COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: February 12, 2015
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Marilyn McCrory — Vice
Chair, Heather Richter, Robert Buchsbaum, Lincoln
Williams & John Thomson Henry Pizzo & Leland
MEMBERS ABSENT: Darien Crimmin,
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Amy Maxner
RECORDER: Amy Maxner
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Consultation and O & A with CPC (7:00 p.m. -7:15 p.m.)
Pearl notes there appears to be no members of the public here this evening and moves on to
administrative updates.
Administrative Business
Maxner provides an update as to her progress on the grant agreements, noting that the Finance
Director and Purchasing Agent were both comfortable with the proposed 1/3,1/3, 1/3
disbursement schedule. She is continuing working on them and making progress. She will have
to contact some applicants relative to project schedules to check whether timeframes have
changed. She inquires with the Committee if the term length of the agreements need to be
reviewed. Members suggest Maxner use her best judgment based on the project scope and
schedules, also to perhaps check in with the CPA Coalition to see if they have any guidance.
Members review the December 10, 2014 draft meeting minutes and offer minor edits. McCrory
moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Williams. All in favor the motion
carries 7 -0.
Pizzo arrives.
Maxner notes that the Committee's annual membership dues to the CPA Coalition are due, with
the Coalition maintaining Beverly's fee as last year at $2,875.00. Members discuss the value of
the Coalition's technical assistance and support. Thomson moves to approve the expenditure of
$2,875.00 from the CPA Administrative account. Seconded by Buchsbaum. All in favor, the
motion carries 8 -0.
Discussion ensues as to the possibility of inviting the Coalition for a refresher training or perhaps
topic- specific training (i.e. grant agreement administration etc...).
Committee Debrief on Feedback/Discussion from January 22, 2015 Public
Members discuss their general impression of the hearing and feedback received from attendees,
noting that the GAR Hall receiving much attention. Mcdonough notes that Paul Van Ness was in
attendance and commented on the Cabot Theater briefly.
Richter notes the need for more coordination with potential applicants especially for such high
profile projects as the Cabot. Brief discussion ensues as to long -term preservation of the Cabot
Cinema building, historic restrictions and current zoning uses allowed for the Cabot. Maxner
agrees to gather information relative to zoning, and Pearl agrees to research historic preservation
restrictions, with the Coolidge Corner Theater being an example.
Members discuss the CPC's outreach methods for its funding cycle schedule and application
Thomson suggests that the Beverly harbor front may benefit from an investigation as to whether
there are historic aspects of the site and parcels worth preserving considering that the Designated
Port Area may be lifted soon.
Discussion turns to community housing, which wasn't a big focus of comment from the public at
the hearing, aside from a few people commenting on the vision for housing in Beverly. Pearl
explains that she spoke with Shelly Goehring, Community Preservation Program Manager with
the Mass. Affordable Housing Alliance. She notes that Goehring provides technical support
relative to CPA and housing, and her willingness to come to Beverly and talk to the CPC about
that topic. Discussion ensues and members agree that others should be invited to get as many
people to the table to give the CPC the breadth of issues, needs and opportunities for affordable
Extensive discussion ensues as to the CPC developing a CPA Plan for Beverly. Other City
"plans" are discussed with Pearl noting that the Master Plan is very outdated. Members discuss
the mechanics of taking on such a task and agree that perhaps the CPC could consider engaging a
consultant to assist and perhaps it could be taken on next year. Members agree to research other
towns and cities' CPA Plans to get an idea as to the range of possibilities.
Members discuss an upcoming meeting schedule:
• March 19, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. Conf. Room B — review 2nd Round Pre -Apps,
discuss possibility of CPA Plan
• April 16, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers — dedicate the first hour
for a mini housing "workshop" with Goehring and others. Perhaps a press
release could be advertised for this meeting to draw others.
Other Business
Pearl invites other business to be discussed. McCrory explains the need for better financial
reporting on CPA fund activity on a more regular basis. Thomson agrees to contact Bryant Ayles
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to discuss the possibility of receiving quarterly reports from the Finance Office and in what
format they would come.
There being no further business before the Committee, Thomson moves to adjourn. Seconded by
Buchsbaum. All in favor the motion carries 8 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
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