COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: March 19, 2015
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Marilyn McCrory — Vice
Chair, Heather Richter, Robert Buchsbaum, Leland
McDonough. John Thompson, Henry Pizzo, & Darien
MEMBERS ABSENT: Lincoln Williams
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Beverly
Conservation Land Trust Board of Directors Member
(BCLT) Peter Johnson, Ayers Parent Teacher Organization
(PTO) Rachael Abell, Beverly Director of Municipal
Finance Bryant Ayles, Suzie Lamont Ward 2 Civic
RECORDER: Aileen O'Rourke
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Consultation and O & A with CPC (7:00 p.m. -7:15 p.m.)
Pearl introduces Peter Johnson, Member of the Beverly Conservation Land Trust (BCLT) who
has written a letter to the Committee to consider reopening the pre - application period in order to
submit their pre - application for a recreation project.
Johnson explains that due to the weather, the BCLT was unable to meet in time to get a pre -
application in by the February 27 deadline. Pearl gives the committee time to look over the
Johnson presents to the Committee stating the project is a 6.5 acre open space parcel located
between Whitehall circle and Cove School, for which the BCLT is joint holder of a conservation
easement /restriction with the Beverly Conservation Commission. He explains that the BCLT has
been maintaining the trails on the property and the connector path from Whitehall Circle
roadway. The BCLT's CPA pre - application would include updates such as: trail marking and a
kiosk with information with the goal of providing more open space and a chance for school age
children to help work on the path but that there was no urgency on the project. He said the Board
was not in operation until recently and that is why the application was not submitted on time in
addition to the weather delays.
Pizzo arrives at 7:10 p.m.
Pearl states that if the Committee were to reopen, that would set the schedule back as the other
applicants who submitted on time are expecting an answer as to their eligibility by next week.
Members agree the Land Trust could submit for later rounds.
Bucshbaum motions that the CPC not extend the pre - application deadline. Seconded by Richter.
The motion carries, 7 -0 -1, with Pizzo abstaining.
Bryant Ayles - Beverly Director of Municipal Finance
Pearl welcomes Ayles who provides an update on the financial reporting and yearly activity to
the Committee.
Ayles states that if the committee made no other awards this fiscal year, it would have an
$825,130 fund balance. Ayles explains the different columns. Revenue is what is budgeted and
approved to spend by the City Council. Revenue will exceed what is budgeted based on
conservative escalation of surcharge revenue and conservative estimates of matching state funds
providing a positive variance of $200K, but the Committee is only authorized to spend $165K in
this fiscal year which ends on June 30t Further explanation is given that the Committee can only
spend what was budgeted.
Thompson asks about Camp Paradise allocation. Ayles explains the Council has approved to
bond for this project in April. The debt service is not an obligation until it's been bonded states
Interest on revenue is shown under miscellaneous and for FY14 and FY15 it's $461, will be
about $1K available to spend next fiscal year.
FY14 is recognized numbers, FY15 is budgeted. Ayles providing a snapshot of what is obligated
versus spent in cash, tracking cash flow.
Discussion ensues on how best to present the information.
McCrory suggests next year show the year authorized, Pearl would like to label projects, Maxner
states it's Round 1, Project 1.
Ayles notes that $825,130 is what the CPC has available to spend from now by June 30t
Ayles will come back in early July to talk about next FY budgeting. Committee discusses how
often they would like a budget report, maybe every quarter. Maxner will report specific
expenditures project by project. Members agree a reporting schedule of late June /early July then
again in Jan/Feb, if a need arises before that, Ayles can update.
Administrative Business
Suzie LaMont, representing the Ward 2 Civic Association, which is the applicant for the GAR
Hall project sits in on the meeting.
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Maxner updates that a new recording secretary has been hired, and introduces Aileen O'Rourke.
She explains that the grant agreements are all out, waiting for recipient signatures or
departmental review /sign off. Beverly Housing Authority roof signed off and they are
presumably preparing final budget based on RFP's they received. She notes that the Committee
received a pre - application from Carmen Madore a week and a half late. This project involved her
selling a vacant parcel off the end of Folger Avenue as an open space project, which submitted
last year but the project was ineligible due to the description not being complete. Maxner will
has suggested that she check in with OSRC, and make sure the City is a willing buyer.
Discussion ensues about pre - applications received during the first round but did not move
forward with a full application, and whether the applicants can submit a full application for this
second round. Thompson notes that Dane St. Bath house was not funded, but it appears that the
Parks & Recreation Department passed this second round without submitting a pre - application,
as an example. Committee discusses this and agrees that applicants need to send in pre -
application again for the following year to be considered.
Pearl explains that the Historic District Commission was awarded the MHC Grant of $12,500 for
the historic inventory /documentation of historic properties that will help determine historic
preservation priorities in the City. The Committee approved to fund this Special Out -of -Cycle
application provided that MHC funds were awarded. Maxner notes she has drafted the CPC's
recommendation to the Council for Pearl and McCrory's final review. Maxner expects to get the
recommendation to the Council in time for its April 6t' meeting.
Members review the January 13, 2015 draft meeting minutes and offer minor edits. McCrory
moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Thompson. All in favor the motion
carries 5 -0 -2. (Buchsbaum and McDonough abstaining).
Members review the February 12, 2015 draft meeting minutes and offer minor edits. McCrory
moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Thompson. All in favor the motion
carries 6 -0 -1. (Crimmin abstaining).
Next CPC meeting will be Apr 16t''. There will be an hour dedicated for a rountable discussion
on how to utilize CPA funds for community housing projects, and perhaps establishing a housing
trust fund. This meeting will be advertised via a press release to heighten awareness. Maxner
notes that the meeting will be held in City Council Chambers.
Review of Pre - Application Project Eligibility
Open Space & Recreation Committee -10 Greene Street — Open Space Acquisition
Maxner provides a status update, noting the project is to acquire 1.3 acres of open space. She
states the City is trying to get an appraisal of the land. She notes that Robert Murphy & Assoc. is
being contracted to perform the appraisal. She notes the City would buy the land and it will be
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used for a trail connection. Richter motions to approve the pre - application as eligible. Thompson
seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
Beverly Housing Authority 22AB Simon Street, 13/14, 15/16 Memorial Drive — Roof
The project is to the replace the roofs on the Beverly Housing Authority (BHA) properties.
Mcdonough motions to approve pre - application as eligible. Buchsbaum seconds. Motion
approved unanimously.
Beverly Historic Society -117 Cabot -The Cabot House — Iron Fence Restoration
Project is to repair and restore iron fence. Pearl notes that this project came under a pre -
application in the first round. Thompson motions to approve pre - application as eligible.
Buchsbaum seconds. Motion approved unanimously.
Beverly Historical Society - 39 Hale Street -The Hale House — Exterior Restoration
The application is to preserve the building by performing exterior restorations including:
windows, doors, clapboard, trim and paint, and balustrade. McCrory states that to restore the
building is eligible but with a note of caution perhaps only partially fund. Committee questions
whether this is for restoration or maintenance. Pearl suggests that painting would likely be
preservation, and agrees that funding routine maintenance would not be in compliance with CPA
requirements. Thompson motions to approve pre - application as eligible with the
recommendation that the applicant demonstrate that painting does not constitute routine
maintenance. Buchsbaum seconds. Motion approved unanimously.
Beverly Golf & Tennis - 134 McKay Street - Beverly Golf & Tennis Clubhouse — Exterior Repair
and ADA Restroom Comnliance
The application is to replace railings and shingles at the Clubhouse as well as modify 2nd floor
bath for ADA compliance. McCrory states that she would recommend that all elements of the
project be examined to ensure no routine maintenance is being funded by CPA money.
Thompson asks if there are any restrictions held by the City on this historical building. Pearl
recalls that there is a State preservation restriction on the clubhouse. McCrory questions the
public benefit of the project. Members discuss the fact that it is a public golf course and the
clubhouse and course is open to the public. Crimmin motions to approve pre - application as
eligible with a recommendation that the applicant verify no part of the CPA request constitutes
routine maintenance. Pizzo seconds. Motion approved unanimously.
First Parish Church, UU - 225 Cabot Street -First Parish Church
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The application is to install/construct an elevator in the church for ADA compliance. Committee
members question whether the budget numbers are feasible for installation of new elevator,
which can cost up to $100,000 and they are only asking for $40K. Committee agrees it is not for
them to decide if budget numbers are feasible, only eligibility at this point..
Thompson motions to approve pre - application as eligible. McDonough seconds. Motion
approved unanimously.
Ward 2 Civic Association - 8 Dane Street, GAR Hall Feasibility/Preservation Study
The project is to provide a feasibility study /architectural analysis for preservation and rehab of
GAR Hall. Pearl notes this is much like Lynch Park carriage house study, setting a plan for future
preservation work. Maxner notes that the Historic District Commission (HDC) made a
determination this building is of historical significance. McDonough motions to approve pre -
application as eligible. Thompson seconds. Motion approved unanimously.
Beverly City Clerk's Office - 191 Cabot Street -City Hall Clerk's Office — Municipal Documents
The project is to perform de- acidification and conservation of at risk municipal documents.
McDonough motions to approve pre - application as eligible. Thompson seconds. Motion
approved unanimously.
Ryal Side Civic Association - 145 Livingstone Avenue -Obear Park — Stop Shoreline Erosion
The project is to slow or stop the erosion of shoreline through rip -rap or other means at the park.
There is a question as to why this is preservation. Pearl states to prevent harm or loss from
erosion makes it preservation. Committee questions if there is Com -Com approval required.
Maxner confirms a permit from the Con Com will be necessary. Members discuss the project
and agree this is a complicated project, with lots of permitting, and wetland consultation needed.
Richter asks if this should this be a feasibility study and how does it fit in the DOR chart/matrix.
Discussion ensues as to the nature of rip -rap are rocks parallel to shoreline to trap sand. Richter
thinks this project is beyond the Civic Association's capacity to carry out, and there needs to be
strong City support and expertise to do it. Maxner suggests that perhaps the City should be the
applicant for the full funding request. Suzie LaMont asks if it correct to assume that if the
project gets the Mayor's signoff, an applicant can make the proposal, even if the applicant does
not own the property. Committee agrees, but cautions that if the full application goes forward,
there needs to be strong City support or commitment to carry out the project. Thompson moves
to approve pre - application as eligible with the recommendation that the applicant demonstrate
City commitment and support as well as the project proponent's ability and capacity to undertake
and successfully execute the project. Crimmin seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
Ayers PTO -40 Woodland Avenue - Green's Hill /Ryal Side School Trail Improvements
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Project is to provide trail improvements, installation of trail amenities (benches, stairs, and
wetland crossing bridge). Rachael Abell stated the PTO consulted with Councilor Lang and will
get applications and letters from the City and the Conservation Commission. Abell states the
bridge will help delineate the trail more distinctly as there is one abutter concerned with people
crossing on their private property. Pearl reminds the Committee this process is not about
permitting, but about eligibility. McCrory wonders if park benches /picnic tables are eligible.
Pearl suggests that benches /picnic tables are part of recreation. Discussion ensues as to what
activities constitute "recreating" and if there is a nexus between sitting /picnicking areas and the
definition of recreation. McCrory notes that consultation with the Open Space & Recreation
Committee is advisable prior to submission of the full application. Abell agrees. Thompson
motions to approve pre - application as eligible with the recommendation that the applicant must
demonstrate City commitment and support for this project since it is City -owned land, as well as
the applicant /project proponent's ability, authority and capacity to undertake and successfully
execute the project, and that the applicant should consult with the Open Space and Recreation
Committee while preparing the full funding application to ensure the project is consistent with
the Open Space & Recreation Plan.. McCrory seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
Beverly Parks & Recreation - 93 Lothrop -Lyons Park/Dane Street Beach — New Playground
The project is for installation of a new playground structure. McCrory questions whether this
qualifies as creation since some equipment already exists. Discussion ensues, with members
agreeing this is rehabilitation project not creation. McCrory motions to approve pre - application
as eligible as rehabilitation of recreation land. Buchsbaum seconds. Motion approved
Beverly Parks & Recreation - 93 Lothrop Street!Aons Park/Dane Street Beach - ADA
Accessible Path & Beach Chairs
The project is for establishing an ADA path to the beach/water and purchase of beach chairs.
Discussion ensues as to the nature of beach chairs, which are wheelchairs with heavy duty rubber
tires able to keep traction in sandy substrates. McCrory motions to approve pre - application as
eligible. Thompson seconds. Discussion ensues as to whether this project constitutes creation or
rehabilitation. Members agree that this is most appropriate under rehabilitation as opposed to
creation. McCrory moves to amend her previous motion, to state that the project is eligible as a
rehabilitation project. Buchsbaum seconds. Motion approved unanimously.
Beverly_ Parks & Recreation - 55 Ober Street -Lynch Park — ADA Accessible Path & Beach
The project is for establishing an ADA path and purchase of beach chairs. McCrory motions to
approve pre - application as eligible under rehabilitation. Thompson seconds. Motion approved
Beverly Parks & Recreation - East Street and Victor Ave - Cooney Field — New Lights & Poles
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The project is for installation of new lights and poles. McCrory notes her concern if this is
eligible and asks if these are capital improvements or maintenance, and whether this is a
recreational use. Johnson notes that, from a business accounting standpoint, if the lifespan of an
investment exceeds 5 years it should be considered a capital improvement. Members agree that
this is recreational land since it is athletic fields, but question if this is rehabilitation.
McDonough notes that the City of Cambridge has used CPA funds for similar projects.
McDonough motions to approve pre - application as eligible. Crimmin seconds. Motion approved
5 -2 with McCrory and Thompson opposing.
Beverlv Parks & Recreation - East Street and Victor Ave - Coonev Field- New Stands
The project is to install new seating stands. Discussion ensues as to whether seating stands are
eligible under CPA. Buchsbaum questions whether sitting in a stand can be characterized as
recreation. Members discuss the DOR chart and how stands fit into the definitions of the CPA
statute. Richter motions to approve the project as eligible. McDonough seconds. Motion
approved 5 -2 with Thompson and Buchsbaum opposing.
Pizzo and Crimmin leave at 9:05 p.m.
Beverly_ Parks & Recreation - Cross Street and Ray_ Street — Kimball Haskell Park — Install New
Tennis Courts
The project is to install two new tennis court and fencing. Brief discussion ensues as to whether
fencing is eligible. Maxner notes that fencing helps keep the ball within the court space
preventing it from bouncing into the street. McDonough motions to approve pre - application as
eligible. Buchsbaum seconds. Motion approved unanimously.
Beverlv Parks & Recreation - Cahill Park — Install New Tennis Courts
The project is to install new tennis courts and fencing. McDonough motions to approve pre -
application as eligible. Buchsbaum seconds. Motion approved unanimously.
Beverly Parks & Recreation - Vittori Park — Install New Playground Equipment
The project is to construct new playground structure. Thompson states this is rehabilitation.
Members agree.
Thompson motions to approve pre - application as eligible. Buchsbaum seconds. Motion approved
Thompson suggests Beverly Parks and Recreation prioritize their list, as not all the projects will
get funded. Members agree and ask Maxner to communicate that to the applicant.
Maxner will send out letters inviting full application to those that are eligible and will post the
CPC's determinations on the website.
Other Business
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Maxner asks the Committee if the Special Out -of -Cycle award to the Historic District
Commission should come out of the General Unreserved Fund or the Historic Preservation Fund.
Pearl notes that there are remaining funds in the Historic reserve fund and it should be funded
out of that. Members agree.
Pearl briefly reviews agenda items for the next meeting of April 16t'': roundtable discussion on
community housing and Community Preservation Plan research.
Pearl explains that Williams told her that he will not be seeking reappointment as of July 31st
which opens up an at -large position.
McDonough announces that he will also not be seeking re- appointment, as of July 31st. He notes
the Housing Authority is looking for another board member to fill his seat.
There being no further business before the Committee, Thompson moves to adjourn. Seconded
by Buchsbaum. All in favor the motion carries 6 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
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