191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
Richard S. Kelley, Esq., Chairman
George Heller
John Roccio
The meeting of the Beverly License Board was called to order on Thursday, February 2, 2012 in
the Council Chambers at 6:30 pm.
In attendance at the meeting were: Chairman Richard Kelley, Board Member John Roccio and
Clerk, Martha Lewis.
Also in attendance: Police Liaison Sgt. William Page
Absent: Board Member George Heller
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman Kelley
1. Approval of Minutes for January 5, 2012. The minutes were approved 2 — 0.
2. Transfer of License Application — Tryst, Inc. dba Tryst to JJ. Brodies, Inc. dba J.
Brody's Eating House
Attorney John Keilty spoke on behalf of applicant, Joseph Deisley. He introduced Mr.
Deisley to the License Board. Mr. Deisley was looking for a business opportunity which
included the purchase of real estate. Tryst is part of a commercial condominium.
Mr. Deisley is looking to have work done on the exterior fagade of the building. No
major changes inside, he would like to add three additional seats.
Chairman Kelley asked Mr. Deisley of his experience. Mr. Deisley was the
owner /manager of J.J. Brodies for 15 years.
Mr. Kelley then asked about TIPS certification and his role in the operation. Mr. Deisley
stated that he was a working chef and is TIPS certified.
Chairman Kelley then reiterated that it is highly recommended that all wait staff be TIPS
Minutes of License Board Meeting held on February 2, 2012
Mr. Roccio asked applicant how many hours he intended to be at the establishment. Mr.
Deisley'replied that for the next ten years, he anticipated working six days per week. He
will serve as the cook/chef as well as the manager of the establishment.
Mr. Deisley further stated that he intends to utilize local vendors and markets for fresh
produce, fish, etc.
It was further stated that the license would be pledged. The Clerk reported that the CORI
report was received and clear.
Chairman Kelley asked if there was any one from the public at large who wish to
comment on the application.. Hearing no comments, Mr. Roccio made a motion to
approve the application for the transfer of license from Tryst, Inc. dba Tryst to J.J.
Brodies, Inc. dba J. Brody's Eating House.
The motion was seconded. The application was approved 2 — 0.
3. Transfer of License Application — Charles Mersey Taverns, LLC dba Fibber
McGee's Bar & Grill to Beverly Restaurant Group, LLC dba Fibber McGee's,
Craig M. DeOrio, Manager
Attorney Chad Colarusso spoke on behalf of applicant, Craig DeOrio. Mr. DeOrio was
unable to attend meeting due to his wife being admitted to hospital that afternoon for the
birth of their child.
The License Board reviewed the application. Chairman Kelley asked if Mr. DeOrio was
going to be the owner and the manager of the establishment. Attorney Colarusso stated
the Mr. DeOrio would be the manager. He currently operates an establishment located in
Salem named the Tin Whistle and Mr. DeOrio is the manger of record there.
Chairman Kelley asked how Mr. DeOrio would manage his time between the two
establishments. Atty. Colarusso stated that Mr. DeOrio would adjust his schedule to
spend the bulls of his time at Fibber McGee's. He would devote his energies to the new
business, spending 40+ hours in Beverly.
Chairman Kelley reiterated that TIPS certification would be very helpful.
Mr. Roccio asked if there would be any types of changes made to the establishment.
Atty. Colarusso stated that any changes would be modest. No structural changes and no
additional seating were planned. However, there may paint and possibly pare down the
menu. They would work on adjusting the ratio of alcohol to food sold to a 60:40 ratio,
Minutes of License Board Meeting held on February 2, 2012
Chairman Kelley asked about the ratio. Atty. Colarusso stated that the gross receipts are
tracked to show the amount of alcohol vs. food sold. The 60:40 ratio would be similar to that
of the Salem establishment.
Chairman Kelley asked about the Salem location. Atty. Colarusso stated that it is a little
smaller than Fibber McGee's, it is a neighborhood bar located near Salem Hospital in a
residential neighborhood. They have not had any complaints. They offer acoustic music
The Clerk reported that the CORI report was received and clear.
Chairman Kelley asked if there was any one from the public at large who wish to comment
on the application. Hearing no comments, Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the
application for the transfer of license from Charles Mersey Tavern, LLC dba Fibber McGee's
Bar & Grill to Beverly Restaurant Group, LLC. dba Fibber McGee's.
The motion was seconded. The application was approved 2 — 0.
4. One Day Licenses
Five applications were submitted for review. All applications were in order.
Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the five one -day applications. Motion was
seconded. Applications were approved 2 — 0.
5. Other Business
Hearing no further business, Mr. Roccio made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.
Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 8, 2012 at 6:30 pm in the City Council
Respectfully yours,
Martha A. Lewis, Clerk
Minutes of License Board Meeting held on February 2, 2012