2013-09-121 LICENSE BOARD 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Richard S. Kelley, Esq., Chairman John Roccio Joseph Trainor LICENSE BOARD MINUTES — SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 The meeting of the Beverly License Board was called to order on Thursday, September 12, 2013 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor at 6:30 pm. In attendance at the meeting were: Board Members Richard Kelley, John Roccio, Police Liaison Sgt. Page, and Clerk Martha Lewis. Also in attendance was Joseph Trainor who is awaiting final approval from the City Council of his appointment to the Board. Meeting was called to order at 6,3 5 pin by Chairman Kelley. 1. Approval of the minutes -- Minutes of the meeting for July 11, 2013 were reviewed. Mr. Roccio made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Chairman Kelley seconded the motion. Motion passed 2 --- 0. 2. Application for a Pledge of License -- Yaleena Shrestha dba Cummings Center Beer & Wine Boutique Representing the applicant was Atty. Max Englehardt. Atty. Englehardt explained to the Board that the store opened for business in July. Ms. Shrestha used personal funds to open the business and has applied for a SBA loan for additional capital. The Pledge would secure that note. Chairman Kelley asked if there were additional questions from the Board. Hearing none, Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the Pledge of License application from Yaleena Shrestha dba Cummings Center Beer & wine Boutique. Chairman Kelley seconded the motion. Application was approved 2 — 0. Minutes of License Board Meeting held September 12, 2013 3. Application for Alteration of Licensed Premises to include outside Area — Franco American Club, 44 Park Street, William. Gates, Manager Clerk reported that Mr. Gates had suffered a fall during the afternoon including a trip to the hospital and was not able to attend tonight's meeting. He respectfully asked the Board to continue the discussion until their next regular meeting in October. 4. one Day Licenses — A total of 10 applications were received. All applications were reviewed. It was noted that all applications were within the 4 hour limit. There was_ one request for a license for an artist's reception at the Beverly Farms Library. Clerk reported that the artist had applied for a waiver from the City Council to serve alcohol in a municipal building. Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the 10 applications with the condition that the application from Gail Gang for the artist's reception be contingent on the City Council approval of a waiver. Chairman Kelley seconded the motion. Motion passed 2 -- 0. Editor's note: License Clerk confirmed with the City Clerk that the City Council did approve the waiver for Ms. Gang to hold the reception at the Beverly Farms Library. One day license was issued. 5. Other Business -- Hearing no further business, Mr. Roccio made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm. Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 10, 2013 at 6:30 pm in City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall, 191 Cabot Street. Respectfully yours, I Martha A. Lewis, Clerk Minutes of License Board Meeting held September 12, 2013