2015-10-05Regular Meeting
Beverly City Council 7:00 PM — Monday, October 5, 2015
Roll Call John P. Frates Jr., Scott D. Houseman, David J. Lang, James F. Latter, Donald G.
Martin, Estelle M. Rand, Matthew J. St.Hilaire, Jason C. Silva, Paul M. Guanci.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Councilor St. Hilaire
Acceptance of Minutes: Monday, September 21, 2015 Vote: 9 -0
Public Speakers:
1. Nancy Nangeroni, 97 Bisson ST re: Human Rights Committee
2. Paul K. Willenbrock, 5A Clifford AV re: Human Rights Committee
3. Esther W. Ngotho, 59 Bridge ST re: Human Rights Committee
4. Dr. Megan K. DeFranza, 11 Webber AV re: Human Rights Committee
Public Hearings:
7:15 PM - #461 Petition — National Grid — 1 SO Pole on Hardy & Pleasant Streets
Public Hearing Held, Order #461 referred back to Public Services
7:20 PM - #428 Joint Public Hearing with the Planning Board — Request from Cummings Properties re: 50
Dunham RD, Beverly (note: Application Withdrawn — see Communications shown
below) Public Hearing Cancelled, Order #428 referred back to Legal Affairs
Presentations, Awards and Memorials: None
Communications from His Honor the Mayor:
October 5, 2015
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I request your approval to use FY2016 funds toward the payment of eleven (11) prior
year invoices totaling $40,317.80. The attached invoices will be paid out of the
respective Departments Fiscal 2016 budget if approved. Per MGL Chapter 44 Section
64, the required certification has been filed with the City Auditor.
I kindly request your approval to resolve these matters. Thank you for your
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
Refer to Finance & Property
October 5, 2015
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
RE: Proposed name change for the Beverly Municipal Airport
Dear Honorable City Council:
At the request of Planning Director, Aaron Clausen, I respectfully submit the attached
request to change the name of the Beverly Municipal Airport to Beverly Regional
Please feel free to contact Aaron or Bob Mezzetti, Beverly Airport Manager, directly to
answer any questions you might have relative to the request.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
cc: Aaron Clausen, Planning Director
Refer to Public Services
October 1, 2015
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable City Council:
I respectfully ask for your authorization allowing the City of Beverly, on behalf of the
Library, to enter into an equipment lease agreement with Wells Fargo Financial Leasing,
Inc. for a laser fiche system and services from Kyocera Document Solutions New
England for a term of sixty months at a cost of $585.00 per month. Please see the
attached memorandum from Library Director, Patricia Cirone, requesting permission to
enter into such lease agreement (a copy of which is attached). Since the lease term
exceeds 36 months, City Council approval is necessary.
A proposed order is also enclosed.
Please initiate action on this matter at your next City Council meeting, October 6, 2015.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
Refer to Finance & Property
Communications from other City Officers and Boards:
Paul Guanci, President October 1, 2015
Beverly City Council
City Hall, 191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
RE: Community Preservation Committee
Second Round CPA Project Funding Recommendations
Dear President Guanci and Members of the City Council,
The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) has received, reviewed and herein makes
funding recommendations for the second round of project applications for the
Community Preservation Act funding. The CPC, with the valuable assistance from the
City Finance and Planning Departments, has worked to perform its due diligence in
evaluating this second round of applications and is pleased to submit the enclosed
All recommended projects are subject to the terms and conditions imposed by the Community
Preservation Committee through anticipated Grant Agreements or Memorandums of
Understanding. The following conditions are common to all recommended projects:
1. Projects financed with Community Preservation Act funds must comply with all
applicable State and municipal requirements. CPA funds are administered and
disbursed by the City of Beverly.
2. Project oversight, monitoring, and financial control are the responsibility of the
CPC or its designee, or as required in project Memorandums of
Understanding /Agreement
3. The CPC will require quarterly project status updates from Community
Preservation Act Fund recipients. Additionally, recipients shall also provide an
interim report at the 50% Completion Stage along with budget documentation.
4. All projects will be required to state "This project received funding assistance
from the citizens of Beverly through the Community Preservation Act" in their
promotional material and, where appropriate, on exterior signage.
Applications for all projects are available for review in the Planning Department office,
or on the CPC's website. Should you have any questions or need additional information,
please do not hesitate to contact the Committee through its staff, Amy Maxner in the
Planning Department.
Respectfully Submitted by: Community Preservation Committee
Chair Wendy Pearl, Historic District Commission Representative
Vice -Chair Marilyn McCrory, Open Space & Recreation Committee Representative
Robert Buchsbaum, Conservation Commission Representative
Thomas Bussone, II, Housing Authority Representative
Henry Pizzo, Parks & Recreation Commission Representative
John Thomson, Planning Board Representative
Darien Crimmin, At -Large Representative
John Paddol, At -Large Representative
Heather Richter, At -Large Representative
Cc: Michael Cahill, Mayor
Bryant Ayles, Finance Director
Stephanie Williams, City Solicitor
Aaron Clausen, Planning Director
Summary Chart
Beverly_ Community Preservation Committee Recommendations
For CPA Funding Round #2, FY2016
R2 -1
Beverly Housing Authority
R2 -2
Beverly Historical Society
Hale House
R2 -3
City of Beverly Clerk's Office
Historic Records
R2 -4
Beverly Golf & Tennis
Design costs for
ADA upgrades to
BG &T Clubhouse
2 " floor
bathrooms and
g reat room doors
R2 -5
Ward 2 Civic Association
GAR Hall
study /architectural
R2 -6
Ayers PTO
Greens Hill trail
R2 -7
Beverly Recreation Department
Lynch Park ADA
path and beach
R2 -8
Beverly Recreation Department
Dane Street
beach ADA path
and beach chairs
R2 -9
Beverly Recreation Department
Dane Street
beach playground
R2 -11
Beverly Recreation Department
Kimball - Haskell
(Cove) Park
tennis court
Project Descriptions & Summaries for each Recommendation
Project Title: Simon Street and Memorial Drive Family Housing Roof
Replacement Project
Applicant: Beverly Housing Authority
The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $100,710.00
to the Beverly Housing Authority for the purpose of the removal of old and deteriorating
roof material and replacement with a 50 -year shingle roof along with new gutters and
downspouts on three duplex units located at 24/24A Simon Street, 13/14 Memorial Drive
and 15/16 Memorial Drive. The Community Preservation Act spending purpose is to
preserve and protect a community housing asset from injury, harm or destruction.
Project Title: Hale House Exterior Restoration
Applicant: Beverly Historical Society
The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $180,000.00
to the Beverly Historical Society for the purpose of restoring and preserving exterior
features of the Hale House, including window, sill and trim repairs, front door
restoration, repair, replacement and painting of clapboards, and gutter replacement. The
Community Preservation Act spending purpose is to preserve a historic asset from injury,
harm or destruction and restoring same by making extraordinary capital repairs to make
the building functional for its intended use.
Project Title: Beverly City Hall Historic Records Conservation Project
Applicant: City of Beverly Clerk's Office
The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $25,000.00 to
the City of Beverly Clerk's Office for the purpose of preserving a historic asset by de-
acidification and conservation of at -risk municipal documents. The Community
Preservation Act spending purpose is to preserve an historic resource from injury, harm
or destruction.
Project Title: Preservation of the Beverly Golf and Tennis Clubhouse
Applicant: Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission
The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $47,000.00 to
the Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission for the purpose of funding design, bidding and
approval costs for ADA upgrades to the 2nd floor bathrooms and great room doors. The
Community Preservation Act spending purpose is to rehabilitate a historic resource by
making extraordinary capital improvements to make the building functional for its
intended use.
Project Title: Feasibility Study /Architectural Analysis for Preservation and
Rehabilitation of GAR Hall
Applicant: Ward 2 Civic Association
The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $24,000.00 to
the Ward 2 Civic Association c/o the City of Beverly for the purpose of preserving an
historic asset by performing a feasibility study and an architectural analysis that will
guide historically sensitive restoration and rehabilitation of the building and ensure
compliance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic
Properties. The Community Preservation Act spending purpose is to preserve an historic
Project Title: Greens Hill trail and Water Access Improvements
Applicant: Ayers PTO
The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $20,000.00 to
the Ayers PTO c/o the City of Beverly for the purpose of performing trail improvements
and construct a boardwalk to connect trails and provide waterfront access. The
Community Preservation Act spending purpose is to rehabilitate recreational land to
make it functional for its intended use.
Project Title: ADA Accessible Path & Beach Chairs @ Lynch Park
Applicant: City of Beverly c/o Recreation Department
The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $20,000.00
to the City of Beverly for the purpose of purchasing ADA beach chairs and creating an
ADA accessible pathway for said beach chairs, thereby increasing and improving
accessibility to the beach and waterfront.. The Community Preservation Act spending
purpose is to rehabilitate recreational land to make them functional for its intended use.
Project Title: ADA Accessible Path & Beach Chairs @ Lyons Park (Dane
Street Beach)
Applicant: City of Beverly c/o Recreation Department
The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $15,000.00
to the City of Beverly for the purpose of purchasing ADA beach chairs and creating an
ADA accessible pathway for said beach chairs, thereby increasing and improving
accessibility to the beach and waterfront.. The Community Preservation Act spending
purpose is to rehabilitate recreational land to make them functional for its intended use.
Project Title: Dane Street Beach Playground Structure
Applicant: City of Beverly c/o Recreation Department
The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $60,000.00
to the City of Beverly, for the purpose of constructing a new play structure at Dane Street
Beach. The Community Preservation Act spending purpose is to rehabilitate recreational
land to make it functional for its intended use.
Project Title: New Tennis Courts @ Kimball - Haskell (Cove) Park
Applicant: City of Beverly c/o Recreation Department
The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $100,000.00
to the City of Beverly, for the purpose of replacing existing tennis courts with new courts,
reconstruction of the retaining wall and installation of new fencing. The Community
Preservation Act spending purpose is to make capital improvements to rehabilitate
recreational land to make it functional for its intended use.
Refer to Finance & Property
Monday, 5 October 2015
Honorable City Council
City of Beverly
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
Attached for your consideration and immediate action is the Warrant For
Election for the Biennial Municipal Election scheduled for Tuesday, 3 November
2015 from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Please take action on this at your next regularly
scheduled Council Meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
D. Wesley Slate, Jr.
City Clerk
To the City Councilors of the City of Beverly,
GREETINGS: In the name of the City of Beverly you are hereby required to notify and warn the
inhabitants of said town who are qualified to vote in Primaries and Elections to vote at the following
One Mayor for a term of two years.
Three Councilors at Large for a term of two years
One Councilor for Ward One for a term of two years.
One Councilor for Ward Two for a term of two years.
One Councilor for Ward Three for a term of two years
One Councilor for Ward Four for a term of two years.
One Councilor for Ward Five for a term of two years.
One Councilor for Ward Six for a term of two years.
One School Committee person from Ward One for a term of two years
One School Committee person from Ward Two for a term of two years
One School Committee person from Ward Three for a term of two years
One School Committee person from Ward Four for a term of two years
One School Committee person from Ward Five for a term of two years
One School Committee person from Ward Six for a term of two years
The meetings of the qualified voters of the City of Beverly, for the purpose of electing the above officials,
shall be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 (Regular General City Election). The polls at such meetings
shall be opened at seven o'clock in the morning and shall be closed at eight o'clock in the evening.
Be it further ordered:
That in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 54, Section 24, of M. G.L. and amendments thereto, the
following locations are hereby designated by the City Council as Polling Places for the City Election of
Tuesday, November 3, 2015.
Ward 1, Precinct 1, Ayers -Ryal Side School, 40 Woodland Avenue
Ward 1, Precinct 2, Ayers -Ryal Side School, 40 Woodland Avenue
Ward 2, Precinct 1, Beverly Public Library, Winter Street Entrance
Ward 2, Precinct 2, Beverly Public Library, Winter Street Entrance
Ward 3, Precinct 1 McKeown Elementary School, 70 Balch Street
Ward 3, Precinct 2, McKeown Elementary School, 70 Balch Street
Ward 4, Precinct 1, Cove Elementary School, 20 Eisenhower Avenue
Ward 4, Precinct 2, Cove Elementary School, 20 Eisenhower Avenue
Ward 5, Precinct 1, North Beverly Elementary School, 48 Putnam Street
Ward 5, Precinct 2, North Beverly Elementary School, 48 Putnam Street
Ward 6, Precinct 1, Centerville Elementary School, 17 Hull Street
Ward 6, Precinct 2, Centerville Elementary School, 17 Hull Street
D. Wesley Slate, Jr.
City Clerk
Order read once & adopted. Vote: 9 -0
Communications, Applications and Petitions:
Petition — National Grid — locate underground conduits @ Virginia Avenue & Kathleen DR
Refer to Public Services
Petition — National Grid & Verizon — locate 1 JO Pole @ Goat Hill Lane & Summit Avenue
Refer to Public Services
Application for an Automatic Amusement Device License (Pool Table) — Pickled Onion,
355 Rantoul Street
Refer to Legal Affairs
Communication from Roy Gelineau, Jr., 19 Goldsmith Avenue, Beverly, re: #428 —
Cummings Properties Request
Receive and Place on File — Vote 9 -0.
Communication from Cummings Properties re: Withdrawal of Request on 50 Dunham
Road ( #428 — Joint Public Hearing)
Receive and Place on File — Vote 9 -0.
Communication from Dr. Stephen D. Immerman, President, Montserrat College of Art re
Human Rights Committee
Receive and Place on File — Vote 9 -0.
Reports from Committees:
The Committee on Finance and Property /Committee of the Whole to whom was
referred to matter of Reappointment — Alice Burns & Kathy Doane — Trustees of
the David Lynch Public Parks Fund, have considered said matter and beg leave
to report as follows, to wit:
Recommend the Council approve the Appointments.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Finance and Property /Committee of the Whole to whom was
referred to matter of Appointment — Mark Casey — Trustees of the David Lynch
Public Parks Fund, have considered said matter and beg leave to report as
follows, to wit:
Recommend the Council approve the Appointment.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Finance & Property /Committee of the Whole to whom was
referred to matter of Appointments — Walt Kosmowski & Maureen Hobin as
Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce Representatives to the Economic &
Community Development Council ( "ECDC "), have considered said matter and
beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Recommend the Council approve the Appointments.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Finance & Property /Committee of the Whole to whom was
referred the matter of communication from the Mayor re Payment of Past Years'
Invoices have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Recommend the Council approve the amended request (amended to read "ten
(10)" rather than "eleven (11)" and to read "$40,013.30" rather than "40,317.80 ").
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Finance & Property /Committee of the Whole to whom was
referred to matter of communication from the Mayor re request for approval of
Multiple -Year Lease for a Laser Fiche System at the Beverly Public Library, have
considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying Order and recommend its adoption:
ORDERED: That the City of Beverly is authorized to enter into an equipment
lease agreement with Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. for the purchase of a
laserfiche system and services from Kyocera Document Solutions New England
for a term of sixty months at a cost of $585.00 per month.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Finance & Property /Committee of the Whole to whom was
referred to matter request from the Community Preservation Committee ( "CPC ")
re Second Round CPA Project Funding Recommendation, have considered said
matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying Order and recommend its adoption
ORDERED That the City Council of the City of Beverly hold a Public Hearing on
Monday, October 19, 2015 at 7:30 PM in City Hall Council Chambers, 3r Floor,
191 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA relative to a request from the Community
Preservation Committee ( "CPC ") concerning Second Round CPA Project
Funding Recommendations.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Legal Affairs /Committee of the Whole to whom was referred
to matter of the request from the City Solicitor re: An Ordinance enacting an
Ordinance entitled "Dog Kennel Licensing and Fees ", have considered said
matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying ordinance and recommend its adoption
In the year two thousand and fifteen
An ordinance enacting an ordinance entitled Dog Kennel Licensing and Fees.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows:
By amending Article X, Section (d) entitled Dogs and Cats of the revised
Ordinances of the City of Beverly by adding the following new subsection (iii):_
(iii) Dog Kennel Licensing and Fees.
The City Clerk is the licensing authority for any dog kennel or daycare sheltering
more than three (3) dogs at any given time and for any duration. Any person
operating such a kennel shall apply to the City Clerk for a license and shall be
subject to the following fee schedule for new licenses and for renewals:
4 dogs -
5 -10 dogs -
10 or more
The City Clerk shall issue a license under this section only after the kennel has
been inspected by the Animal Control Officer in both the case of a new license
and a renewal. Kennel licenses must be renewed every June. Kennels subject
to this section must be in compliance with all state laws in their handling of
licensed and unlicensed dogs and in their operation in order to maintain a kennel
State Law References: M.G. L. c. 140 §§ 137A -137D
Copies of the completed Ordinance are on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and
are available for public review.
Ordinance to take effect upon Final Passage.
First Reading: July 7, 2015
Second Reading: October 19, 2015
Final Passage: October 19, 2015
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Legal Affairs /Committee of the Whole to whom was referred
to matter of the request from Cummings Properties re: Proposed change in
Zoning classification from IR to IR Overlay for 53.72 Acre Parcel at 50 Dunham
Road, Beverly, Assessor's Parcel ID 69 -2, have considered said matter and beg
leave to report as follows, to wit:
Receive and place on file.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Legal Affairs /Committee of the Whole to whom was referred
to matter communication from Councilor Rand re: Ordinance to establish a
Human Rights Committee, have considered said matter and beg leave to report
as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying ordinance and recommend its adoption
Ordered: That in the year 2015 an Ordinance creating an Ordinance to establish
the Human Rights Committee:
Article VII (Multiple Member Bodies) Section 7.49
Human Rights Committee
(a) Establishment, Composition There is hereby established a Human Rights
Committee. This Committee shall consist of eleven (11) members, with at
least three members who have demonstrated knowledge of and /or experience
with addressing matters of human and civil rights. The Committee shall also
include one member from the city administration and one member from the
School Department. Members of the Committee serve without compensation
and shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City
Council for a term of three years and a maximum term limit of six (6)
consecutive years. The members first appointed shall have staggered terms.
The initial appointments of fewer than three years, for purposes of staggering
the terms, shall not count towards the six consecutive year term limit. The
members of the committee shall be citizens of Beverly and shall, so far as
practicable, be so selected as to provide broad representation from the fields
of advocacy, business, education, labor, law, law enforcement, public health
and religion. Members may be removed in accordance with the provisions of
the City Charter.
(b) Purpose The Committee shall actively seek to enhance equal justice,
inclusivity, and human rights for all members of our community.
(i.) The Committee serves as a resource to the City of Beverly and the
The Committee may provide education and support on human rights, diversity,
and inclusivity with the goal of raising awareness and sensitivity to matters of
human and civil rights.
(ii.) The Committee may provide the public with contacts to agents of
the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination or other appropriate
federal, state, and local agencies.
(iii.) The Committee shall meet a minimum of four times each year.
(iv.) The Committee may conduct ongoing campaigns and host free
public events each year to facilitate public education on diversity,
discrimination and inclusive community building as relevant to Beverly.
(v.) The Committee shall not operate as an adjudicatory body.
Ordinance to take effect upon Final Passage.
First Reading: September 15, 2015
Second Reading: October 5, 2015
Final Passage: October 19, 2015
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Legal Affairs /Committee of the Whole to whom was referred
to matter communication from the Mayor re: Support for the establishment of the
Human Rights Committee Ordinance, have considered said matter and beg
leave to report as follows, to wit:
Receive and place on file.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Legal Affairs /Committee of the Whole to whom was referred
request from the Pickled Onion, 355 Rantoul St to add 1 Valley 8 Pool table (coin
operated) to their existing Automatic Amusement Device License, have
considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Recommend the License be granted.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Public Services /Committee of the Whole to whom was
referred to matter of Petition from National Grid — request for permission to locate
underground conduits at the intersection of Virginia Avenue and Kathleen Drive,
have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying Order and recommend its adoption:
Ordered: That the City Council of the City of Beverly will hold a Public Hearing on
Monday October 19, 2015 at 7:20 PM in City Council Chambers, third floor of City Hall,
191 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA relative to a Petition from National Grid regarding -
request for the installation of underground conduits at the intersection of Virginia Avenue
and Kathleen Drive.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
The Committee on Public Services /Committee of the Whole to whom was
referred to matter of Petition from National Grid — request for permission to locate
1 JO Pole at intersection of Goat Hill Lane and Summit Avenue, have considered
said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying Order and recommend its adoption:
Ordered: That the City Council of the City of Beverly will hold a Public Hearing on
Monday October 19, 2015 at 7:25 PM in City Council Chambers, third floor of City Hall,
191 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA relative to a Petition from National Grid — request for
permission to locate 1 JO Pole at intersection of Goat Hill Lane and Summit Avenue.
Order read once and adopted. Vote: 9 -0.
Unfinished Business: none
Final Passage: none
Motions and Orders: none
Meeting Adjourned 8:10 PM
Attest: D. Wesley Slate, Jr.
City Clerk