COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: October 22, 2015
LOCATION: Beverly Public Library, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Marilyn McCrory — Vice
Chair, Robert Buchsbaum, Thomas Bussone, John
Thomson, Heather Richter, Henry Pizzo
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jon Paddol, Darrien Crimmin
OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner Environmental Planner; Aaron Clausen
Director of Planning and Community Development;
Danielle Povey First Parish Church; William Lowd Beverly
Golf & Tennis Comm. Chair; Suzie Lamont Ward 2 Civic
RECORDER: Aileen O'Rourke
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Public Input, O &A with CPC
A few of the Round 2 applicants are present to ask questions about their on -going projects.
Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission Chair — William Lowd
William Lowd thanks CPC members for allocating up to $47K to the Beverly Golf and Tennis
Commission for the bidding and design of the great room doors and second floor bathrooms to
become ADA compliant. He notes the architect is ready to go. Lowd would like to know more
about the procedure for submitting an out of cycle application. Pearl explains the general
process. Lowd states his intention to ask for the remainder of the funding requested in the
original application. Pearl states the bidding process will clarify the design costs and Lowd can
then ask for the construction funding if it meets the out of cycle application criteria. She also
clarifies the other projects included in the original application will need to be resubmitted for the
next round as the CPC will only consider the 2nd floor bathrooms and great room doors for the
out of cycle application. McCrory explains that the $300K ask was too large to be funded in full
for this round and the Committee has asked other applicants to reduce the scope or prioritize
their projects. Maxner will sit down and go through the CPA out of cycle application criteria
with Lowd.
GAR Hall Proiect -Suzie LaMont
Suzie LaMont asks the process for securing a consultant for the GAR study since it is a City
owned property. Maxner states the Beverly Purchasing Agent, David Gelineau can advise on the
correct procedure for the bid process. LaMont asks whether Ward 2 will be assigned the money.
Maxner notes that in a previous application, the City Solicitor determined the Ryal Side Civic
Association couldn't be the receiver of the CPA money so Parks and Recs was assigned the
MOU, which may be the case here. Maxner asks Pearl if HDC will be involved in the GAR Hall
process. Pearl notes that the MOU will include a clause similar to the Hastings House and
Carriage House studies, where the scope of work will need to be reviewed by the chair of the
HDC as well as the draft and final products.
First Parish Church - change in scope Danielle Povey
Danielle Povey updates the CPC on the status of the First Parish Church architectural study
approved in the 1st Round. She notes that there was a misunderstanding with the Church's
architect and it turns out that the scope of the study needs to shift from architectural to structural.
She states the Church would like to get more information about the building regarding the
foundation and bell tower with a structural engineer and put the elevator project out for RFP.
She notes the structural engineer will likely cost what was set aside for architectural design and
asks if they can use the grant money already awarded for the structural engineer's report.
Maxner forwarded this questions to the CPA Coalition and the City Solicitor. The CPA Coalition
replied suggesting two options: 1) leave money in place and have the Church apply for new
funding for the structural analysis, once that is done, the money already approved will be waiting
to go forward with the architectural design, 2) have the CPC vote to approve the change and send
back to City Council for approval. Maxner reports that Assistant City Solicitor, Eitan Goldberg
provided an opinion that the original award cannot be used for the structural engineering review
and the Church should submit new application for this. Additionally he recommends that the
original award not be kept aside as the architectural design may change based on the structural
report, therefore a new application should be submitted once the feasibility of the project can be
Thomson states it should be an out of cycle request to get the project back on track. Buchsbaum
would like the applicant to make a case why this is urgent and requires an out of cycle
application. Members discuss the process going forward. Pearl recommends the applicant scope
out the project to address the structural and preservation needs and identify whatever parts are
eligible for CPA funding. She recommends starting from a bird's eye view and then focus in on
the immediate preservation priorities based on the structural engineering study results.
Administrative Business
Out of Cycle Housing Plan
Aaron Clausen provides copies of an Out -of -Cycle CPA application for a proposal to produce a
housing production plan. He notes that during the April CPC meeting with presenter Shelly
Goerhing, developing a housing plan was determined to be eligible for CPA funding as a
supportive activity. He is seeking $20K from the CPC and estimates the total project cost to be
$25K. Clausen anticipates a match of $5K (a leverage of 20 %), with funds from a State grant
application he submitted 2 weeks ago and should be hearing about any day now. Clausen is
asking for out -of -cycle funding so that the housing plan can be in place for the Round 3 CPA
application cycle as well as informing the process for establishing a Housing Trust which will
need to be accomplished soon as in -lieu payments will be received shortly. He reiterates the
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value in creating this plan that includes determining the needs of the City, establish common set
of goals /objectives and a strategy to meet them, and educate and create a constituency to support
affordable housing. He notes that new affordable housing projects can be controversial and
difficult to get approved. Clausen provides an overview of the application.
Clausen explains that 12% of Beverly's housing stock is affordable, so they don't have to worry
about Chapter 40B, but that shouldn't be the goal as he wants to look more holistically than
minimum 10% that the State requires. The housing plan will be completed by May 30, 2016, this
is a tight schedule but he will make it clear this is the deadline. He also wants a robust public
process, at least 2 public meetings and that is reflected in the $25K cost. Clausen provides
explanation of the inclusionary zoning criteria and process.
Thomson notes that housing is part of the CPA Plan and suggests creating a housing plan could
be treated as a CPC administrative expense. Discussion ensues as to allowable uses of and
definition of administrative expenses. Members agree to get better clarification on the
administrative expense question and review the application to vote at the next meeting.
pdate on Round 2
Pearl explains the City Council did not vote on the CPC projects at their last meeting, but rather
sent it back to Finance & Property to further vet the Housing Authority roof projects. She notes
that all CPC members are invited to the Finance Committee next Monday where they will
discuss the Beverly Housing Authority project. Discussion ensues as to some of the questions
raised by the City Council, many of which the CPC asked of BHA during the 1st Round
application cycle. Bussone recognizes these types of projects are somewhat contentious and he
is going to recommend the BHA not submit roof project in the future CPA rounds.
Members review the August 27, 2015 draft meeting minutes and offer minor edits. Bussone
moves to approve as amended. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries (5 -0 -2 with Richter
and Pizzo abstaining).
Members review the August 20, 2015 draft meeting minutes and offer minor edits. Buchsbaum
moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Bussone. The motion carries (6 -0 -1
with Pizzo abstaining).
Members review the September 17, 2015 draft meeting minutes and offer minor edits.
Buchsbaum motions to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by McCrory. The motion
carries (5 -0 -2 with Thomson and Richter abstaining).
Other Business
Projects left to closeout
The Committee discuss the need for updates from Round 1 project applicants.
• Lynch park bathrooms and play structure done - final report submitted
• Hale House exterior and drainage done - final report submitted
• BHA -roofs complete with final report submitted
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• Hastings House — no request for funds made to date
• Lynch Park Carriage House preservation study — advisory committee disbanded, Bruce
Doig will be coordinating with the Planning Department for the preservation study
• Obear Park Pavilion - work not started, no request for funds made to date
• Ellis Square - design still in development
• Haborlight House — work has just begun, no request for funds made to date
• City Clerk document restoration — completed and closed out, city clerk presented the final
project to the CPC
Maxner will follow up with applicants on outstanding projects.
The process for handling final report review and CPA payment authorization for completed
projects is discussed. Members agree that Maxner can process these administratively but should
flag any issues and report back to the Committee if there are concerns.
Members discuss the schedule for the November meeting and agree to set the next meeting for
Tuesday, November 24, 2015. Thomson notes that he will be stepping down from the CPC and
Planning Board member James Matz will be taking his seat. Thomson will bring Matz to the
next meeting for introduction and transition. Members thank Thomson for his time and
contributions and that he will be missed.
Members go over work items for the next meeting. McCrory would like a budget update, status
of Round 1 applications, and to discuss a public outreach strategy and how to promote the work
the CPC is doing. Pearl notes that all Committee members need to start writing their assigned
sections for the CPA Plan. The housing plan application will be discussed in more detail and
voted on at the November meeting.
Thomson motions to adjourn. Seconded by Pizzo. Motion carries unanimously.
The October 22, 2015 CPC meeting is adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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