191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
Richard S. Kelley, Esq., Chairman
George Heller
John Roccio
The meeting of the Beverly License Board was called to order on Thursday, January 5, 2012 in
the Council Chambers at 6:30 pm.
In attendance at the meeting were: Chairman Richard Kelley, Board Members George Heller,
John Roccio and Clerk, Martha Lewis.
Also in attendance: Police Liaison Sgt. William Page
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Mr. Kelley
1. Approval of Minutes for December 15, 2011. The minutes were approved 3 — 0.
2. Invited in — Applicant Sean Maher regarding the Transfer of License from Kevin Ennis
dba Mandrake to Scofflaw, Inc. dba Scofflaw.
Applicant was invited in to discuss the results of his CORI Report.
Representing the applicant was Attorney Jack Altshuler. Also attending was Anastasios
Lazarides, co- applicant and proposed manager of Scofflaw.
Attorney Altshuler addressed the License Board explaining that the results of Mr.
Maher's CORI was a youthful indiscretion which took place 14 years ago. Mr. Maher
has not been in any trouble since that time. In fact, he continued his education and
earned a Master's Degree. He has been the manager of other clubs. He purchased a
home in Salem and is nationally known in the field of antiquities. For the past 14 years,
he has led an exemplary life. Both charges that appear on his report were misdemeanors
— one was continued without a finding and the other was pled out. Attorney Altshuler
asked the Board to allow Mr. Maher the opportunity to build a successful business.
Chairman Kelley asked if Mr. Maher was the proposed manager of the new entity or a
business partner.
Minutes of License Board Meeting held on January 5, 2012
Attorney Altshuler stated that Mr. Anastasios Lazarides would be the manager of record.
Mr. Maher would be working with him to learn the business and become the manager
down the line.
Chairman Kelley then emphasized that because Mr. Maher or anyone who participates as
a business partner is subject to CORI review. The incidents that occurred 14 years ago
were dealt with and there have been no further issues locally. He did inquire to any
problems out -of- state. It was indicated that there were no problems known.
Atty. Altshuler did state that he called Boston (ABCC) and was told that the charges on
the CORI were not strong enough to deny Mr. Maher the opportunity to be a partner in
the establishment.
Chairman Kelley wanted to give the co- applicants the opportunity to change the
application. Hearing the explanation as they related to the report, there is no need to take
action other than to submit the application as voted on at the December 15, 2011 meeting.
3. One Day Licenses
No applications received.
4. Other Business
The Clerk updated the Board as to the status of the annual renewal of three establishment
— Panther Pub was renewed as the transfer is still pending; Goat Hill Grille renewed
application and paid the annual fee; the license is being held by the Clerk as the
inspections had not yet been completed — the license may soon be transferred. The
Uppercrust renewal application had been submitted; Clerk will follow up with applicant
and send a communication that the fee must be paid by end of business on January 9,
Editor's note: full payment of the annual fee was received by the Uppercrust on January
6, 2012.
Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 6:30 pm in the City Council
Respectfully yours,
Martha A. Lewis, Clerk
Minutes of License Board Meeting held on January 5, 2012