JANUARY 22, 2015
Cable Advisory Commission:
Muriel Zaginailoff, Donald Berman, Diane Costa, Eric Overberg, Al Torsey, Alex Ushakoff
John Augeri; Kim Alyn; Walter Kosmowski
Beverly Council on Aging
Mary Ann Holak
Beverly Public Library
Pat Cirone; Anna Langstaff
Beverly City Information Technology
Dennis Greenleaf
The meeting was called to order by Muriel who called upon each participant to identity
themselves after which she made introductory remarks regarding the purpose of the
meeting. She noted that there was great interest and support expressed by the mayor and
his chief -of -staff. She then called on Mary Ann to express her interest and position
regarding video capabilities at the BCOA.
Mary Ann noted that she appreciated the support given by BevCam and felt it was a good
partnership. She was concerned that she could not spare the already stretched staff with
any additional burdens and also that she did not have the space in which to store expensive
equipment and was not positive about the additional responsibility entailed.
Pat made similar points about having limited staff that she could not expect to take on
additional responsibilities. She also thought the relationship with BevCam was good. She
realized the potential for capturing lectures and civic meetings in better serving the stay -
at -home community.
Walter expressed appreciation for the positive comments on the relationships with
BevCam and pledged continued support for requested program coverage. He pointed out
that BevCam had never had to refuse a request and expected that with expanded staff and
additional volunteers that the situation as presently handled would only improve. The
demand had never been very high and did not present problems. He also pointed out to Pat
that a robotic system was not easier but harder to operate by a novice. And finally, he said
that even if such a system were decided upon, it could not be installed for 2 to 3 years due
to budget constraints.
Al Torsy wanted to know where was the money that was dedicated to these installations
having been included in the renewal proposal to Comcast. Walter's response was that he
was required to get approval from his board for all expenditures and that `mission critical'
equipment purchases for a server for the anticipated third channel, new studio cameras
and studio lighting had to take priority.
Alex proposed a compromise to provide coverage during such a delay involving BevCam
providing equipment at the library for volunteers to use whenever requested for coverage
of lectures and events. Walter agreed this could be done.
Muriel pointed out that while it certainly sounded like current conditions did not allow for
additional responsibilities that in the future the situation could change and that the past
history of infrequent use could change with time as additional capability was made
Don explained the thinking behind the library robotic installation as a response to lack of
volunteers who found the coverage requirements onerous since equipment needed to be
picked up on Fridays, kept over the weekend, set up early Monday morning and returned
that day. It was thought that having a turn-key system permanently in place would
encourage greater coverage with more frequent usage.
John Augieri thought that volunteers could be encouraged to provide coverage without any
additional incentive. He did not think it took much effort to set up for lectures.
Alex mentioned that with the additional fiber line drops at each school it would now be
increasingly possible to originate live programming. This would provide a gradual
approach to an installed robotic system and Walter agreed.
Mary Ann continued to express doubt as to the popularity such equipment would enjoy.
Once again she thought the present relationship of the senior production crew of'Livin'
The Good Life' was highly dependent on BevCam support and did not want to become
independent of that.
Muriel called for Walter to provide an equipment budget for a robotic system for the
library to serve as a starting point for further discussion. Walter replied that he had such a
quote at $48,000 and that he was already over $35,000 over budget for capital equipment
for the year.
Dennis mentioned that the city's new fiber network was available and Walter stated that
transceivers that enable usage by translating optical signals to electrical digital signals
would be available by the end of March.
Muriel concluded the meeting by calling on all to reflect on the discussion and consider
meeting again for a conclusion.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.