2015-11-05Beverly Cultural Council Minutes Meeting November 5, 2015
The meeting was held at Porter Mill Studio Gallery.
Members present:
Michael Miller
Colleen Michaels
Brett Mason
Caity Bogdan
Terri Hansen
Observer Brenda Wong Murphy
Members absent
Savery Kelley
Andrew Houle
Barbara Broudo
Allison Hanchett
The meeting came to order at 7:00 pm.
The purpose of the meeting was to continue the opportunity for grant applicants to make presentations
about their proposals. We expected to see presentations on at least 4 applications, but only one
applicant showed up.
Colleen, as grantee, announced that she will not be using her entire 2015 grant due to illness curtailing
the Improper Poetry Tour this fall and winter.
Terri reported on email correspondence with Dane Street Church regarding the Sea Change Theatre
2015 grant. The pastor contacted her asking for a phone call about the grant. She will follow up.
We are still trying to determine if other awards from 2015 will be unused and therefore, available for
granting in this cycle. Terri offered to contact any awardees who have not yet submitted reimbursement
claims to see if they still plan to use the monies. Brett will determine the outstanding awardees and
send their names to Terri.
A new idea emerged for a possible fund raiser in 2016 — a council (or even a city -wide) talent
showcase. No action was taken on the idea, filed for future reference.
Caity announced that the deadline for council members to submit our scores and suggested rankings
and awards is November 15. She will collate them in preparation for our voting meeting on the 19' .
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Submitted by Terri Hansen, Secretary