2016-01-04Regular Meeting — Beverly City Council, Beverly, MA MINUTES - Monday, January 4, 2016 @ Noon Beverly High School Auditorium Called to Order @ 12:52 PM as part of Inauguration Ceremony Roll Call John P. Frates Jr., Scott D. Houseman, David J. Lang, James F. Latter, Donald G. Martin, Estelle M. Rand, Matthew J. St.Hilaire, Jason C. Silva, Paul M. Guanci - President. Resolutions: (The Mayor had read the Resolutions as an earlier part of the program, and congratulated the Pete Frates, and Riley Fessenden Families) #001- Pete Frates Week / Riley Fessenden Week Approved 9 -0 Acceptance of Minutes: Regular Meeting — Monday, 21 December 2015 Approved 9 -0 The Council President asked for a vote to suspend the Rules to allow him to address the audience. Approved 9 -0 Address by the Council President: January 4, 2016 On behalf of the entire City Council, welcome to today's Inauguration Ceremony, and to the first City Council meeting of the 2016 -2017 term. It is always great to have our first Meeting in conjunction with Inauguration, because we are almost assured of having a large and enthusiastic crowd. Some of our Meetings tend to be just the nine of us, our Clerk, maybe a Department Head or two, one of our "City Hall Regulars" and the cameraman from BevCam, so this is great! I am truly honored to serve as President of the Beverly City Council for the next two years. While the faces have not changed this term (I like to think that is because we are doing a great job), every Councilor but myself will be serving on a different Standing Subcommittee, and each Committee will have a new Chairperson. This term, David Lang, Matthew St.Hilaire and James Latter will fill the three Chair roles. The past two years have been busy, and the City Council has worked both cooperatively and effectively with the Mayor's Office. Through the budgetary process, the City Council has given the Mayor the tools necessary to manage the City of Beverly's resources. It should be noted that the Council approved funding for a Chief of Staff who has not only been as asset to the Mayor, but also to the entire City Council. Kevin Harutunian has been diligent and thorough, helping members of the Council with residents' concerns, issues and problems. The Council also approved funding to return a third member to the City Solicitor's office, hire a full time Grant Coordinator, and fill a vacant position in the understaffed Planning Department. The Council will be busy with many projects over the coming months, and we always welcome suggestions and input from both our residential and commercial constituents. To see more of your City Council and City Government in action, please tune in to BevCam Channel 8 on the 1s and 3 d Monday of the month for live broadcasts of our full City Council Meetings, or better yet stop by 191 Cabot Street at 7:00 pm to attend one of our Meetings in person. Visitors are always welcome, and much appreciated. Thanks to everyone for coming out on this cold January afternoon to attend today's festivities. I wish you all a safe, happy and healthy 2016. #006 December 29, 2015 Dear Honorable Council, Every two years the most difficult decision I have to make as City Council President is whom to put on each of our three Standing Committees. My intention for this coming term is to make sure that every Councilor is on a different Committee from last term and to have each Committee chaired by someone who did not serve as a Chair last term. My decision to do so is reflected in this term's appointments: Committee on Finance and Property: Ward 3 Councilor James Latter (Chair) Councilor at Large Jason Silva Council President Paul Guanci Committee on Legal Affairs: Councilor at Large Matthew St.Hilaire (Chair) Ward 4 Councilor Scott Houseman Ward 2 Councilor Estelle Rand Committee on Public Services: Ward 1 Councilor David Lang (Chair) Ward 5 Councilor Donald Martin Ward 6 Councilor John Frates On another note, I enthusiastically support Ward 4 Councilor Scott Houseman to serve as City Council Vice President this term. I would welcome everyone else's support for Councilor Houseman. Respectfully, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved: 9 -0 Election of Council Vice President: The Council President asked for nominations from the floor for Council Vice President for the 2016 -2017 term. Councilor Martin nominated Councilor Houseman, seconded by Councilor Frates. No other nominations were made. Council President closed nominations and called for a vote. Approved: 9 -0 Public Speakers: None Public Hearings: None Presentations, Awards and Memorials: None 2 Communications from His Honor the Mayor: #002 January 4, 2016 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: The City has recently reached agreement with the Department of Public Services employee union on the terms for Collective Bargaining Agreements through June 30 2018. The terms of the agreements are subject to an appropriation by the City Council. I therefore request a transfer of $71,142 from the budgeted reserve for separation of service (11324 / 57816) into various payroll lines within the Department of Public Services. Although this reserve was initially established for employee related retirement costs, the first six months of 2016 have shown there to be a favorable budget variance for Fiscal Year 2016. 1 am recommending these available reserve funds be utilized to fund the increase in payroll costs associated with the settlement of this contract. This transfer will require a public hearing prior to a Council vote. Please initiate action on this request at your upcoming City Council meeting. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Michael P Cahill Mayor Order read once and adopted to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, 19 January 2016 (ED 7:20 PM, City Hall Council Chamber, 191 Cabot Street, 3 Floor, Beverly, MA. Vote: 9 -0. #003 January 4, 2016 The Honorable City Council City Hall, 191 Cabot Street Beverly, Massachusetts 01915 Re: Open Space Conveyance at Essex Crossing (232 Essex Street) Dear Honorable Council: You may be aware that when the Planning Board approved the Open Space Residential Development ( "OSRD ") Site Plan at Essex Crossing (232 Essex Street) in October 2014, they did so with the condition that two parcels of open space (Parcels A and B) be conveyed to the Beverly Parks and Recreation Department. In total these parcels represent 378,450 square feet of land (see attached plan) to be added to the City's open space and recreation inventory. With the first housing unit(s) having sold in early December, the developer, DUC Residential LLC, is seeking to complete the transfer of open space to the City. The Board's decision also required the developer to undertake certain improvements to Open Space Parcel A, commonly known as "Kelleher Pond ". The developer has been working cooperatively with the City's Planning Department to ensure these 3 improvements meet all requirements of the decisions by both the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission. There are specific improvements including a sign and park benches that are expected to be implemented later this winter, however all improvements required of the OSRD approval will be finalized prior to completion of the subdivision. Additionally, the Board required the developer to submit a $10,000 endowment with the open space transfer, which has been provided. City Solicitor Stephanie Williams reviewed the attached Quitclaim Deed for the transfer of Open Space Parcels A and B to the City, and agrees with the document in content and form. I hereby respectfully request City Council authorization of the conveyance of Open Space Parcels A and B located at Essex Crossing (232 Essex Street) to the Beverly Parks & Recreation Department. Please feel free to contact Assistant Planning Director, Darlene Wynne if you have any questions relative to this request. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Cc: P. DiBiase, DUC Residential LLC B. McGrail, Law Office of Brian D. McGrail S. Williams, City Solicitor B. Doig, Dir. Parks & Recreation D. Wynne, Asst. Planning Director File Attachments Referred to Legal Affairs #004 January 4, 2016 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation the following citizens to serve on the Beverly Harbor Management Authority: J. David Suminsby 21 R Linden Avenue, Beverly Rinus Oosthoek 185 Hale Street, Beverly George Simon 11 Pineknoll Drive, Beverly Pat McAleer 6 Warren Street, Beverly Chris D'Alphonso 4 Landers Drive, Beverly Their terms to be effective until December 31, 2018. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Public Services 11 #005 January 4, 2016 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby reappoint subject to your review and recommendation Mr. William J. Alpine, Jr., 10 Bass River Road to serve on the Board of Health. His term to be effective until December 31, 2018. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Public Services Communications from other City Officers and Boards: #007 January 4, 2016 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint Councilor At Large Paul M. Guanci to serve as representative to ECDC. Respectfully, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved 9 -0. #008 January 4, 2016 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint Councilor At Large Matthew J. St. Hilaire to serve as liaison to the Beverly School Committee. I would ask that the Council Liaison provide the City Council with quarterly reports detailing important information and actions taken by the School Committee. Respectfully, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved 9 -0. 5 #009 January 4, 2016 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint Councilors David Lang and John Frates, Jr. to serve as City Council Liaisons to the Beverly Police Department Community Advisory Council. Respectfully, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved 9 -0. #010 January 4, 2016 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint Councilors Jim Latter, Estelle Rand and Don Martin to serve as City Council Representatives on the Financial Forecasting Committee. Respectfully, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved 9 -0. #011 January 4, 2016 Dear Honorable Council: Each term the City Council appoints two representatives to serve as members of the Beverly Harbor Management Authority. I respectfully request that Councilors Scott Houseman and Estelle Rand serve on the Beverly Harbor Management Authority as Representatives of the City Council. It is requested that semi - annual reports be given to the full Council regarding ongoing projects brought before the Harbor Management Authority. Respectfully, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Approved 9 -0. I #012 January 4, 2016 Beverly City Council 191 Cabot Street Beverly MA 01915 Re: Standing Designation of Substitute Chairman Joint Meetings with Committee of the Whole Dear Honorable Council: In accordance with Rule 21 (4) of the Rules and Orders of the City Council, I do hereby make this standing designation. In my absence, I do hereby designate the Chairman of the Finance & Property Subcommittee, the Chairman of the Public Services Subcommittee, or the Chairman of the Legal Affairs and Ordinances Subcommittee (as each Subcommittee may then be duly noticed to be in Joint Meeting the Committee of the Whole) to convene, to recess, to reconvene, to adjourn, and to serve as Acting Chair of the Committee of the Whole during such Joint Meeting. Very truly yours, Paul M. Guanci City Council President Annroved 9 -0. #013 Communication from City Clerk re: Proposed Code Adoption Ordinance Referred to Legal Affairs and City Solicitor #014 Communication from Planning Director re: Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance (New Land Use Categories). Referred to Legal Affairs Communications, Applications & Petitions #015 Application — 2n Hand Junk Dealers License — Nyan Group Inc DBA Cash Point — 135 Cabot Street. Referred to Legal Affairs. 7 #016 DEP Notice of License Application — Cummings Properties — 181 Elliott Street / 950 Cummings Center. Receive and Place on File - Approved 9 -0. #017 Application — Livery License — Magaly Gerena - Lebron — 13 Thorndike Street #5 Referred to Legal Affairs. Unfinished Business: Final Passage: None Reports of Committees: None Motions and Orders: None Meeting Adjourned: 1:06 PM Attest: D. Wesley Slate, Jr. City Clerk