COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: November 24, 2015
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Marilyn McCrory — Vice
Chair, Robert Buchsbaum, Thomas Bussone, John
Thomson, Heather Richter, Henry Pizzo, Jon Paddol &
Darien Crimmin — arrived at 7:30 p.m.
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planning Amy Maxner Director of Planning
and Community Development Aaron Clausen, Golf and
Tennis Commission Chair, Bill Lowd, Purchasing Agent
David Gelineau, newly appointed CPC member James
Matz — Planning Board representative
RECORDER: Aileen O'Rourke
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Thomson introduces James Matz, who will replace Thomson on the CPC as Planning Board
representative. Members welcome Matz who says a few words and notes he is looking forward
to serving on the CPC.
Consultation and O & A with CPC
Lowd and Gelineau are present to ask for further clarification for the Golf and Tennis project.
Maxner replies the City Council approved the CPC's recommendation and she is currently
working on the MOU. Gelineau asks what category the funds came out of and Pearl confirms it
was historic preservation. Gelineau inquires if the project could qualify under a different
category to obtain additional funds, perhaps recreation or open space. Buchsbaum replies that
open space projects must be related to property acquired by CPA funds. Pearl states the project
does not qualify for recreation because CPA funds are for recreational land not buildings and this
a project related to upgrades to the existing building.
Administrative Business
Pearl notes that the City Council approved the Round 2 recommendations as submitted and
Maxner is currently drafting the MOD's. She notes that the Council Order was written as one
Order this year, but separate Orders the first year. Maxner notes that City Clerk, Wesley Slate
stated it saved his office time to write the recommendations as one order and that the Council
could vote to amend the Order should it not approve of a particular project and then vote on the
amended Order. For Round 3, the Committee agrees to think about the most efficient way to
present to the City Council and see what is allowed to prevent the projects in the
recommendation from being held up by one project.
Budget Update
Maxner passes around the latest budget snapshot as of the 20t' of this month prepared by the
Finance Director Bryant Ayles. McCrory suggests having project numbers in columns. Pearl
notes the spreadsheet includes the first 2 rounds, but does not include the Camp Paradise debt
service with a footnote stating the figures do not include this anticipated debt or any project cost
overages or savings. Members note that there is currently a little over $1 million available.
Thomson notes he would like to ensure the Community Housing reserve previously voted on is
reflected in the budget snapshot. The CPC budget will need to be amended to reflect the transfer
from General reserve to Community Housing reserve of 10% ($79,781). Maxner will work with
Ayles to present this for Council approval.
Round 1 Project Status updates
Maxner passes around a spreadsheet showing the status of each project from Round 1. She will
also remind each applicant of their deadlines in their respective MOD's. A few updates include:
Clausen reports on Ellis Square: the construction docs will be done in a couple weeks and
will be put out to bid by early 2016 for construction commencing in the spring. He notes
the Planning Department is ensuring the abutters are aware of the project.
The Lynch park carriage house was originally submitted by the now disbanded Lynch
Park Advisory Committee. Alison Crosbie in the Planning Department is working with
Bruce Doig to put together a scope and RIP to go out to bid.
The Obear Park pavilion project is undergoing evaluation as to the best location for the
pavilion. CPC members would like to know the location once it's been decided. This
project will likely need an extension.
Crimmin arrives.
Pearl explains the City Council held a meeting with non - profit affordable housing
developers /organizations to talk about funding future community housing projects with CPA and
how developers can get access to funds more readily. Clausen notes he is working on
establishing a housing trust to facilitate this. Clausen goes on to explain that the CPC's funding
cycle is too long because some developers, such as Habitat for Humanity, need to know within 3
weeks if they have funding to acquire a project since all of their costs are upfront acquisition
costs. Thomson asks if CPA housing funds can be deposited into a housing trust, Clausen and
Pearl confirm they can.
Crimmin inquires as to whether it would be possible to help below market rate rental properties
get rehabbed by providing assistance to landlords in exchange for an affordability restriction.
Clausen recollects in the past, Beverly had a Housing rehab program with a 0% interest loan and
a declining principal after 15 years with an affordability restriction that stayed with the loan.
Supporting rental assistance for community housing is an eligible activity with CPA funds.
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Buchsbaum motions to approve the October 22, 2015 meeting minutes. Thomson seconds the
motion. All in favor, motion passes (7 -0 -2 with Paddol and Crimmin abstaining).
Out of Cycle Housing Plan
Clausen reiterates the key items that will be found in the Housing Plan and how the Plan will
help City officials and the CPC in determining /prioritizing projects to fund. Clausen was hoping
to have the RFP process done soon with a completed plan in time for the next CPC funding
cycle. However, he realizes that timeline is unlikely. He is hoping to have an award by January
and the plan completed in 4 -6 months with enough time to include 2 community meetings so he
is now shooting for a completion date in June. The completed plan will be sent to the
Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), but it does not
require approval from the state since Beverly meets the minimum 10% threshold for Chapter
McCrory provides an overview of the procedural requirements for out of cycle applications,
which includes: determining the project is eligible for CPA funds, determining the project meets
the criteria for an out of cycle application, and then voting on the project itself.
McCrory makes a motion that this application for a Housing Plan meets the CPA eligibility
requirements under housing support category. Paddol seconds the motion. The motion carries
unanimously 9 -0.
Members review the next step to determine if the project meets the out of cycle criterion and
review each criterion against the proposal.
Clausen explains he is expecting a $5K grant from the State, which he should find out about in 6
weeks or so. If this project is not funded by CPA funds it would mean the project wouldn't be
completed for a few years. Pearl states the housing plan is useful for the CPA plan and there is a
limited window of opportunity to have this information available for the CPC. She notes that
even though this plan will not be available for the next CPA application round, the community
input piece is very important and the findings will be available to the CPC before the plan is
completed. Members agree this is a relatively minor expenditure with a great benefit to the city.
Clausen agrees explaining that this plan will play a big role in how the resources are allocated in
a strategic way. He is currently working on the trust fund bylaws to determine what is eligible
but it is his understanding the funds must be used for the construction of new units or
preservation of expiring units.
Thomson makes the motion that the project meets the out of cycle criteria. Richter seconds. The
motion carries unanimously 9 -0.
Crimmin makes motion to award the project at $20K. Paddol seconds. All in favor, motion
carries unanimously 9 -0.
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Thomson motions to approve allocating the funds for this project from the General reserve fund.
Buchsbaum seconds. The motion carries unanimously 9 -0.
CPC Public Relations and Outreach
McCrory notes the CPC has a small window to publicize the approved projects for Round 2.
Paddol suggests having applicants send in testimonials on how the CPA funds helped them.
Pearl thinks a press release should go out first. A discussion ensues regarding determining which
projects to highlight. Members discuss putting up a poster board at the library with pictures and
captions. Members agree to expend administrative funds to buy white boards and post -it notes.
Members agree to post in the Library, the Farms branch Library, and at City Hall. Crimmin will
look into suitable media outlets. Pearl will draft a press release and work with Maxner and
McCrory to finalize.
CPA Plan
Members discuss when to have the CPA plan completed. Despite current progress, members
agree to keep moving it forward and try to have a draft ready for Round 3 in mid - January. Pearl
notes it was agreed to use the Canton CPA Plan as the model. Members review the Canton Plan
and agree to leave out a few sections from that plan. Pearl is working on the historic
preservation piece, noting she still needs to show it to HDC first. One of the goals she would like
to see is for projects under demolition delay apply for CPA funding to make preservation more
feasible or possibly move a building. Crimmin is working on the Housing section, and notes he
has spoken with Clausen about the current housing plan. He will reiterate the criteria and use the
priorities from the housing plan. McCrory drafted the Open space section and will submit to the
Open Space & Recreation Committee for review.
Members schedule the next CPC meeting for Wednesday, December 16, 2015. Pearl notes the
agenda will include preparing for the annual public hearing.
Pizzo leaves the meeting.
Crimmin motions to adjourn. McCrory seconds. Motion carries unanimously 8 -0. The
November 24, 2015 CPC meeting is adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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