COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: September 18, 2014
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Darien Crimmin — Vice Chair
Heather Richter, Marilyn McCrory, John Thomson, Robert
Buchsbaum, and Leland McDonough
MEMBERS ABSENT: Henry Pizzo & Lincoln Williams
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Mayor Michael
Cahill, Finance Director Bryant Ayles, Parks & Recreation
Director Bruce Doig, Commission of Public Works
Michael Collins; Members of the Ryal Side Civic
Association; Members of the Farms - Prides Community
Association; Ward 4 City Councilor Scott Houseman
RECORDER: Amy Maxner
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pearl notes that the Mayor is here this evening to say a few words. Mayor Cahill notes that he
had some questions that he was able to clarify with Pearl and McCrory before the meeting started
and therefore does not need time on the agenda as anticipated. He thanks the CPC for its hard
Pearl notes the next item on the agenda is discussion with Finance Director Bryant Ayles. Below
is a synopsis on the discussion:
• Ayles explains the CPC needs to set its FYI budget prior to the tax rate being set in
November, and provides a draft budget for members to consider; he explains that the
budget must be submitted to the Council for its October 20 meeting at the very latest;
• He notes that CP -2 reporting has been completed which makes FYI revenues available
for expenditure in addition to the FY14 revenues — he has estimated that approximately
$1.4 million is currently available for expenditure on projects that the CPC is currently
• Maxner explains she has completed the CP -3 reporting which is required for State
• Members review the FYI budget and hold general discussion with Ayles regarding
expenditures made, anticipated State disbursement rate (estimated at 26 %) and logistics
for encumbering funds for projects that may receive periodic disbursement of award.
McDonough moves to approve the FY15 budget as prepared. Seconded by Thomson. All in
favor, the motion carries 7 -0. Ayles will submit this budget to the Council in time for its October
6 th meeting and a minimum of two Council meetings can be anticipated for final passage.
Pearl moves to the next agenda item, discussion with Parks & Recreation Director Bruce Doig
about the Lynch Park Bathroom Project. Below is a synopsis on the discussion:
• Pearl explains the CPC asked Doig back for more clarity and /or updates on elements of
the Lynch Park Bathroom project, noting that the CPC voted at its last meeting to set
aside the originally requested $50,000 plus an additional $20,000 to help defray the costs
of enhanced exterior treatment to the building;
• Doig states he has been in contact with a couple vendors through the summer and found
that his original estimate of building is low, with estimates near $215,000 coming in for a
basic building with no exterior treatment. He notes that there are exterior finish treatment
options which would add to the cost but he does not have a handle on that number;
• He circulates a handout that shows options which are all 100% concrete made to look like
clapboard, shingle, stucco etc...
• He notes that they considered constructing a built -from- scratch building which may run
about $175,000 with just a block exterior but the concern is limited longevity with that
• Doig reviews building layout options, noting that the current bathroom footprint is 12' x
36' but there is enough space for 20'x 30';
• Discussion ensues as to what elements of the project will /should be covered by CPA
funds, what funds have been dedicated by the Lynch Park Trustees and other City sources
(i.e. for site preparation by City); Doig reviews the logistics of the bid process which may
result in different cost estimates from what are being considered tonight.
• Discussion ensues as to amending the budget based on more definitive numbers, the
flexibility of the timetable for project completion to allow for design review etc...
Pearl notes that the CPC may wish to vote to reopen this for consideration. Richter moves to
revisit the previous vote. Seconded by Thomson. All in favor, the motion carries 7 -0.
Thomson moves to allocate $85,000.00 for this project (original $50,000 + $35,000 for exterior
finish), contingent upon DRB review of exterior finish.
Discussion ensues as to whether a revised budget should be submitted by the applicant.
Crimmin seconds the motion. All in favor, the motion carries 7 -0.
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The CPC asks for a revised budget from Doig to show who is bringing what funds to the table
and what elements of the project will be covered by CPA funds.
Pearl notes that the next item for discussion with Doig is regarding the Lynch Park Spray Pad &
Play Structure. Below is a synopsis on the discussion:
• Crimmin explains the CPC's vote at its last meeting was not to fund it, and it was his
suggestion that it be revisited tonight so that alternative locations in the park can be
identified and perhaps additional costs can be considered as part of the CPA award, to
which the CPC agreed;
• Doig explains the rationale for placing the spray pad next to the Parks Department office
building and past problems with sewer pump failure, electrical and control panel access;
• Doig notes that this project must be completed by the end of the year, or the grant money
is lost and the City intends to get the full benefit of the grant and will install both
structures, with the play structure costing $150,000 and the spray pad is $100,000, the
equipment has already ordered;
• Brief discussion ensues with Councilor Houseman as to spray pad dimensions and the
Lynch Park Trustees thoughts as to its locations;
• Costs for pumping the water from an alternative location was discussed and if the spray
pad could be installed but not hooked up to the water /sewer and whether the grant agency
would consider that a completed project;
• Discussion ensues as to the fate of the knoll should both the spray pad and play structure
be located elsewhere;
• Discussion ensues as to public input and the viability of the Lynch Park master plan with
regard to these structures and future plans for the park, with Doig noting that the most
pivatol part of the plan is the $5 million dollar renovation to the Carriage House which
would then allow other phases of the plan to be implemented.
Thomson moves that the CPC fund $30,000.00 towards the play structure, and not fund the
remaining $20,000.00 for the spray pad unless the pad is moved to an alternative location and
allow for additional funds to be awarded to defray the costs of the alternative location.
Buchsbaum seconds the motion. All in favor, the motion carries 7 -0. The CPC thank Doig for
his time.
Pearl turns to others in the audience. Kristin Ford from the Hastings House notes that she is here
in case the CPC had any questions as to their application and if it has been voted on yet. Pearl
explains that the CPC has voted to fund the project.
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Joan Gallagher and others from the Ryal Side Civic Association note they are here to inquire as
to the Committee's decision not to fund the pavilion at Obear Park and if the Association was
going to have any chance to advocate for the project or answer questions if there were any. CPC
members provide feedback as to the weaknesses in the application and the CPC's intention to
invite the Civic Association back to reapply next year to, as most members thought it was a good
project but not competitive or urgent compared to the other projects up for consideration.
Discussion ensues as to elements of the application that need improvement, with City
commitment and a more detailed, supported budget being at issue. Thomson notes that perhaps,
since there is more money in the fund than originally thought, the CPC could reconsider this
once other final decisions are made.
Richter moves to reconsider the CPC's previous vote on this project at its next meeting. Pearl
seconds the motion. All in favor, the motion carries 7 -0.
Pearl reviews the remaining projects that need final review and members agree to table these to
the next meeting. Members agree that final recommendations will be submitted in time for the
City Council's October 20 meeting.
Crimmin leaves the meeting for the evening at 9:15 p.m.
McCrory suggests that the Ryal Side Civic Association should submit a more detailed budget
and get a commitment letter from the City to supplement the Obear Park pavilion application.
Members agree and ask Maxner to convey that request to the applicant.
Members agree to schedule the next meeting for Thursday September 25, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at
City Hall, 3 rd Floor Conference Room B.
There being no further business, Buchsbaum moves to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m.
Seconded by McDonough. All in favor, the motion carries 6 -0.
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September 18, 2014Meeting Minutes
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