COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: August 27, 2015
LOCATION: Beverly Public Library, Barnett Gallery
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Marilyn McCrory — Vice
Chair, John Thomson, Jon Paddol, Darrien Crimmin,
Thomas Bussone, Robert Buchsbaum
MEMBERS ABSENT: Henry Pizzo, Heather Richter
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Beverly Golf and
Tennis Commission Martin Lawler
RECORDER: Aileen O'Rourke
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. She asks members of the audience to introduce
themselves. Martin Lawler from the Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission greets the Committee.
Pearl notes the Committee needs to continue evaluating the remaining projects not yet voted on.
She suggests starting with the Recreation Department projects.
Vittori Park Playground -new playground structure
Thomson remarks this is not an expensive project. McCrory is reluctant to fund this project as
the Committee has already substantially funded other recreation projects. Pearl reminds the
committee that Bruce Doig ranked this a lower priority project so this could wait until the next
round to fund. Members agree to table the discussion on this project for now. Paddol comments
that the CPC should be mindful of where these recreation projects are located and try to
encourage geographic diversity in supporting different neighborhoods. Pearl agrees that's an
important point to consider.
Cooney Field - replace lights and poles
Crimmin motions not to fund the Cooney Field lights since these were not a high priority by the
Recreation Department. Thomson Seconds. All approved, motion carries unanimously 7 -0.
Cahill Park - replace Tennis Court
McCrory makes a motion not to fund the Cahill park tennis courts as this what not a high priority
for the Recreation Department as it's not as highly used. Paddol seconds. Motion carries
unanimously 7 -0.
Pearl suggests that the Committee move on to the Historic Preservation Category.
Hale House- Exterior Restoration
Pearl notes that the Historic Society resubmitted their reduced budget and broke down the work
into phases, with Phase 1 consisting of sill repairs, exterior envelope water proofing, doors and
windows restoration. She notes they are now requesting $180,000 and the total project cost is
$210,000. Pearl thinks this organization has been able to identify their priorities and have figured
out a scope of work that is manageable. She knows BHS has coordinated with Bill Finch of the
HDC and the work will meet the preservation standards and wonders how certification can be
verified. Crimmin asks how many historic houses are in Beverly and if they know how many
will be looking for funding. Pearl explains most are privately owned, there are also historic
landscapes that could be preserved noting that thde historic survey will sur vey about 200
properties. Pearl remarks BHS will likely put in a CPC application for all their properties.
Crimmin would like to continue funding historic preservation projects that would otherwise be
torn down, though he wonders how to weigh future projects. Thomson would like to set aside
10% for future preservation projects that are considered critical emergencies should they come
up. Members agree this would be a good strategy for all the categories. Pearl notes that given the
reduced budget and the strength of the applicant, she feels more comfortable funding this project.
Paddol moves to approve this project at the revised budget amount. McCrory seconds. The
motion carries unanimously 7 -0. Maxner inquires as to whether the CPC wished to require a
preservation restriction. Discussion ensues as to options for requiring a restriction. Crimmin
amends the previous vote to include requiring a preservation restriction. Pearl 2 d . The motion
carries unanimously 7 -0. Pearl notes the MOU will require that a PR be in place prior to final
CPA payment being made for the project.
Golf and Tennis Commission
Maxner reports that she and Planning Director Aaron Clausen met with Bill Lowd to go over the
CPC's questions regarding clarification of the general conditions and contingencies, he furnished
a memo from Geiknapp, the architect, with an explanation of the terms. Some members voice
their reservations as to overhead costs of 40% being very high. Lawler notes that when this is put
to bid, these numbers should be tightened up. Pearl asks if this is subject to public bidding
requirements, and Lawler thinks they are. Pearl asks if there any other funding sources aside
from CPA since the match of 5% is very weak and she believes that the City as owner should
allocating money for ADA compliance of the building. Lawler states no and suggests the BG &T
Commission going back to the architect to ask about the high overhead rate.
Paddol suggests CPC could dictate that the overhead rate cannot exceed a certain number. Pearl
suggests that perhaps $45K -$50K could be awarded to go towards the design/permitting /bidding
process and let the applicant know the Committee is open to an out of cycle application for the
actual work. Pearl asks if the first floor bathrooms are ADA compliant. Lawler states they are
not. Bussone notes he would also like to see the RFP to understand the costs involved.
Discussion ensues as to phasing the project, options and possible costs for making the first floor
bathrooms ADA accessible at a lower cost. Pearl asks if bidding can be done without funding in
place, Maxner will find out from Ayles.
Thomson moves to approve funding the design, bidding and approvals for the 2nd floor
bathrooms and great room doors up to $47,000. McCrory Seconds. Motion carries unanimously
7 -0. Pearl notes that the applicant would be welcome to come back to the CPC for out of cycle
funding to undertake those parts of the project once a more precise budget is worked out through
the bidding process. Crimmin notes he would also like to see a detailed proposal with all the
phases and scope of work from the architect. Members agree that construction will need HDC
review of the project as well.
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Housing Authority -roof repair
Members voice their hope that future affordable housing applications move beyond roof repair.
Crimmin would like to set aside funds for affordable housing creation versus just funding
deferred maintenance projects like fixing roofs. Thomson asks about remaining unspent balance,
Pearl estimates it's about $180K. He would like to set aside a certain amount for reserve to carry
over for the next round and use the remainder to partly fund this project.
Bussone updates the committee regarding the state of affordable housing in Beverly. He notes
the Housing Authority has been forced to preserve what they have versus building new because
of contention with neighbors to build new affordable housing projects in established
neighborhoods. He explains that some units have to be taken off -line because they were
uninhabitable and must be rehabbed. If someone could create new housing, Bussone is all for
that, and he would even prioritize creation over this roofing project. Pearl would like to fund this
project in its entirety and while satisfying the 10% affordable housing set aside.
Thomson would like to set aside 10% to the housing category to create a kitty for affordable
housing creation for emergency and high priority projects and perhaps use the left over funds to
partially fund the current BHA application. Members discuss whether they should designate the
reserve funds in each category or leave in the undesignated reserve.
Thomson makes a motion to set aside the 10% housing requirement of around $87,241 for new
affordable housing. Buchsbaumseconds. The motion fails 3 -3 -1, with Crimmin, Buchsbaum and
Thomson in favor. Pearl, Bussone and Paddol opposed. McCrory abstaining.
Paddol moves to fully fund the BHA roofing application as presented. Bussone seconds. The
motion carries 6 -1, with Crimmin opposed.
Pearl asks if the Vitorri Park application can be revisited.
McCrory notes that Bruce Doig ranked this lower on his list of priorities and this Committee has
funded a number of recreation projects. Buchsbaummoves not to fund the Vittori playground.
McCrory seconds. The motion carries unanimously 7 -0.
The next CPC meeting is scheduled for September 17' Pearl notes that next meeting is a good
opportunity to discuss developing the CPA Plan.
Discussion ensues as to whether designating general reserve un -spent funds needs to be included
in recommendations to the Council, with Maxner clarifying that any CPC designation of general
reserve funds needs to be voted on by the Council as it is an appropriation.
Thomson moves for the remaining funds of around $80,000 to be set aside into the affordable
housing category. Crimmin seconds. The motion carries 5 -2, with Bussone, Buchsbaum,
Crimmin, Pearl and Thomson in favor. Paddol and McCrory opposed.
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McCrory asks if the entire budget for Round 2 has been spent (or set aside) with this last vote.
Thomson states yes.
There being no further business this evening, Thomson moves to adjourn. Paddol seconds. The
motion carries unanimously 7 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 8:56 p.m.
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