COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: September 4, 2014
LOCATION: Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Darien Crimmin — Vice Chair,
Heather Richter, Marilyn McCrory, John Thomson, Robert
Buchsbaum, , Leland McDonough, Lincoln Williams &
Henry Pizzo
OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner - Environmental Planner; David Lang — Ward
1 City Councilor
RECORDER: Amy Maxner
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pearl welcomes the group and reviews the CPC's timeline for making final decisions and getting
its recommendations to the City Council. She notes that there have been subsets of this group
the past couple of months making preliminary decisions pending a final vote by as many of the
members as possible and she is glad to see that everyone can make it tonight, as Pizzo will be
arriving very shortly. She would like to review all of the projects this evening to make sure
everything is covered.
Pearl asks if there are any administrative updates. Maxner notes there are none other than some
draft minutes that need approval.
Pizzo arrives
Pearl turns attention to a spreadsheet in which she has itemized the projects and notations
relative to provisional funding recommendations and any other issues raised by the CPC in the
past deliberations. Members review the spreadsheet, budget tallies and decide to start discussion
with Camp Paradise.
Below is a synopsis on discussions:
Camp Paradise Acquisition — City of Beverly
Pearl notes that the preliminary vote was approval to fund this project by a 10 -year bond, and the
decision needs to be made whether this is an open space or recreation project. McCrory explains
the Open Space Committee's position relative to this being primarily a recreation project and its
wish to reserve the 10% of open space. Discussion ensues as to which reserve account the bond
payments should come from, and if that can change each budget year. Bond pro -forma are
Thomson moves to fund Camp Paradise project at the full amount of $450,000.00, by way of a
10 -year bond. Seconded by Pearl. All in favor, the motion carries 9 -0.
Thomson moves that the CPC establishes its willingness to reconsider which reserve account
future bond payments for Camp Paradise should come from, if this is legally possible, to keep
the Committee's budgetary options open. Crimmin seconds the motion. All in favor, the motion
carries 9 -0.
Brief discussion ensues as to funds left in the open space category once the initial bond payment
is made, and whether funds are needed for the CR.
Essex Street Housing Roof Replacement — Beverly Housing Authority
Richter notes her concern as to the very expensive estimate and her opinion that the project does
not meet the spirit of CPA. She notes that her research showed that other similar projects are
much lower in cost.
Pearl notes that similar projects have been funded in many other cities and towns and has not
been challenged. She recognizes the price is high but notes that the State process drives that.
General discussion ensues as to the cost estimate and the BHA's presentation at the last meeting
Pearl notes that it is important for this Committee to assess the needs of Beverly, where the 10%
affordable housing threshold is already achieved, and creating new units isn't necessarily a
priority, but preserving existing units perhaps is.
Williams moves to fund the project at the full amount of $90,000.00. Brief discussion ensues as
to budget overruns and how that can be handled. Crimmin seconds the motion. The motion
carries 5 -4 with Pearl, Williams, McDonough, Crimmin and Buchsbuam in favor. McCrory,
Richter, Thomson and Pizzo opposed.
Harborlight House
Thomson recuses himself and leaves the room for this discussion.
Maxner explains she spoke with Andrew DeFranza and they are still waiting for word from the
State on the Supportive Housing round of funding, and hoping to hear within the next week or
two. Williams notes that the market rate units will be the units lost.
Pearl notes that the funding match needs to be demonstrated. Discussion ensues as to amount
that should be set aside for this project.
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McCrory moves to set aside $30,000.00 for this project pending additional information from the
applicant and the CPC can make a final vote at the next meeting. Seconded by Williams. The
motion carries 7 -1, with Crimmin opposed.
Thomson returns to the meeting.
Pearl notes that the Historic District Commission discussed its potential roles in assisting
oversight of projects or consultation with applicants as determined necessary by the CPC in
assigning special conditions to historic projects.
Beverly Historical Society — Hale House Masonry Repairs
Pearl notes that at the previous meeting the CPC voted to approve the project at the full funding
amount. Maxner notes that the only left over question is whether a historic restriction should be
required and if any additional funding is necessary to carry that out. Pearl notes that is a
question for the Solicitor. Discussion ensues as to whether a current restriction exists which may
have expired, with Pearl noting that the CPC restriction would be to the benefit of the City in
City of Beverly Clerk's Office — Historic Records Preservation
Pearl recalls that the Committee voted to approve this project at the full amount. Members agree
that the funding amount does not need to be revisited and no further discussion is needed for this
McCrory asks if the funding amounts can be revisited should the Committee find it is over
budget. Pearl concurs noting that the goal tonight is to provide decisions for Maxner to develop
the recommendation document for final review.
Hastings House — Architectural Analysis
Pearl recalls that the Committee voted to fully fund this project, with members concurring there
is no need to revisit this vote.
First Parish Church — Accessibility Analysis & Sanctuary Floor
Pearl notes that the Committee voted to not fund the Sanctuary Floor Project but did approved
the Accessibility Analysis at the full amount. Maxner asks if HDC input is needed on the scope
of work. Pearl confirms that this would be a part of the MOA.
Lynch Park Carriage House Feasibility Study
Pearl explains the Committee voted to approve this project at the full funding amount, with
members agreeing no further discussion is necessary.
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Pearl asks if Councilor Lang would like the floor. Lang notes that he is here on behalf of the
Ryal Side Civic Association's project, a pavilion for Obear Park. He notes he feels that he
should have attended previous CPC meetings to better engage with the Committee in its
deliberation over this project. He reads briefly from the draft minutes from a previous CPC
meeting where the Committee's evaluation of the project was discussed and he advocates for the
CPC to reconsider its decision not to fund this project. He notes that there is support from the
City and the Parks & Recreation Department as he and Bruce Doig have been talking about this
for a while. Details of the CPC's questions from the minutes are discussed. CPC members
explain the Criteria and its rationale for initially rejecting funding this project and deficiencies in
the application, but that this was a worthy project in and of itself and would like to see this
project come back perhaps next year.
Lynch Park Bathroom Upgrades
Maxner reviews the previous vote on the Lynch Park Bathroom project, which approved $50,000
plus and additional $20,000 for design, City to develop better design with public input and come
to CPC for approval. Discussion of design that is in more keeping with the historic character of
Lynch Park. Discussion ensues as to which board (HDC or DRB) should review the design and
this can be a part of the MOA. Pearl notes that the CPC's criteria calls for a project to not
adversely affect other CPA categories.
Pearl moves to fund $50,000 plus $20,000 for a better design, provisional upon public process,
DRB approval of design and opportunity for CPC to review final design. Discussion ensues on
the motion. Thomson seconds the motion. All in favor, the motion carries 9 -0.
Dane Street/Lyons Bathroom Upgrades
Maxner reviews the previous vote which rejected the project this year and to give the City an
opportunity to develop a better, more holistic design with the understanding that additional CPC
funding may be available for a more comprehensive plan/design. Pearl asks if there is any further
discussion needed, members have no further comments.
Ellis Square Redesign
Maxner reviews the CPC's vote that approved to fund the project, reserving the opportunity to
revisit the amount and whether it should be a bonded project. Members review the running total
of expenditures so far. Thomson moves to fund the project at full amount and bond at 10 years.
Discussion ensues on the motion, with review of debt service amounts per year, if bonding is
warranted for this project, and where the project falls within the DOR's matrix. Crimmin
seconds the motion. Further discussion ensues on the motion. The motion carries, with
Buchsbaum abstaining.
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Lvnch Park Splash Pad & Plav Eauinment
Maxner notes that the CPC tabled this vote. Extensive discussion ensues around lack of design,
its location and historic context in the park, funding options and the City's timetable for the
Common Backyard Grant. Williams moves not to fund this project. McDonough seconds the
motion. The motion carries, this project is rejected and not funded under CPA.
Crimmin moves that the CPC revisit this vote at its next meeting. McDonough seconds the
motion. Motion carries 7 -2 with Buchsbaum and Williams opposed. Bruce Doig will be invited
to the next meeting to further discuss.
Approval of Minutes
The draft May 29, 2014 meeting minutes are reviewed. Thomson moves to approve the minutes
as written. Seconded by Williams. The motion carries 8 -0 -1, with McCrory abstaining.
The draft July 17, 2014 meeting minutes are reviewed and members offer edits. Thomson moves
to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Richter. The motion carries 6 -0 -3 with
Williams, Crimmin and Pizzo abstaining.
The draft August 14, 2014 meeting minutes are reviewed. McCrory moves to approve the
minutes as written. Seconded by Pearl. The motion carries 5 -0 -4 with Buchsbaum, Pizzo,
McDonough and Williams abstaining.
There being no further business, Williams moves to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Seconded
by Pizzo. All in favor, the motion carries 9 -0.
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