Conservation Commission
July 1, 2014
Vice Chair Robert Buchsbaum, Stephanie Herbster, Paul
Knight, Tony Paluzzi, and Bill Squibb
Chair Christine Bertoni
Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner
Jane Dooley
Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Beverly City Hall, 3 rd Floor conference
room, 191 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA.
Buchsbaum entertains a motion to enter into executive session pursuant to MGL ch. 30A, section
21, purpose number 3 to discuss strategy with respect to litigation (Seliger v. Beverly Con Com,
ESCV 14 -922), with the Commission adjourning the executive session and returning to the
regular meeting.
Paluzzi so moves. Knight seconds. Buchsbaum takes roll call vote:
Knight —
Paluzzi —
— yea
Squibb —
Buchsbaum — yea
The Commission adjourns to a conference room.
The Commission returns to the Council Chambers having finished the executive session and
resumes the regular meeting.
Cont: 50 Arlington Avenue vicinity, Wenham Lake — excavate trenches to connect to
aeration system — Salem Beverly Water Supply Board
Ann Marton, LEC, recaps SBWS's proposal to install an aeration system within the lake to
reduce Manganese and Iron concentrations. She reviews the supplemental information submitted
to the Commission noting that low oxygen levels have registered in the late summer.
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Discussion ensues about how the buried outlet could not be installed higher and the intent is to
run the aeration system (that will not pick up sediment) continuously not just in the summer.
There is a cap on the level of oxygen used with low level bubbles released. Buchsbaum asks if
other systems have shown impact surface freezing in the winter. Marton notes she is not aware
of any impacts, but suspects that the immediate area of the disks may keep the water moving
enough not to freeze. A similar system is used in the Cambridge reservoir and in Danvers in the
Putnamville Reservoir.
After continued discussion and consideration and there being no further discussion, Paluzzi
moves to issue a Negative # 2 and # 3 Determination of Applicability subject to the following
1.) A copy of the annual Wenham Lake and Putnamville Reservoir Water Quality Data Report
shall be furnished to the Conservation Commission annually upon its availability.
Seconded by Knight. The motion carries 5 -0.
Recess for Public Hearings
Paluzzi moves to recess for public hearings. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 5 -0.
Cont: 302 Hale Street, Endicott College, Vicinity of Practice Field — verify and confirm
wetland boundaries — Endicott College c/o Dennis Monaco
Joe Orzel representing the applicant, explains flag location changes resulting from site walks the
Commission conducted recently. Revised plans were distributed and Orzel points out the
changes and notations made on the plan. He notes the location of certified vernal pool and other
vernal pools have also been defined.
Maxner states she prepared a draft set of findings and reviews the draft for the record.
After brief discussion and consideration of the findings, and there being no further questi9ons or
comments from the Commission or the public, Paluzzi moves to close the public hearing.
Seconded by Knight. The motion carries 5 -0.
Cont: 43 Water Street — Beverly Port Marina
Maxner explains the Commission has received a request for continuance to the July 22, 2014
meeting. Paluzzi moves to continue. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 5 -0.
Cont: 5 Ouincy Park — Jack Altshuler
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Maxner explains the Commission has received a request for continuance to the July 22, 2014
meeting. Knight moves to continue. Seconded by Paluzzi. The motion carries 5 -0.
Cont: 50 Dunham Road — Anderson Clarke, LLP — Cummings Properties
Maxner explains the Commission has received a request for continuance to the July 22, 2014
meeting. Paluzzi moves to continue. Seconded by Knight. The motion carries 5 -0.
New: 35 Standley Street — school building patio and theater entrance replacements and
upgrades — Waring School, c/o Thomas Harrington, Miyares and Harrington, LLP
Maxner reads the legal notice
Attorney Thomas Harrington representing the School describes the proposal for replacement of
cobblestone patio with brick within existing footprint and entrance upgrades with brick to two of
its buildings. He notes pond and well- defined perennial stream channel (in 200' buffer and 25'
bank of stream) that runs through the campus. Materials will be stored outside of the buffer zone
and laid down almost immediately as part of project. Once cobblestones are removed some
grading might be required and crushed stone will be installed. A bobcat will be used for project
work mostly within existing patio area. Erosion control will consist of straw waddles stacked 10'
from cobblestone patio. The disturbed area will be seeded.
The Commission reviews the 25' NDZ waiver criteria with the applicant and discussion ensues
as to alternatives to project elements. Joanne Avallon, Waring School Board member, describes
how the cobblestone in its current condition is creating a safety hazard that needs to be corrected.
The work will be done in one week's time with the same pervious surface and project will be
within existing footprint and not expanded. The landscape treatment includes organic fertilizer
for the field, mowing occurs to top of bank, and there is no invasive species near the stream.
There being no further questions or comments from the Commission and none from the public,
Paluzzi moves to close the hearing. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 5 -0.
Cont: 9 Tall Tree Drive — Enforcement Order Follow Up — Restoration Plan Presentation —
Scott Grenert
Maxner describes June 30 email from Mary Rimmer, Rimmer Environmental Consulting,
relative to Scott Grenert, asking for 30 -day extension to finalize the mitigation plan, with
planting likely to occur in September.
After some discussion, the members agree to provide an extension until the August meeting
since planting should not be conducted in the height of the summer. Paluzzi moves grant an
extension to the August 12, 2014 meeting. Seconded by Knight. The motion carries 5 -0.
New: Review of Minor Proiect Permits Issued by Agent since last meeting
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Maxner states she has not issued any Minor Project Permits since the last meeting.
New: Expenditure Approvals
Paluzzi moved to reimburse Maxner for mileage accumulated while on Commission business
during the last four months, at 499 miles @ .40 cents per mile = $199.60;. Seconded by Knight.
The motion carries 5 -0.
3 Greenwood Avenue
Nick Paras, property owner, addresses the Commission and describes access to site and his
interest in reconfiguring the paved sections of the access right of way and his driveway. Maxner
notes most of this area is outside of the buffer zone, but there are some outstanding items relative
to the driveway that need to be addressed from the old Order of Conditions. Paras explains that
the gutter system drains behind the house into crushed stone and sand drywell that was originally
part of the septic which was relocated. Maxner notes that water currently runs down Indian Hill
and down the road to Greenwood, and she believes that some sort of stone trench along Indian
Hill is needed to mitigate that runoff Discussion ensues about pitch of driveway being such that
the runoff goes to stone trench. Work will continue on replanting associated with removal of
trees once a new permit is in place. The Order expired in April 2014 so work cannot be
conducted under that old Order. New work in the buffer consists of removal of asphalt and
repaving with conditions of the old Order to be completed.
The Commission instructs Paras should file an RDA application for plan focused on this work
including uncompleted items from first Order (i.e., stone trench requirement) and planting details
per pine tree removal. Once this is completed a full Certificate of Compliance will be sought to
close out the old Order. Paras thanks the Commission for its time and will work with his
wetland consultant to prepare the RDA.
5 Oberlin Road
The property owner, Kerry Normand asks to speak with the Commission regarding her proposed
above ground pool. Maxner explains that Aaron Clausen, Director of Planning, will measure the
distance from the proposed pool to wetland and advise property owner about what type of
application to file, which will most likely be an RDA if the pool can stay outside the 25' NDZ.
Approval of Minutes — February 4, 2014
Knight moves to approve the February 4, 2014 minutes. Seconded by Paluzzi. The motion
carries 5 -0.
Other... Discussion or Action Items Related to Commission Business
Monitoring report from National Grid for 44 -46 River Street, DEP File #5 -1082
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Maxner notes that Grid has provided its required planting monitoring report for the 44 -46 River
Street project. The report identifies what mitigation plantings in bio- retention area did or did not
survive and what has been replanted with proposed substitutions for the spring planting season.
Paluzzi moved to approve the substitutions. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 5 -0.
ENF — Algonquin Pipeline Salem Lateral
Maxner informs the Commission that Algonquin has filed its ENF and the public comment
period is open.
Order of Conditions
35 Standley Street — Waring School
Discussion ensues as to possible conditions to assign to the project.
Knight moves to issue Standard Conditions with the following Special Conditions as discussed:
1. Prior to work commencing, erosion controls in the form of staked silt sock or staked
straw wattles shall be installed not more than ten (10) feet from the edge of the existing
patio at the classroom building.
2. As described by the applicant's representative during the July 1, 2014 hearing, all
materials removed from the patio areas (i.e. cobblestones, excavated soils etc...) shall be
stored /stockpiled at a location on campus that is outside the wetland resource areas and
associated buffer zones.
3. All areas that are between the patios and wetland resources that are disturbed as a result
of the work shall be immediately restored to their previous condition. These areas shall
be seeded with a native seed mix and covered with weed -free hay to protect seed and soil
from washing or eroding during runoff /rain events.
Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 5 -0.
Paluzzi moves to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. Seconded by Knight. The motion carries 5 -0.
The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at Beverly
City Hall, 3 rd Floor Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street.