COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: May 28, 2015
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Marilyn McCrory — Vice
Chair, Heather Richter, Lincoln Williams, Leland
McDonough, John Thomson, Henry Pizzo
MEMBERS ABSENT: Darrien Crimmin, Robert Buchsbaum,
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Jon Paddol — new
member to take Lincoln Williams' seat, Sue Carlton
Beverly Housing Authority, Christy Edwards, Mary Zacky
RECORDER: Aileen O'Rourke
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm
Consultation and Q& A with CPC (7:00 p.m. -7:15 p.m.)
Pearl notes there appears to be no members of the public here this evening and moves on to
Williams announces that his term on the CPC ends July 31s and a few months ago he decided not
to seek re- appointment. He introduces Jon Paddol, who will be taking over his position on the
Committee. Paddol was approved by the City Council 10 days ago and was recently sworn in.
Paddol will now be attending the meetings in Williams' place though he is unable to vote at
today's meeting. Paddol introduces himself and gives a quick background; he grew up in Beverly
and lives on the Ryall side with his family. He brings to the Committee property management
and real estate expertise.
Administrative Business
Essex Street Family Housing Roof Replacement Project Update
Maxner invited Sue Carlton, Deputy Director of the Beverly Housing Authority to discuss the
grant agreement regarding pre- disbursement requirements and what the process will be now that
invoices are starting to come in. The Committee originally agreed to a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 disbursement
schedule. Carlton would like to know the process for getting these bills paid as they cannot be
run through the BHA regular budget and legally cannot hold money for more than 30 days.
Carlton states she has an $8000 contract with the architect of this project who has completed his
work and additional bills incurred prior to contract award of around $5700.
Discussion ensues on the process of how to pay invoices as they come in. Does the Committee
need to see the invoices? Maxner states she needs to review them. Committee agrees to pay bills
for now, when contract signed with Contractor, submit final payment at that point.
McDonough motions to authorize Maxner to process invoices directly, as long as do not exceed
$90K for this project. Seconded by Thomson. Pearl amends the motion to waive the progress
report requirement for the second disbursement. Seconded by Thomson. All in favor the motion
carries unanimously 7 -0. Someone from the City (likely the building inspector) should sign off
the work has been completed.
CPA Plan
Many communities have created a CPA plan to help guide the work of the Committee as well as
prioritize projects and communicate the work the CPC to the public. Pearl states that the
Committee can use part of the administrative budget to cover the cost of hiring a consultant to
write the plan. Discussion ensues as to additional benefits of having a CPA plan and what the
level of effort would be. Other communities have incorporated the plans from various city
departments including: Open Space and Recreation and Housing. Beverly does not have updated
plans yet. Pearl will speak with Aaron Clausen regarding updating the plans especially Housing.
All Committee members should look at least one of the following communities: Acton, Canton,
Gloucester, Salem, Newburyport plans as a guide.
Mary Zacky, resident of Beverly, joins discussion. She would like to know the status of the
Windover Construction land purchase next to Odell Park, in particular the Cushing Carriage
factory and the Taft Hotel located on the property and whether these buildings will be preserved
for historic or cultural significance. The President of Windover, Lee Dellicker plans to demolish
these buildings. The Historic District Commission imposed a 12 month demolition delay which
expired in February and there is no other recourse to stop the demolition. Pearl directed her to
Bill Finch in the Historic District Commission and Allison Crosbie in the Planning Department
to find out more about the current status.
Round 1 Projects update
Maxner passes around a spreadsheet with updated status including funding recommendations and
first disbursement conditions:
• Harborlight-clo sing process by late July. Early August start date for construction
• Beverly Historic Society -grant agreement signed, 1st disbursement conditions signed off,
project under way
• City Clerk Document restoration- at 50% completion, budget hasn't changed
• Hastings House -grant agreement signed off, still framing scope, budget hasn't changed
• First Parish -grant agreement signed off, Maxner suspects they are still framing scope,
will need to consult building inspector per ADA requirements
• Lynch Park carriage house - Lynch Park Advisory Committee has dissolved. Parks and
Rec will manage the MOU but still to be signed. Pearl asks if HDC should manage this
project instead? Committee wonders if Parks and Rec is overburdened. Project at a
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standstill. Anything to make the project happen easiest, Pearl is in favor of because this is
a high visibility project that exemplifies the type of work CPA funds are used for.
• Camp Paradise- Maxner working with city solicitor on MOU. Solicitor is drafting CR
with Greenbelt to hold.
• Lynch Park bathrooms -MOU not signed yet. Project underway, with building to be
constructed very soon, waiting for exterior design to be submitted to Design Review
Board. Committee members express their concern with non - compliance with the MOU.
Pizzo agrees to help expedite getting the design to the DRB and a copy to the Committee.
• Ellis Square redesign, City Planning Department to be manager of the MOU, still in early
planning /design and fundraising phase, the CPC amended the MOU condition from
requiring a CR to allowing Article 97 protection. MOU is 1 -year, valid to March 31,
2015, but CPC can extend for good reason.
• Lynch Park play structure -has been installed, MOU not signed. No signage installed.
• Ryall Side Obear Park pavilion -Parks and Rec will be the manager of the MOU, but not
yet signed. No other information available on the status of the project. Committee
discusses the possibility of whether the City Grants Director be manager of City MOD's.
Pizzo asks about the potential $30K savings for Housing Authority roof project, where does it
go? Can it be used to another project that goes over budget? Pizzo wonders if it can be used for
principal payment for the City's bond? Pearl states it will be available as carryover for the next
fiscal year.
Approval of April 16, 2015 meeting minutes is tabled to clarify the meaning of preservation as
stated by Goehring. Recorder will re- listen to tape and copy verbatim.
Round 2 Applications to be reviewed. Pearl asks the Committee if everyone had a chance to look
at the packets. A strategy on how to handle the evaluations is discussed. Pearl states decisions
cannot be reopened for Committee members who miss a meeting but if a Committee member
feels they have an expertise in a certain area, deliberations for those particular projects will be
scheduled when that Committee member can be present.
Paddol asks about the CPC application cycle, pre - applications are due in February, March
decisions made on pre - applications, full proposals come in May, then the Committee undertakes
due - diligence and makes recommendations to City Council by September. City Council votes to
authorize the expenditures.
Thomson asks about the budget. FYI budget is $825, 130. FY2016 to be created in late June.
$82,000 is unavailable and set aside for open space, $12,500 already allocated to HDC.
Discussion ensues how best to structure the next meeting. The Committee decides to focus the
next meeting on Housing and Historical Preservation because it makes up the bulk of the
applications. The Committee decides on the scoring for Round 2 applications from a scale of 0 -5
with 5 being the best and 0 being the worst in terms of meeting the criteria. Committee will send
scores to Maxner before the next meeting.
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Beverly Golf and Tennis club - questions regarding sorting the project out with regards to what
parts meet the CPA requirements, what is considered maintenance, code compliance /obligations
the city should meet, to be discussed in future deliberations.
Next CPC meeting is scheduled for June 18'
Williams says a few words on his service on the CPC and has enjoyed himself. He will send his
letter of resignation to Pearl and Maxner. He notes that he cannot make the June 18t' meeting.
Maxner suggests that, since Jon Padoll is approved and sworn in, Williams could make this his
last meeting so that Jon can start participating in the 2nd Round Application evaluation. Williams
agrees and will send his resignation to Pearl. The Committee will miss Williams and thanks him
for his service but look forward to working with his replacement.
Williams announces his upcoming photo exhibit at the Beverly Historical Society on Jun 10' at
There being no further business before the Committee, Thomson moves to adjourn. Seconded by
McCrory. All in favor, the motion carries unanimously (7 -0). The meeting is adjourned at 8:50
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