2014-04-17 (2)Beverly Cable Advisory Commission Meeting held April 17, 2014 Members Present: Muriel Zaginailoff, Chair; D. Berman, Secretary; Al Torsey; Alex Ushakoff Members Absent: Eric Overberg Others Present: George Johnson Recorder: Donald Berman The meeting was called to order at 8:25 PM by Muriel. Note: this meeting was convened immediately after the adjournment of the joint meeting with the BevCam Board of Directors. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. It was generally agreed that the joint meeting was a success in terms of serving to bring the two boards into a more collegial relationship. There appeared to be a general approval for a subsequent meeting toward the end of this year. Paul Earl invited a CAC representative to the next BevCam board meeting to update them regarding the I -Net extension project. George Johnson reported on attempts to contact Mike Collins re the city's involvement with the I -Net extension and will continue that effort. Discussion was held on the upcoming deadline for the city to engage Comcast in the I -Net extension. Alex offered to attempt to contact the mayor to point this out. Muriel has had no response in her several efforts at drawing the Mayor's attention to this. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.