2015-04-01CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee April 1, 2015 Charlie Mann (Chairperson), David Brewster (Vice Chair), Elizabeth Dunne, David Gardner, Barbara King, David Long, Marilyn McCrory, Bill Squibb (arrived at 8:20 p.m.) James Matz, Sandra Stacey Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Allison Crosbie, Associate Planner Rachel Abell Jane Dooley Mann calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Principal Items of Business Acceptance of Previous Minutes: December 3, 2014, January 7, 2015, February 4, 2015, March 4, 2015 Gardner moves to accept the minutes for December 3, 2014 as amended. Seconded by King. The motion carries 7 -0. McCrory provided Maxner with amendments. Members provided Maxner with amendments for January 7, 2015 minutes. Gardner moves to accept the minutes for January 7, 2015 as amended. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 7 -0. Members provided Maxner with amendments for February 4, 2015 minutes, and sign -in sheet is attached with list of others present. McCrory moves to accept the minutes for February 4, 2015 as amended. Seconded by King. The motion carries 5 -0 -2, with Mann and Gardner abstaining. Brewster moves to accept the minutes for March 4, 2015 as presented. Seconded by Mann. The motion carries 7 -0. Open Space & Recreation Plan Update —Finalize Draft 7 -Year Action Plan, Identify Ward Specific Priorities/Projects Crosbie summarizes her updates to the Open Space & Recreation Plan such as infrastructure, land development patterns, demographics, list of hazardous sites, etc. Discussion ensues about breaking down OSRC accomplishments by Ward including the opportunity for trails in Ward 3, 27X in Ward 1 since the City closed on that parcel. Maxner notes that the Ward priorities is the Open Space & Recreation Committee April 1, 2015 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 next part of the plan that need updating by the Committee. The Committee members agree do develop list for their own Wards with comments from at -large members per OSRC goals and accomplishments to provide to Crosbie. Maxner notes that she revised the 7 -year action plan based on last OSRC meeting discussion. Members mention Ancient Highway in Wards 3 and 4 as well as how the Committee could interface and serve as liaison to bicycle committee and show support for City -wide complete streets program. Maxners points out that she assigned year 2 and 7 for posting surveys. Discussion addresses which year is most appropriate to start the regional trail network goal and associated activities. Members agree to start in year 1 to get discussions going with abutting towns. Members discuss Goal E involving coordination with local colleges and other private schools to share facilities. Members agree the goal of facility usage seems ambitious, but that trail easements and usage should be pursued. Alternative language for this goal is discussed, with Maxner and Crosbie agreeing to make final edits. 2015 Earth Day Walk Events — Coordination & Planning Discussion ensues as to planning efforts for Earth Day Walk schedule. McCrory offers to follow up with Matz on a walk at Moraine Farm and Maxner will contact Waldorf School and TTOR to understand possible dates for other themes and walks. Maxner agrees to contact the newspapers once the schedule is finalized. Planning Board Request for Comments — OSRD Site Plan Application, initial review — Application #6 -15 for 30 Foster Street— Lindallwood Realty Trust Members review the proposed 2 -lot OSRD plan for 30 Foster Street. Maxner provides a brief history on the property relative to a previously approved 5 -lot subdivision. Pursuant to the project engineer's narrative, the applicant is amenable to gifting a portion of the site (open space parcel) to the City that connects to Camp Paradise. A No Disturb Zone parcel will be owned by the most interior house and will not have public access. Maxner explains that the Conservation Commission will be submitting comments regarding the No Disturb Zone parcel being protected permanently by some mechanism so it will be left in its natural state. The OSRC is in favor of conveying the parcel to the City and adopting the language about the No Disturb area being permanently protected by some mechanism, boundaries of open space parcel should be clearly marked in the field and on plans and recorded. Gardner moves that the OSRC write a comment letter to the Board encapsulating this discussion with the following points: • The OSRC supports conveyance of the 1.72 acre open space parcel to the City, as it will expand the contiguous Camp Paradise soon to be purchased by the City. • The open space parcel should be clearly marked /monumented at regular intervals in the field to ensure this area is not encroached upon or altered by neighbors or others. Said monuments should be clearly marked on the final approved plans and recorded at the Registry so as to alert any potential and future owners of the lots within this development. Open Space & Recreation Committee April 1, 2015 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 The .82 acre no- disturb parcel should be protected by a permanent restriction or some other perpetual recordable device. Seconded by King. The motion carries 8 -0. After looking at the plan and the associated no disturb zones, King moves to amend the motion to include a possible condition that the no cut zone be extended to coincide with the building envelope setbacks around the outer perimeter of the house lots. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 8 -0. Other Business & Updates Community Preservation Committee (CPC) — Update on 2 nd Round Application Process - OSRC Pre - Application Re: Map 19, Lot 27A Discussion ensues as to Ryal Side PTO having submitted a pre - application for $30,000 for trail improvements to the CPC, which was approved as eligible for CPA funding. Mann explains that there are many groups interested in trail improvements at Greens Hill and he suggested scheduled a meeting with those groups to address this so that there is a united vision for the space. He notes that a meeting is set for tomorrow and will bring the Committee's concerns to the table. Mann updates in regard to 27A, noting that the property owner Mrs. Ewing has agreed to allow the City to perform an appraisal, which will be funded by Harbor Management Authority. Robert Murphy is performing the appraisal and expects that it will be delivered in the next couple of weeks. Maxner notes that the Committee's CPA pre - application for this parcel acquisition has been approved as eligible. Signage — Subcommittee Report on Activities Mann provides an update as to the progress made. He notes that there are three components needed for comprehensive signage: 1) street way finding; 2) trail head signage; 3) trail intersection directions. He has worked with Roland Adams, City GIS Coordinator, on a map to show locations of street signage. He lays out the map and provides an overview. Members discuss strategic locations for street signage. Mann agrees to email the map to members for their review and input. Maxner reminds the Committee that Maria Arcieri in the City's Engineering Department is a graphic designer and would be happy to assist with the signage design. Semi - Annual Report to City Council Mann will present semi - annual report on April 6. There will be mention of Conservation Restriction on Norwood Pond moving forward. Waring School field encroachment resolution Maxner explains that at its meeting last night, the Conservation Commission voted on a final resolution package and she will email this information to the Committee. Maxner anticipates Open Space & Recreation Committee April 1, 2015 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 getting the material to Ed Becker for his presentation to the donor family. She will keep the Committee apprised of his progress. Planning Board update Mann and King explain that the public hearing on the OSRD subdivision on Standley Street was continued without much discussion or comment from the public. King notes that she had a good conversation with the project engineer after the meeting, in which she communicated the need for continuous access off the end of the cul -de -sac and water connection. She notes that the applicant and engineer seemed amendable to both ideas. Mann and King agree to attend the next Planning Board meeting to make sure the Board understands the OSRC's position and recommendations. Project Adventure — Application for Variance from Zoning Board of Appeals for Lot at Moraine Farm Mann explains that Project Adventure (PA) has submitted an application to gain a variance from frontage on a lot within Moraine Farm, which was encumbered by an Agricultural Preservation Restriction placed by PA. Discussion ensues as the consequences of granting the variance and the City and TTOR's efforts to preserve the integrity of Moraine Farm open space complex. Members agree the OSRC should write a letter in opposition. Squibb moves for the Committee to write letter. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 8 -0. Members give Mann, Gardner and Maxner permission to draft and finalize the letter. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, McCrory moves to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. Seconded by Brewster. The motion carries 8 -0. The next meeting of the Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at City Hall, 3 d Floor Conference Room at 7:00 p.m.