COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: July 16, 2015
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Marilyn McCrory — Vice
Chair, Heather Richter, John Thomson, Robert Buchsbaum,
Jon Paddol, Leland McDonough
MEMBERS ABSENT: Darien Crimmin, Henry Pizzo
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Beverly Historic
Society Executive Director Sue Goganian, newly appointed
incoming City Clerk Wesley Slate
RECORDER: Aileen O'Rourke
Consultation and O & A with CPC (7:00 p.m. -7:15 p.m.)
McCrory calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in anticipation that Chair Pearl will be arriving
shortly. McCrory asks everyone in attendance to introduce themselves. She hands the floor to
incoming City Clerk Wes Slate.
Pearl arrives.
Slate provides a breakdown of the budget as requested by the Committee for the City Clerk's
Round 2 application. Members review and thank Slate for the clarification. Slate goes on to
present before - and -after examples of municipal documents that have been restored from the last
round of CPA funding. He shows books of the restored and preserved birth records from the
1800's. He notes that the old birth records are fragile, wrapped in paper, held together with
elastic bands and discolored. He explains there will be labels attached to the finished books that
will say `archival preservation made possible by citizens of Beverly and the Community
Preservation Act.' The process of preservation makes the print easier to read by raises the letters
up. He notes the Clerk's office will also be keeping digital records although the ability to access
records digitally is still a work in progress. Pearl asks about relocating the records to a more
secure less flood prone area since the basement isn't a great spot for archival records. She notes
this could be a good use of CPA funds as well. Slate explains that access and proximity to
records is a priority, and they need more space to store these records but when they are digitized
that will free up some space. Members thank Slate for his presentation.
McCrory welcomes Sue Goganian, Beverly Historic Society Executive Director. Goganian
addresses the CPC relative to the Society's request for an alternative disbursement schedule for
the ongoing masonry repairs at Hale House. She notes the Grant Agreement stated 2 payments
with the 2nd payment disbursed after the project is completed and final report filed. However,
Goganian notes she realized that would be a long time to wait for the money and she has paid out
more than she's received in CPA funding and doesn't have cash on hand to pay the masons. She
explains the masonry work is near complete, however the remaining drainage work has yet to
start. She would like to pay the mason right away as they are a small company. She notes that
looking ahead to next year's project, which is larger, a more frequent payment schedule may
make better sense. She offers to file an interim report and either receive disbursement on a
reimbursement schedule or payment in 3rds. Discussion ensues as to methods for payment, with
Maxner noting it is easier for Finance Department to pay when an invoice has been submitted.
Thomson makes a motion to modify the payment schedule for this project to pay upon receipt of
invoices and evidence of work completed with an interim report. Paddol seconds. All in favor
motion carries 7 -0.
Administrative Business
Maxner distributes the snap -shot budget and fund balances as of today, prepared by Finance
Director Bryant Ayles, showing a ballpark number of available funds through September.
Members discuss spending strategy for Round 2 projects and agree to work within the FY16
$800K budget. This approach will keep a cushion of funds every year that would be available
for worthy special out of cycle projects or perhaps open space acquisitions that pop up
unexpectedly. Maxner notes the FY2016 budget has been prepared and will be distributed to City
Council for approval in September. Members decide to post financial snapshot (with a note
numbers may change, working document) online.
Maxner provides a quick update on the Lynch Park bathroom photos with Bruce Doig's letter
and DRB approval letter. She notes the bathroom exterior will be painted to match Carriage
House. Members wish to see the CPA signage installed before Homecoming starts.
Members review the June 18, 2015 draft meeting minutes and offer minor edits. McCrory
motions to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Richter. All in favor the motion carries
7 -0.
Review of Round 2 Applications
Discussion ensues as to which projects to start reviewing, with members agreeing to start with
highest scoring projects first. Pearl reminds the Committee that at the last meeting GAR Hall
Feasibility Study and City Clerk document preservation projects (the two highest scoring
projects) were already approved for funding.
Dane Street Beach Playground Structure — Score 39
Pearl notes she believes the application is strong, the CPA ask is a small relative to the project
cost, it is getting a significant match and there is good cooperation between the Friends of Dane
Street Park non - profit group applicant and the Rec Department. Members agree this is in a highly
visible area and the playground is in bad shape. Richter expresses concern as to who will
arbitrate the final decision for design of the equipment. Committee members express concern
over the lack of graphics or any kind of design plan. Members discuss how involved they should
be in the design process and who determines standards. Committee members are also concerned
about the seeming lack of public process with all Recreation Department projects. Members
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would ideally like to see more community input. The Committee agrees on the concept of this
project but would like to see basic schematics and reasonable pictures of the equipment they plan
to buy for the $125K. Maxner notes it looks like there is $25K for the playground installation she
is curious as to who will prep the play area/surface grading. Discussion ensues as to other
questions and concerns the Committee has around the project. The Committee asks Maxner to
forward the following questions to the applicant:
• Has any progress on the design of the playground equipment;
• Has the Recreation Department coordinated further with the Friends group? How /who
will the final design be decided?
The CPC is reluctant to fund this without some sort of solid design. Applicant needs to
forward pictures, cut sheets, sketches and cost quotes of what is the most likely design.
The CPC looks favorably on this application but feels that is not complete until a design
is proposed with consensus built into the decision for choice.
Project schedule is aggressive — the Council will have only made its decision in October
and an MOU may not be ready until mid - November earliest, so the CPC suggests
applicant revisit the schedule.
Further describe the play area preparation — who is doing it, what is the cost and is it in-
kind by DPS.
Avers PTO Greens Hill Trail Improvement Project — Score 37
Maxner notes the applicant will need to apply for a permit from the Conservation Commission to
construct a boardwalk over the wetlands area which will probably need a formal engineered plan.
McCrory notes that the applicant has coordinated with the Open Space & Recreation Committee
through its Chair. She notes that CPA funds can be used for a site survey or to develop
construction plans for the wetland application. Members note the applicants did not ask for
funding for the design piece.
The Committee members appreciate this project but believe the applicant will need to be
cognizant of the permitting piece and allocate enough time and money for that. Thomson moves
to approve the project, with a reminder that the MOU will have a 1 -year life and that permitting
with the Conservation Commission shall be carried out. Paddol seconds the motion. Buchsbaum
abstains. The motion carries 6 -0 -1.
Dane Street & Lynch Park - ADA Path & Beach Chairs — Both Proiects Score 36
Members agree to discuss both projects together.
Members discuss the pathway at Dane Street from parking lot to the beach as it is not obviously
laid out on the plan. Maxner notes the applicant submitted pictures of existing conditions which
may hint to where the path will go.
Paddol asks if there is any idea as to how many people will benefit from these chairs and path.
Committee members discuss the potential usage by citizens with disabilities as well as senior
citizens, and mothers with baby strollers etc. Members agree this as well as the Lynch Park ADA
Path and Beach Chair project are very worthy projects
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Thomson motions to approve both Dane Street and Lynch Park Beach Chairs and ADA paths.
Seconded by McDonough. The motions carries 7 -0.
Hale House Exterior Restoration — Score 35
McCrory, Buchsbaum and Thomson disclose their membership to the Historical Society and all
state they can remain impartial while judging this project. Paddol notes his mother sent in a letter
of support but he will also be impartial. Pearl notes this is a big project with many different
Discussion ensues as to whether this project can be phased over 2 grant rounds. Thomson
suggests the applicant prioritize elements of greatest need and determine if the applicant can
break it up into phases as the Committee cannot fund this project fully. Members agree and ask
Maxner to inquire so with the applicant.
Beverly Golf & Tennis Clubhouse —Score 31
Members wonder about possibly phasing some of the pieces of this project. McCrory notes there
are some discrepancies in the budget. Pearl notes the project leverages very little outside
funding. Paddol expresses his concern this is the only City owned building that has the ability to
earn some revenue and thinks that some of the improvements listed seem like maintenance that
should be wrapped into the cost of lease. Richter states her belief that the overhead and profit at
40% seems very high. Members also express concern that some of these problems were known
for a while and wonder why they were not funded prior. Pearl notes that she would love to see
some landscape preservation done as there used to be a lot more trees, white pines and shrubs
that lined McKay Street which created a boulevard -like feel in front of the tennis courts, but are
no longer there.
Pearl notes this project needs historic review by the Mass Historic Commission, and she would
like confirmation if this has happened. Members ask Maxner to inquire with the applicant if the
project elements can be prioritized or project phased.
Other Remaining Project Applications Not Yet Discussed
Members briefly discuss the two Recreation Department tennis court projects (Cove Park and
Cahill Park), and ask Maxner to inquire with the applicant which is the highest priority.
Members briefly review the Beverly Housing Authority's roof projects. Members agree that the
Authority should also be asked to prioritize the and perhaps phase the work into separate
application rounds. Maxner will inquire.
Other Business
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Members schedule the next CPC meeting for August 20 Maxner will not be able to attend but
will try to get staff coverage.
McDonough states his term expires at the end of July and his replacement from the Housing
Authority Board, Thomas Bussone, will attend the August meeting. Maxner will follow up with
Executive Director Kevin Ascolillo for a written appointment letter for Bussone for the record
and Clerk's Office information. McDonough thanks the Committee for the opportunity to serve
and the Committee thanks McDonough for his contributions and that he will be missed.
There being no further business before the Committee, Thomson moves to adjourn the meeting at
9:15 p.m. Seconded by Buchsbaum. All in favor the motion carries 7 -0.
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