Minutes October 21 2015Beverly Cultural Council Minutes Meeting October 21, 2015 The meeting was held in space made available at no cost at Porter Mill Studios. Andrew Houle, temporary co -chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm Members present: Colleen Michaels Caity Bogdan Barbara Broudo Brett Mason Micheal Miller Terri Hansen Members absent: Allison Hanchett, Savery Kelley Observer: Brenda Wong Murphy The purpose of the meeting was the distribution of the grant applications. There are 28 applications. Two dates have been arranged to allow applicants to present their proposals and to ask questions. Such presentations are not required. Most applicants will be scheduled for October 29, at the library, and a few for November 5, at Porter Mill, as room was not available at the library for that date. At the request of Colleen Michaels, we reviewed the priorities for awards as published on the state website that were determined by the community -wide survey we conducted last year. Caity Bogdan announced that she will be leaving the council as she is moving to Maine at the end of this semester. Further discussion was held on future fundraising by the council as a way to increase the funds available for granting to applicants. We discussed asking awardees to give the council additional publicity when they hold their events. They are required by the grant process to credit the Mass Cultural Council.... but we would love to get some social media type credit too: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, where appropriate. In reviewing the credit and publicity requirements on the state website, I discovered subsequently that we are allowed to make additional requirements by publishing them on our own LCC page on the state website. Brett Mason, Council Treasurer stated that he would be emailing financial statement to members. He is having trouble (as have previous treasurers) in getting applicants to include the W -9 forms required before reimbursement can be made. The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 pm. Submitted by Terri Hansen, Secretary