2014-12-18Beverly Cable Advisory Commission
December 18, 2014
Joint Meeting the BevCam
Members Present: Muriel Zaginailoff, Chair; D. Berman, Secretary;
Diane Costa; Eric Overberg; Al Torsey; Alex Ushakoff
Others Present: Toni Musante, BevCam Board, Walt Kosmowski, E.D. BevCam
Recorder: Donald Berman
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Muriel. Muriel then called upon Walt
to present highlights of his monthly outreach reports.
Walt mentioned the following items -
Connection with the Essex National Heritage Area
The departure of the most recent Endicott intern after 3 months
Mayor Cahill continuing to produce regular programming
Angie Miller producing a PSA
Nino Lombardi producing painting shows
Chamber of Commerce producing `The Voice of Business'
Beverly Citizen news article on recent ACM awards
High School students producing a video news program
Increase in the number of active producers
Continuing bottleneck in training in editing
Increase in public produced shows with decrease in Bulletin Board
Updated financials should show a reserve of approximately 100,000
There will be a new hire in January
Expectation of recouping the money reserved for I -Net expansion
Muriel took up the issue of setting a schedule for two installations - one at the Main
Library and the other at the BCOA. Muriel requested the list of equipment
mentioned in Walt's recent response to her. She expressed the potential for
additional programming to be gained by setting a higher priority for these
installations. Walt objected that there were other `mission - critical' objectives,
namely budgeting for the city I -Net connection and a third channel, that was now a
greater necessity. Toni expressed the need for a BevCam board discussion on this.
Walt argued that the present field equipment check -out system provides adequate
opportunity for handling each installation without having to provide more
equipment. It was then suggested that a joint meeting with the directors of the
BCOA and the Library be held with BevCam and the CAC to determine their
willingness to take responsibility for the installations.
There was considerable discussion over the alternative of robotic vs. field camera
acquisition equipment which was not resolved.
Alex stated the CAC wish for an installation schedule for the year 2015 as a target.
Walt and Toni mentioned the provision in the cable renewal contract that allowed
for expedited approval of a third channel for Beverly to complete the PEG allowance.
Walt intends to proceed with the Mayor to obtain the necessary request letter.
Don questioned the substantial size of the reserve and Toni and Walt spoke to the
need to provide for technical breakdowns and unforeseen contingencies.
The joint portion of the meeting concluded at 8:35 PM. The CAC portion continued.
The minutes of the November 19 meeting were approved.
Muriel introduced and distributed the meeting calendar for 2015.
Muriel will make contact with Pat Cirone and Mary Ann Holak to set up a
preliminary meeting to prepare them for a joint meeting that includes BevCam on
January 22.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.