2015-01-15CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: January 15, 2015 LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Marilyn McCrory — Vice Chair, Heather Richter, Lincoln Williams, Robert Buchsbaum, John Thomson and Darien Crimmin, MEMBERS ABSENT: Henry Pizzo & Leland McDonough OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Amy Maxner RECORDER: Amy Maxner Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Consultation and O & A with CPC (7:00 p.m. -7:15 p.m.) Pearl welcomes members of the audience for the first 15 minutes of the meeting for Q & A session with the Committee. Suzie LaMont and Bill Davidson with the Ward 2 Civic Association, explain their intention to submit a CPA Pre - Application for a feasibility /preservation study of the GAR Hall and the significance of the building to the City and the neighborhood. They ask for guidance from the Committee as to things they should be aware of as they write the applications. Committee members offer guidance including the application must demonstrate the City's full support, establish who will carry out the project, demonstrate public support and benefit. Pearl notes that the project will need to adhere to the US Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation of historic properties. Williams advises that they refer to the DOR's Allowable Uses chart and clearly describe what parts of the project comply with that chart matrix. LaMont and Davidson thank the Committee for their time. Crimmin arrives. Administrative Business Pearl turns attention to administrative updates. Maxner explains that her main focus of late has been drafting the grant agreements and she is need of the Committee's guidance on a few aspects of the documents that weren't fully vetted during the discussions of the projects. She notes that the fund disbursement schedule isn't clear to her. Members discuss options for schedules and related reporting requirements, and agree with Williams suggesting a disbursement of 1/3 of the funds at the beginning of the project provided pre - construction requirements are met, 1/3 at the 50% completion stage accompanied by proper reporting and invoices etc.., and 1/3 at project completion with final report and invoices having been reviewed by CPC. He notes that if this does not work for applicants, the Committee can be consulted for an alternative arrangement. Members suggest Maxner consult with the Finance Director and perhaps the Purchasing Director on this framework. Maxner notes that the agreements have boilerplate language related to restrictions for housing and historic, but for some projects this was not specifically discussed. Members review housing and historic projects, and agree on the following pre- disbursement conditions: • Hale House Masonry Repair - The applicant shall submit a copy of the Preservation Restriction encumbering the subject property for review by the CPC. • Beverly Housing Roof Replacements, Essex Street Housing Units - Applicant must document /demonstrate to the CPC that these housing units will remain affordable in perpetuity. McCrory and Pearl offer their assistance as Maxner moves forward with finalizing the agreements. Members review the draft September 4, 2014 meeting minutes and offer minor edits. Crimmin moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Williams. All in favor the motion carries 7 -0. Members agree to schedule the February meeting for Thursday the 12t' at 7:00 p.m. Crimmin leaves the meeting for the evening. Review and Amend Project Evaluation Criteria if /where appropriate Pearl notes the Committee needs to review the Project Evaluation Criteria in advance of the January 22n public hearing and invites discussion. Members review the General Criteria and rework language of the pre -amble to read: All projects must demonstrate compliance with the law, the Beverly Ordinance, the Beverly CPC Application Process and Timeline and eligibility for Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding according to the requirements described in the CPA legislation (Chapter 44B of Massachusetts General Laws) and the attached DOR Allowable Uses Chart. All projects must demonstrate support and willingness to proceed by the person or entity holding site control. General Criteria 3 and 9 were revised to read: • Without CPA funding the project will not be carried out for the benefit of the City and a significant public asset would be lost; • The project has received documented endorsement from other municipal boards or departments and broad -based support from community members; Open Space Criteria were reviewed and members agree to move the last bullet in subsection "b." reading: Prevents degradation of and provides buffer to adjacent open space, water bodies and /or historic resources" to be a stand -alone criteria as opposed under preserving specific habitats or ecosystems. The remaining Criteria categories were reviewed but no changes were deemed necessary. Community Preservation Committee January 15, 2015 Meeting Minutes Page 213 Williams leaves the meeting for the evening. Preparation for January 22, 2015 Public Informational Hearing Members discuss last year's public hearing agenda and consider points of focus for next week's meeting. Pearl notes that the public hearing segment should be about 90 minutes to allow for any regular business at the end of the meeting. Appropriate handout materials are discussed along with a Powerpoint that is heavy on photos, with Pearl suggesting running her presentation of Round 1 recommended projects that she put together for the City Council. Members agree on the following format for the agenda: 1. Welcome 7:30 — 7:35 a. Introduction to the Community Preservation Committee b. Purpose and Format of the Meeting 2. Overview of CPA & Round 1 Projects 7:35-7:45 3. Review of Revised Project Evaluation Criteria 7:45 — 7:50 4. Feedback From Board & Commission Representatives on CPA Priorities 7:50 — 8:00 5. Open Public Comment Session 8:00 — 8:45 6. Wrap Up Informational Public Hearing 7. Regular Committee Business 8:45 — 9:00 Pearl notes that members should share in topic presentation, especially for respective board and commission feedback — Maxner will touch base with Pizzo and McDonough as to whether their boards will be providing feedback. There being no further business before the Committee, the meeting is adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Community Preservation Committee January 15, 2015 Meeting Minutes Page 313