COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: February 5, 2015
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Marilyn McCrory — Vice
Chair, Heather Richter, John Thomson Henry Pizzo, Leland
McDonough & Robert Buchsbaum
MEMBERS ABSENT: Darien Crimmin & Lincoln Williams
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Amy Maxner; Associate Planner
Allison Crosbie
RECORDER: Amy Maxner
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Special Out -of -Cycle CPA Application — Beverly Historic District Commission - Application
to MHC for Survey and Planning Grant
Pearl notes this meeting was called specifically to review the Historic District Commission's
Special Out -of -Cycle CPA application which seeks matching funds for a Massachusetts
Historical Commission FY15 Survey and Planning Grant. She notes that the proposal was
determined by the Committee as an eligible project at the last meeting. She provides a brief
overview of the project, which is a historic study and survey of areas of the City, the likes of
which have not been conducted for decades.
Associate Planner, Allison Crosbie joins the meeting to answer Committee questions. She
explains that the grant is a 50/50 matching reimbursement grant, totaling $25,000, with a CPA
ask of $12,500.
Thomson asks when the consultant will be hired. Crosbie explains that the City will send out a
RFP once the funds are awarded and she will act as a liaison with the consultant. Discussion
ensues as to project completion timeline per the MHC grant.
Buchsbaum arrives.
McCrory asks what type of information will be collected as part of the study. Crosbie and Pearl
explain aspects of MHC surveys, which include documentation and inventory of the City's
historic, architectural and archaeological resources of properties and buildings over 50 years of
age. Crobie notes that possible properties could include Beverly Golf and Tennis Club,
Montseratt Station, numerous properties along Cabot Street, cemeteries, parks, municipal and
other buildings.
Pizzo arrives.
Richter inquires as to how this proposal fits into the DOR's Allowable Uses Chart. Discussion
ensues as to how a survey such as this contributes to long -term preservation of historic
properties, with Pearl noting that she researched the CPA Coalition data base and many towns
and cities have funded similar projects.
General discussion ensues as to methodologies for survey work, with Pearl noting that whole
neighborhoods can be surveyed and captured into the database.
There being no further comments or questions, Buchsbaum moves to approve funding contingent
upon MHC awarding the grant. Seconded by McCrory. All in favor the motion carries 7 -0.
Maxner provides administrative updates including presenting the CPA signage for display at
funded project sites. She notes that the bill for the January 22, 2015 hearing legal advertisement
has come in, totaling $777.00 for two publications.
Pearl notes that proposed legislation aimed to boost revenues to the State CPA Trust Fund is in
the works, which include increasing the Registry of Deeds fees and securing $25 million from
budget surpluses for the fund. She encourages members to visit the CPA Coalition's website for
more information.
Richter notes she'd like to add an agenda item for next meeting for time to debrief on the January
22n public hearing.
Brief discussion ensues as to the Committee's need for more information and better
understanding as to community housing needs and possibilities within the City. Members agree
to add this as a discussion item on the next agenda.
There being no further business before the Committee, Thomson moves to adjourn. Seconded by
McDonough. All in favor the motion carries 7 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
The next regular CPC meeting is scheduled for Thursday February 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Community Preservation Committee
February 12, 2015 Meeting Minutes
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