COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: November 13, 2014
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Heather Richter, Marilyn
McCrory, Lincoln Williams, Leland McDonough, Robert
Buchsbaum, and Darien Crimmin
MEMBERS ABSENT: Henry Pizzo & John Thomson
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Amy Maxner; Members of the
Cabot Performing Arts Center Non - Profit Organization:
Henry Bertolon, Thad Seimasko, Paul Van Ness, Richard
Marino; Others: City Grant Director Susan Richman, City
Economic Planner Denise Deschamps, Lisa Wheeler,
Mayor Cahill
RECORDER: Amy Maxner
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Cabot Performing Arts Center — Presentation /Discussion of Proposed Rehabilitation of Cabot
Pearl welcomes members of the Cabot Performing Arts Center organization and asks for
everyone to go around the room and introduce themselves.
Henry Bertolon provides an introduction to the project and chronology of this group's formation.
He notes that Ward 4 Councilor Scott Houseman was instrumental in bringing this group of
people together in the hopes of saving the Cabot Theater. Bertolon explains that he bought the
building and is leasing it to the Cabot group (a non - profit with 503C status) for 18 months while
fundraising efforts are organized and pursued. The group has engaged a professional fundraising
expert from Boston to assist in canvassing the City as to the viability of fundraising from private
sources, with positive feedback collected for such an undertaking.
Mayor Cahill arrives.
Thad Seimasko provides a Powerpoint presentation that outlines the proposed programming at
the theater, which would be broad to include many forms of entertainment and events, as well as
building upgrades needed. They hope to run programming continually throughout the week, as
opposed to only weekend events. A restaurant is a future component of this project as well.
Seimasko goes on to describe the capacity of the building and work items to bring it up to code,
which include health and safety, restroom upgrades, user comfort and handicapped accessibility,
seating upgrades, facade and marquis improvements.
Seimasko goes on to explain that a structural engineer has evaluated the building and gave it a
positive report. He goes through the interior restoration proposed and like items.
Bertolon notes that overall, they are looking at $3.5 million for the needed renovations, with an
additional $1 million for an endowment. They are looking at applying for Mass. Cultural
Council funds, raising private donations and applying for CPA funds. He estimates that the CPA
amount asked would be $895,000.00, with about $290,000 of that dedicated to exterior
improvements and $605,000 for interior work. He reviews the potential positive economic
impacts that a successful project could have on Beverly.
Van Ness runs a short video documentary of the impact that the Music Hall Historic Theater has
had in Portsmouth, NH.
Williams thanks the group for their efforts and presentation and provides an outline of the CPC's
application process and criteria. Pearl notes that she met with the Mayor and this group to talk
about the possibility of a special out -of -cycle application for some of the funding. She makes it
clear that the CPA fund does not currently contain the amount of money being asked for.
Pearl goes on to explain that bonding could be an option, but the City would have to gain an
interest in the property, perhaps by way of obtaining a preservation easement or restriction.
Discussion ensues as to bonding logistics.
Seimasko explains that the restaurant would be a second phase and it is contemplated that this
group would own it. In response to Crimmin he explains that there is a 3 -year pro -forma
operating budget established.
General discussion ensues as to the options for applying for CPA funding, with Round 2 coming
up in February sometime for the pre -app. Special out -of -cycle application process is also
CPC members thank the Cabot group for coming and presenting and indicate that further
discussion amongst the CPC is warranted.
City Council Decisions on First Round CPA Funding Recommendations
Pearl moves attention to an update as to the City Council's actions relative to the CPC's 1 st round
of funding, all of which were approved. She notes that the bulk of the Councilors' questions
pertained to the Beverly Housing Authority roof replacement application and bonding for Camp
Paradise. She notes that she prepared a Powerpoint presentation, but the Chambers were not
equipped with a laptop or projector. Members agree this should be posted on the CPC's
Pearl goes on to explain that a member of the public brought up a point worth examining which
was the CPC's obligation to study the community needs and possibilities of the City.
The October 16, 2014 draft meeting minutes are reviewed and members offer amendments to
Maxner. McCrory moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Williams. The
motion carries 5 -0 -2 with Buchsbuam and Crimmin abstaining.
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Consider /Discuss 2 nd Round Application Process /Schedule
Pearl notes that the CPC needs to establish the schedule for Round 2. Discussion ensues as to
the upcoming public hearing and outreach to other boards and commissions for feedback on
such. It is agreed that the reps on CPC will canvass their respective board /commission for input
and try to report back at the next couple of meetings. Crimmin notes that the "master plans" of
the City need to be reviewed and considered, with Maxner suggesting that the respective boards
and commissions would be able to articulate the priorities of those documents (i.e. Open Space
Committee can speak to the Open Space & Recreation Plan, etc.). Maxner provides 2015
calendars to review possible dates as well as copies of the 1 st Round flow chart. Members agree
on the following timetable:
• Public hearing — tentatively scheduled for January 15, 2015
• Pre - application due on Friday February 13, 2015
• Full Funding applications due on Friday May 1, 2015
Communication from Assessor's Office
Pearl turns attention to correspondence received from the Assessor's office relative to an invoice
for informational inserts sent with the 2nd Quarter tax bills about CPA exemption application
deadlines. Maxner reads the letter correspondence into the record. Discussion ensues relative to
whether this qualifies as an expense of the CPC as a committee. Members turn to MGL Chapter
44B Section 6 and review the language of the statute. McCrory notes that it would be helpful to
get an updated printout of the fund balance, Maxner will ask Bryant Ayles for this information.
After some consideration and discussion, Williams moves to approve the expenditure. Seconded
by McDonough. The motion fails 3 -4, with Williams, McDonough and Crimmin in favor and
Richter, McCrory, Pearl and Buchsbaum opposed. Members instruct Maxner to write a
response letter outlining the language of the CPA statute and explain that the CPC did not
consider this an administrative expense that it incurred, but rather an item initiated by the
Assessor's Office in its duties relative to managing the CPA from a tax billing perspective.
Consider/Discuss PR Options Announcing First Round Proiect Awards
Brief discussion ensues as to PR for this 1 st Round of CPA awards. Pearl explains that Dustin
from the Salem News contacted her and she spoke with him at length about the CPA program in
general and Beverly's first round projects, she expects that article to be in tomorrow's paper.
McCrory offers to draft a press release, with members offering to send her their suggestions and
Election of Officers
Pearl notes the CPC is overdue in electing its officers and opens the floor for nominations. Brief
discussion ensues as to current officers, with Crimmin noting regretfully his schedule has not
allowed him to be fully engaged as Vice Chair and would not mind relinquishing this post.
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Buchsbaum moves to nominate Pearl as Chair and McCrory as Vice Chair. Pearl and McCrory
accept the nominations. The motion is seconded by Richter. The motion carries 7 -0.
Pearl briefly reviews possible agenda items for the next meeting, which members agree to
schedule on Thursday December 11, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
There being no further business before the Committee, Richter moves to adjourn the meeting at
9:10 p.m. Seconded by Williams. All in favor the motion caries 7 -0.
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