9th, 2016. This transfer request will require a public hearing be set prior to a Council vote. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Michael P Cahill Mayor ORDERED: That the City Council of the City of Beverly hold a Public Hearing on Monday, 20 June 2016 at 8:00 PM at City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, Third Floor — Council Chamber, Beverly, MA, relative to a transfer of $255,227 from the FY17 Reserve for Union Negotiations 11324 / 57810 into various departmental budgets as a result of the recently agreed upon Beverly Municipal Employees Association (BMEA) contracts. The terms of the contracts cover the periods of FY2015 through FY2018. As such, a portion of the requested transfer will be allocated to pay retroactive salary adjustments and a portion will be allocated to adjust the 126 FY2017 budgeted salaries for BMEA members. Sufficient funds are available within the reserve account to support this transfer. Order read once & annroved — Vote: 6 -0 #134 June 9, 2016 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation Mr. John Roccio, 4 Somerset Avenue, Beverly to serve on the Beverly License Board. His term is to be effective until June 1, 2022. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs #135 June 9, 2016 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint subject to your review and recommendation Ms. Brenda Wong Murphy, 15 Bertram Street, Beverly to serve on the Beverly Cultural Council. She will complete the term of Caitlin Bogdan who recently resigned. Her term is to be effective until April 30, 2017. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Public Services 127 #136 June 9, 2016 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint subject to your review and recommendation Mr. Peter Gentile, 47 Middlebury Lane, Beverly to serve on the Beverly Airport Commission. He will complete the term of Mr. Peter Skerry who recently resigned. His term is to be effective until December 31, 2017. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Public Services Communications from other City Officers & Boards: #137 School Committee Member — Ward 6 — Lorinda Visnick re: Centerville School Parking Receive and Place on File — Vote: 6 -0 Communications, Applications & Petitions: #138 Application — 2n -Hand Junk Dealers License — Michael R. Denis dba Papas Last Stand, 505 Rantoul Street Referred to Legal Affairs #139 Application for License to Peddle — Ice Cream, Slush, Water — Kerry G. Bontos, 41 Kernwood Drive / Lynn Referred to Legal Affairs 128 #140 Communication - Ryal Side Civic Association — Maureen Troubetaris, Parade Chairperson re: 4th of July Parade Council President Entertained a Motion to Thank Former Councilor Troubetaris for the Invitation, & Receive and Place on File — Vote: 6 -0 Unfinished Business: None Final Passage: None Motions and Orders: None Councilor Silva acknowledged School Committee Member — Ward 6 — Mrs. Lorinda Visnick and Mr. Michael Grassia — 1 Hathaway Avenue in the audience and suggested that they might wish to speak on Order #2016 -137. Councilor Latter suggested Suspending the Rules to allow them to do so — Council President entertained a Motion to Suspend the Rules — Vote: 6 -0. Mrs. Visnick and Mr. Graccia spoke on the subject of her letter and the Council's previous approval of Order #2016 -092 which funded work on the parking lot at the Centerville School. Discussion ensued on the matter. Council President asked Councilor Latter to act on his suggestion to consult with the City Solicitor on the assertion that the process outlined in the Code of Ordinances #270 -50 had not been followed. Councilor Latter agreed to do so. Meeting Adjourned: 7:15 PM Attest: D. Wesley Slate, Jr. City Clerk 129