COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: December 10, 2014
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Marilyn McCrory — Vice
Chair, Heather Richter, Lincoln Williams, Robert
Buchsbaum, and Henry Pizzo (arrives at 7:45 p.m.)
MEMBERS ABSENT: John Thomson, Leland McDonough & Darien Crimmin
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Finance Director
Bryant Ayles
RECORDER: Amy Maxner
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pearl asks Maxner for any administrative updates. Maxner notes that she came across a legal
advertisement for the Beverly Housing Authority's proposed 5 -year fiscal plan, which is
available for review at their offices. She provides a photocopy of the advertisement to members
for their information.
Maxner explains that she thought it might be helpful for Planning Director Aaron Clausen and
Community Housing Coordinator Margaret O'Brien to attend a CPC meeting to discuss what the
Planning & Community Development Department does in regards to affordable housing.
Members agree a Q & A session with them would be helpful. Maxner notes that perhaps
something can be scheduled with them mid - February or early March.
The Committee reviews draft minutes:
• Williams moves to approve the July 31, 2014 minutes with minor edits. Seconded by
Buchsbaum. The motion carries all in favor 5 -0.
McCrory moves to approve the November 13, 2014 meeting minutes with minor edits.
Seconded by Richter. The motion carries all in favor 5 -0.
Pearl notes the Committee wished to reflect on the Round 1 application and award process.
A general discussion ensues as to members' impressions of how the process went and areas in
need of improvement, below are points of discussion:
Sections of the full application were reviewed and members offered points of clarification
on materials asked for. Amendments to the 2015 application forms were discussed and
approved by the Committee.
Richter notes she'd like to see more interaction with applicants to support their efforts in
making an application. Members agree to allow time at the beginning of each regular
meeting for open Q &A with the public and potential applicants.
Pearl suggests revisiting the Evaluation Criteria as part of preparing for Round 2.
Pearl notes that there were different compliments of the Committee voting and re- voting
on the applications and suggests that the Committee should aim to have as many of the
members assembled while making decisions.
Pizzo and Ayles arrive.
Pearl welcomes Ayles. Ayles provides copies of the updated CPA fund balances, noting that
they do include an estimated State disbursement but do not include the debt service for Camp
Paradise. General discussion ensues as to the CPC's timing for submitting its budget to the
Council, with Ayles noting that July would be good.
Discussion with Ayles ensues as to 3 rd party vendor payment being an option under the Grant
Agreements. Ayles notes this would be very cumbersome, and suggests that there are other ways
to ensure that CPA funds are being applied to eligible costs, such as reporting requirements,
reconciliation, and possible spot audits. Member agree to delete 3 rd party payment language
from the boilerplate Grant Agreement language. The Committee thanks Ayles for his time.
Pearl asks if there are any reports /input from other boards and commissions. Members note they
have nothing to report back at this time.
Pearl turns attention to the kickoff of Round 2 application cycle. Members discuss a possible
timetable and agree on the following tentative schedule:
January 15, 2015 — regular CPC meeting, at which the Evaluation Criteria will be
reviewed and amended as deemed necessary
January 22, 2015 — Annual public hearing (with snow date of January 29 the agenda to
• Brief overview of CPA
• Recap of Round 1
• Bulk of meeting dedicated to open discussion with the public
• Wrap up and over view of Round 2 schedule and pointers to potential applicants
Pearl turns to debrief on the Cabot Performing Arts presentation at the last meeting. Discussion
ensues as to the non - profit's potential track for application to CPA. Members agree to write a
letter thanking them for their presentation, providing a review of the Round 2 application cycle
as well as the Special Out -of -Cycle process, offering Q & A time at the beginning of the
Committee's meetings and alerting them of the upcoming public hearing.
There being no further business before the Committee, Williams moves to adjourn the meeting at
9:30 p.m. Seconded by McCrory. All in favor the motion caries 6 -0.
Community Preservation Committee
December 10, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Page 212