2014-09-11Beverly Cable Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes, September 11, 2014 Members Present: Muriel Zaginailoff, Chair; D. Berman, Clerk Eric Overberg; Al Torsey; Alex Ushakoff Members Absent: Diane Costa Others Present: Paul Earl, Board Pres. BevCam; Walter Kosmowski, E.D. BevCam Recorder: Donald Berman The joint meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Muriel. Kosmowski presented several reports, namely, production and outreach, membership (271), active producers (90), training, channel programming (graph) and financials for Q3. Discussion of 17 awards for producers that were recently received. Paul Earl said he was very pleased with operations, school media program support and the financial condition. He looks forward to enlisting HS students as ambassadors to encourage media production interest in the lower grades. Walt continued discussion of BevCam's schedule for 2015 for the two equipment installations (Main Library and Council on Aging) and thought field cameras could be supplied very soon. These installations and having them scheduled are topics repeatedly raised by the CAC previously. Muriel cautioned that the installations be complete and appropriate to the skill level of the people who would be operating. No calendar dates for either installation were presented but 2015 was mentioned by Walt. He also reported that as far as BevCam was concerned the I -Net fiber connections were active and needed to be tested. He was waiting for Comcast to initiate a planned move to a new Internet Protocol (IP) for video before purchasing a transceiver that would enable BevCam to plug in to remotely originate programming. At 7:55 PM the BevCam presentation ended. The Cable Advisory Commission meeting was called to order The minutes of the previous meeting (June since July was without a quorum and there was no August meeting) were approved as presented. Muriel had submitted quarterly reports to the Mayor and looked forward to participation in our meetings by Chief of Staff, Kevin Harutunian. She discussed the financial allocation that the city could apply to the I -Net project and all agreed that it would be impossible to obtain a detailed accounting for the expenditures and that the Commission's responsibility was ended since the entire amount ($150,000) could be considered consumed. Don will remind Russ Fisk of his promise to provide an 'as built' diagram at the completion of the project. Muriel reported that Diane Costa is expecting to return to active participation in October. Don reported on Compliance Committee remaining priorities being programming scheduling, financial reporting non - compliance and preparation for a third channel initiative. The next meeting was scheduled for October 16 at 7:00 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM