2014-08-20Harbor Management Authority Minutes August 20, 2014 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: August 20, 2014 Location: Beverly Public Library Members Present Chair Paul Earl, David Suminsby, Don Neuman, Pat McAleer, Paul Miedzionoski, George Simon, Rinus Oosthoek, David Lang Members Absent: Scott Houseman, Chris D'Alfonso Others Present: Rob Dever, Facilities Manager, Kevin Harutunian, Mayor Cahill's Chief of Staff, Aaron Clausen, City Planner, Estelle Rand Members of the Public: Louis Balboni Recorder: Eileen Sacco Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. There being a member of the public in attendance, Earl invited public input. Public Input There was no public input this evening. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meeting held on July 16, 2014 were presented for approval and discussed. Oosthoek moved approval of the minutes of the July 16, 2014 Harbor Management Authority meeting as presented. Miedzionoski seconded the motion. The motion carried. Discussion — Green Hill Trail Development Kevin Harutunian and Aaron Clausen Kevin Harutunian addressed the HMA and explained that the origin of the project is to improve public access to the waterfront. He explained that this summer the City has found numerous homeless folks camping on the site and while the city wants to improve the access it also wants to be sure that the area is safe. Aaron Clausen reviewed the work that has been done on the site this summer, noting that all existing trails have been mowed as shown in red on the Green's Hill trail plan, brush and tree clearing was performed along the slope adjacent to the school playing field, and brush and minimal tree removal occurred in targeted clearing areas along the path system beginning at the southeastern corner of the school property and along the central path system originating at the school basketball courts. He also noted that these areas of work took place within the 200 foot riverfront area. Page 1 of 4 Harbor Management Authority Minutes August 20, 2014 Clausen reported that additional work is proposed to further improve access to the river and trail systems and is expected to take place by the end of summer 2014. He explained the additional work has been approved by the Beverly Conservation Commission as follows: Vista pruning of trees located on the river side of the trail at vista points along the river pathway to occur where pathways from school intersect with main river pathway. Vista pruning will include only lower tree limbs obscuring the view to and from the river and in most cases will not impact tree canopy. Select tree and brush clearing along pathways leading to the main river trail, with a maximum width of 8 feet where topographically appropriate. Target areas will be addressed as follows: • Areas between 100' and 200' from mean high water will include cutting and removal of invasive species, selected overgrown shrubs, dead tree limbs, dying trees less than 6" caliper size • Standing trees that are dead or dying and greater than 6" caliper in size will be evaluated and removed if it is determined they pose a safety hazard. Trees to be removed will be tagged for Conservation Commission review and approval. • Areas within 100' of mean high water will include invasive species removal, dead trees /limbs and dying trees less than 6" in caliper size. All trees to be removed will be tagged for Conservation Commission review and approval. Clausen explained the next phase of the project as follows: • Installation of benches in the vista area overlooking the vista. • Establishing a new trail that extends from the existing main trail parallel to the river and connecting with Green Street • Establishing a new train that runs south from the central access adjacent to the school basketball courts and connects with the main trail at the clearing • Placement of steps to improve access to the river and exposed beach area located at the intersection of the trails where there is an open overlook to the river. • Place stone dust or engineered wood chip material on all trails to more permanently establish the trail system and make it safe for users. • It is expected that the mowing of the established widths and accessibility of the paths and around the benches will be undertaken as routing maintenance into the future. • Invasive species control will be an ongoing task. Harutunian noted that the Green Hill area has been long identified by the HMA as being in need for trail reclamation and improvement of public access and has set aside $20,000 in their budget for the Green Hill area. He requested that the HMA allow the city to access that money towards the project, noting that the total cost of the work is estimated at $50,000 Oosthoek stated that he feels that the project is beneficial and is something that the HMA has been looking at that area for some time. Earl agreed noting that he feels that it would be a good to contribute the funds. Page 2 of 4 Harbor Management Authority Minutes August 20, 2014 Motion: Oosthoek moved to approve the request of the city to utilize the $20,000 in the HMA budget for Greens Hill for the Greens Hill Improvement Efforts. Lang seconded the motion. The motion carries (8 -0). Newman stated that he would like the HMA to have some control over how the funds are dispersed noting that in the past projects tend to go unfinished. Oosthoek suggested that the funds be transferred from the HMA account as they are needed. Harutunian stated that this project is a priority of the Mayor. Motion: Oosthoek moved to allow the funds for the Greens Hill project to be transferred as the work is being done. Miedzionoski seconds the motion. The motion carries (8 -0). Estelle Rand suggested that we need to think about the intended purpose and use for the steps down to the river. She also noted that there should be a maintenance plan. Clausen stated that they are looking at a long term maintenance plan and controlling invasive species. Role of the Harbor Management Authority Earl explained that the issue arose during discussions of the designated port elimination as to the role of the Harbor Management Authority in the process. He explained that the HMA is pretty hooked in to the fishermen and have an interest as stakeholders. Clausen explained that the stakeholders meetings that were held in June and explained their purpose. He explained that they were crafted so that stakeholders would feel free to speak on their concerns. Harbor Fest Earl reviewed the plans for Harbor Fest which is scheduled for September 6, 2014. Earl reported that he has had some requests from vendors who wish to participate in Harbor Fest who are new this year and notes that he wants to be sure that the activity fits with what Harbor Fest is about. He reported that Jackie's Tees would like to participate and have tee shirts designed for Harbor Fest that can be painted at the Fest. He also reported that he has a request from a dancing school that would like to set up a table with information as well as an energy conservation group. Oosthoek stated that he feels that the activities should be water related. He noted that the tee shirts have been offered with the Harbor Fest theme and that would be appropriate. Estelle Rand noted that the energy conservation group sets up a table at the Farmers Market weekly. Earl suggested that the raffle tables be in two or three locations throughout the marina with one drawing later in the day. Page 3 of 4 Harbor Management Authority Minutes August 20, 2014 Earl suggested that the flyers should be distributed this weekend and the post cards distributed closer to the event. Algonquin Pipeline Earl reported that a presentation on the Algonquin 1.2 mile pipeline was made at the Jubilee Yacht Club last night. He noted that the Footprint Power plant in Salem is looking to open in 2017 with construction to start in 2015 although it is currently in court. He explained that they will need waivers for work to be done during flounder season with is mid February to June and October to March. Neuman suggested that discussion regarding the purchase of slips from the HMA should be looked into. Earl agreed that it could be discussed. Lang noted that the last time Algonquin laid a pipeline there were mitigation funds and they all went to Boston. Finance Earl reported that the HMA is in good shape financially and reviewed the monthly finance report. He stated that we should do well this year if the Brown Building doesn't have any cost overruns. Next Meeting The next meeting of the HMA is scheduled for September 17, 2014 Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Beverly Harbor Management Authority this evening, Oosthoek made a motion to adjourn, Lang seconded the motion. The motion carried (8- 0). The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Page 4 of 4