2015-07-07Special Meeting Beverly City Council 7:00 PM Tuesday July 7, 2015 Roll Call John P. Frates Jr. Scott D. Houseman, David J. Lang (absent), James F. Latter, Donald G. Martin, Estelle M. Rand, Matthew J. St. Hilaire, Jason C. Silva, Paul M. Guanci Pledge of AIleg iance to the Flag: Kathleen P. Connolly, City Clerk Acceptance of Minutes: #404 Call for a Special Public Speakers: none Public Hearings: # 397 - 7:10PM - Petition — National Grid (School & Rantoul Streets) Refer to Public Services Presentations, Awards and Memorials: Communications from His Honorthe Mayor: Communications from other City Officers and Boards: #405 July 7, 2015 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA01915 Dear Honorable Council You'll recall that The Beverly Public Librarywas named as a beneficiary of the SUSAN M SALT TRUST. This pastfall the City received $120,000 as the initial distribution of this trust and the Council approved its acceptance and the establishment of a trustfund. The City has recently received the final distribution of the bequest for an additional $22,600.04. VMth City Council approval, these additional funds will be deposited into the previously established trust fund and used pursuant to the terms outlined in the bequest. This Trust will be managed bythe Commissioners of the Trust Funds and any income generated from the Trust could be used as the Board of Library Trustees direct. Please reference the attached order for consideration. VerytruIy yours, Bryant Ayles Finance Director /Treasurer Refer to Finance and Property : July 1, 2015 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Re: An ordinance enacting an ordinance entitled Dog Kennel Licensing and Fees Dear Honorable Council: