COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: December 16, 2015
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Marilyn McCrory — Vice
Chair, Heather Richter, Darrien Crimmin, James Matz,
Robert Buchsbaum, Thomas Bussone
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jon Paddol, Henry Pizzo
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planning Amy Maxner
RECORDER: Aileen O'Rourke
McCrory as Acting Chair calls the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
Public Input, O & A with CPC
There were no members of the public present.
Administrative Business
CPA Plan — Draft Sections
McCrory turns attention to the draft CPA Plan
Crimmin explains that he had emailed Maxner a much revised version of the Housing Section
and he will continue to work on this and submit for the next meeting.
Buchsbaum arrives.
Maxner passes around a draft introduction section which includes more information about the
CPA adoption in Beverly, the formation and responsibilities of the CPA Committee, the statutory
requirements of CPA funding, an allowable spending matrix, and how the plan was created and
its purpose. Committee members review and offer initial edits and will email Maxner additional
thoughts before the next meeting. Maxner notes she will also develop a table of contents,
appendices and start to assemble sections.
McCrory provides an update on the Open Space Section. Maxner sent out the Open Space (OS)
section drafted by McCrory via email to all Committee members to provide feedback and edits.
Buchsbaum will send some updated figures to McCrory. There is a CR (conservation restriction)
completed for Norwood Pond and that will be included in the OS section.
McCrory asks if Henry Pizzo has submitted anything for the Recreation Section. Maxner has not
received anything and will send a reminder email to Pizzo and cc Bruce Doig. Crimmin would
like to see a prioritized list of Recreation projects in the plan. McCrory would like to see
existing resources and needs documented with some kind of target demographic or population
considered with a strategy to meet those needs. Matz volunteers to work with Pizzo and Doig to
draft the plan.
McCrory notes that Pearl is working on the Historic Section and she should be arriving to the
meeting shortly.
Members will aim for another iteration of the CPA plan in January.
January Public Informational Hearing
Members discuss the particulars for the upcoming CPC public hearing. Members discuss moving
the public hearing to another venue such as the library to facilitate more of a round table
discussion, with Maxner offering to book space if available. Members brainstorm on methods to
engage the public input and involvement.
Pearl arrives.
Pearl recommends the CPC utilize different media to generate public input, she thinks word
boards in the libraries and City Hall, online solicitation, and making the meeting more of a
workshop are possible approaches.
Round 3 application timeline is reviewed, and members agree to try to get CPC
recommendations to City Council by August 30t Pre - applications will be due by March 4th with
CPC reviewing pre - applications for the March 17t CPC meeting. Full applications will be due
by May 6th with one month for public comment (Jun 6t Maxner will provide applications to
members by May 9th. HDC determination of significance will have to be made before the
February 24t meeting so applicants will need to submit no later than 2 weeks before that
scheduled meeting.
Members discuss the merits of having a rolling pre - application process. It is decided it is best to
give a deadline. The next CPC meeting is scheduled for January 21s' and will be a prep meeting
for the hearing and discussion on the CPA Plan draft. Members agree to hold the public hearing
on February 4t A snow date is set for February l lt Maxner will advertise two weeks
preceding the February 4th hearing. McCrory makes a motion to spend money from
administrative account to cover advertising costs. Bussone seconds. All in favor, motion passes
unanimously (7 -0).
Maxner and Richter agree to coordinate in displaying word boards at the libraries and City Hall
in early January. Richter suggests utilizing the main streets newsletter to advertise the location
of the word boards.
Pearl updates the Committee regarding the Harborlight housing project. Bill Finch, Chair of the
Historic District Commission (HDC) raised an issue with siding installation which is negatively
impacting the historic character of the building. The siding is being applied over a layer of
insulation so the clapboard is raised above the profile of the trim and windows which changes the
texture of the side of the building. The applicant received approval from the Mass historic
Community Preservation Committee
December 16, 2015 Meeting Minutes
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preservation but Finch says he wouldn't have approved the project if he had reviewed it with this
feature. The applicant originally applied under historic preservation but CPC approved it as a
housing project. As a housing project it did not have to fall under the Secretary of Interior
standards to review. But it is a historic project and in the downtown historic district. CPC needs
to decide if HDC should review properties that are considered historic and decide what that
means, for instance, inventoried buildings, buildings in historic districts, buildings 50 years or
older. Perhaps HDC could be part of the advisory process. Crimmin states it is in keeping with
new building codes to do continuous installation. It is decided that at the pre - application level,
applicants with projects involving historic properties or in historic districts, should check in with
the HDC and have them provide guidance on the project.
Crimmin leaves the meeting.
Pearl asks the Committee if the priorities identified in the different sections of the CPA Plan
should be added to the selection criteria and wonders if the evaluation criteria will change if
there are different priorities identified in the plan. Richter suggests reevaluating the criteria in
the next round when the CPA Plan is completed. Members agree they can change the selection
criteria between application rounds.
Administrative Business
Maxner provides a few administrative updates. The Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission MOU
was sent out, they are in the process of reviewing. She notes Ellis Square redesign MOU will
likely need an extension. Greens Hill trail project is waiting on an MOU but also needs to file a
Notice of Intent with the Conservation Commission.
Maxner notes she will work with Bryant Ayles regarding moving money from the General
Reserve Fund to the Housing Reserve.
There are no new updates from the Round 1 projects.
Maxner will also get the CPA signs back from Doig.
Members review the November 24, 2015 CPC meeting minutes and offer edits. Bussone motions
to approve the minutes as amended. Richter Seconds. All in favor, motion passes (6 -0).
Bussone makes a motion to adjourn. Richter seconds. Motion carries unanimously (6 -0). The
December 16, 2015 CPC meeting is adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Community Preservation Committee
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