2012-09-06V 1 W LICENSE BOARD 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Richard S. Kelley, Esq., Chairman John Roccio James Duggan LICENSE BOARD MINUTES — SEPTEMBER 6, 2012 The meeting of the Beverly License Board was called to order on Thursday, September 6, 2012 in the Council Chambers at 6:30 pm. r In attendance at the meeting were: Chairman Richard Kelley, Board Members John Roccio, James Duggan, Police Liaison Sgt. William Page and Clerk Martha Lewis Absent: Police Liaison Lt. M. Devlin Meeting was called to order at 6 :30 pm by Chairman Kelley 1. Request for Entertainment License -- EJ Cabot's — Joe Diesley, owner /manager, present to answer questions. Chairman Kelley reviewed the letter of request. He asked if neighbors had been notified. Mr. Diesley reported that his neighbors were business condos and there no residences above his restaurant. Chairman Kelley asked if there was any sound -added insulation. Mr. Deisley stated that because it is a small venue, they would be looking for acoustic music. He anticipates 1 — 3 performers in a group at the most. with the tin ceilings, brick walls and wooden floors, he wants his patrons to be able to have a conversation. Mr. Deisley said their hours of operation were 11:00 am -- 10:00 pm during the week, he hopes to serve food until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights_. Music would take place between 9:00 pm to midnight. Minutes of License Board Meeting lie ld September 6, 2012 Mr. Duggan asked what type of music -- cover music or original. Mr. Deesley said he prefers 1 -2 pieces, acoustic guitar, there would be no tribute bands due to the size of the place. Chairman Kelley mentioned the problems in the past at the Hale Street: address. The music started out quiet, but got very loud. The music could be heard from down the street. The License Board is extremely sensitive to the neighborhood, if _there are any complaints from neighborhood, live entertainment would be eliminated. Mr. Deisley stated he is not looking to have entertainment seven days per week on a regular basis. He said it would be on occasion. They have installed acoustic soundproofing and there is no second floor above. Mr. Duggan asked if Mr. Deisley had done any outreach to the neighbors and take them into consideration with his plans. He encouraged him to be proactive. Mr. Duggan asked how a holiday such as St. Patrick's Day 'would be handled. Mr. Deisley responded that they would use the built -in sound system, no amplification. Chairman Kelley asked if there was anyone from the public to spear for or against proposed entertainment license. There was no response from the public. Sgt. Page did mention that there are residences above the adjacent Brown's Bicycle Shop and further stated, that the most of the residents were musicians. Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the entertainment license for EJ Cabots, effective Thursday — Saturday from 9:00 pm — 12:00 am. Mr. Duggan seconded. The motion passed 3 -- o. 2. one Day License An application for a one -day was received from Heat Event Management. Their event ,was a fundraiser to be held on the grounds of the North Shore Music Theatre. Because they were holding a beer tasting, bringing in their own beer for samplings, a special one day license was required. In addition to the beer samplings, the N. S. Music Theatre selling beverages under their license as well. The event was scheduled for last for four hours and strictly for an adult crowd. Money raised would benefit a charity. Members of the License Board discussed the event and were in agreement that a one -day ,special license would be appropriate. Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve a special one -day license to Heat Management on September S. Mr. Duggan seconded the motion. Application was approved 3 -- o. Minutes of License Board Meeting held September 6, 2012 Nine additional applications were received. All were within the four hour time limit. Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the applications. Motion seconded by Mr. Duggan. Applications were approved 3 — 0. 3. other Business — Notice from the AB CC regarding the issuance of Catering License was discussed. Chairman Kelley pointed out that there was no discussion or notice given to local licensing agencies. Concern was expressed as to how the licenses would be issued and tracked. Sgt. Page stated that Chief Ray was concerned about the 48-hour notice requirement. Hearing no further business, Mr. Roccio made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm. Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 11, 2012 at 6:3 0 pm in the City Council Chambers. Respectfully yours, F Martha A., Lewis, Cleric Minutes of License Board Meeting held September 6, 2012