COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: July 17, 2014
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Heather Richter, Marilyn McCrory, Leland
McDonough, John Thomson, and Robert Buchsbaum
MEMBERS ABSENT: Darien Crimmin, Henry Pizzo & Lincoln Williams
OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner - Environmental Planner; Bruce Doig — Parks & Recreation
RECORDER: Amy Maxner
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pearl welcomes Bruce Doig to the meeting to help answer some of the Committee's questions on the Lynch
Park Bathroom, Dane Street Bathroom and Lynch Park Splash Pad & Play Structure projects.
"Note: See Page 3 for list of questions as posed by the Committee.
Below is a synopsis of discussions with Doig:
Lynch Park Bathrooms
• 2003 Lynch Park Master plan had an original budget of $10,000,000
• 2003 Lynch Park Master plan originally called for removing the existing structure and scattering
bathrooms throughout the park, but that was a costly option
• About $600,000 has been expended on the Carriage House so far
• The new bathrooms will be 100% ADA compliant, where currently only one stall is compliant
• Discussion ensued as to the existing pump station that is up to date and has an alarm in case of failure
• Doig noted that current design is about $150,000, and estimates that more elaborate design/architecture
for the outside of the building would bump it up to $220,000 +
• Discussion ensued about water -wise fixtures and the pricing for those features
• Doig noted the life expectancy of the new bathrooms are 20 to 30 years
• As for a public process Doig anticipated having a public meeting for the bathrooms and splash pad in the
next month or so
• Discussion ensued as to how approach to this and other improvements at the Park are not necessarily
aligned with the Master Plan, and one of the CPC's criteria is consistency with master plans — Doig cited
the most immediate needs are being taken care of first, but lack of funding hampers full execution of the
Master Plan
Spray Pad /Splash Pad
• Doig noted a new location has been identified = where the existing play structure is now, next to the
Carriage House as there are existing water and electrical hook ups at the buildings and the play structure
will be located down near the parking lot
• The spray pad has a footprint of 75' x 50'
• Lynch Park Advisory Committee is on board with this proposal
• Maintenance of the spray pad was discussed — i.e. sandy muddy feet and clogging of unit etc...
• If the CPA funds are not awarded, the money would come from the Parks & Rec general fund line item
for maintenance of other parks in the City
• The modern nature of this structure right next to the historic elegant Carriage House was discussed
• A tree planting plan was discussed as part of CPA contingency, Doig noted he was amendable to this
Dane Street Bathrooms
• Flood Zone issue was discussed, with Doig noting that the structure survived Blizzard of `78
• If CPA money is not awarded, this project will probably not happen
• The matching funds from the Lynch Park Trust Fund will be available next year
• Water -wise fixtures discussed
• No exterior work to the building is proposed right now
• When asked if the Parks & Rec department has the capacity to execute and manage all of these projects,
Doig confirmed with the help of volunteers and pro -bono work from architects
Committee members thank Doig for attending the meeting and discussing the projects.
Committee members briefly discuss their impressions based on this evening's discussion. Members agree they
would like to see more thoughtful design for the buildings to be more sensitive to the historic character of
Lynch Park and something more attractive for Dane Street since it is so visible.
Administrative Updates/ Old & New Business
The August meeting is scheduled for Thursday August 21, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Thomson leaves the meeting for
the evening.
Pearl provides a brief update on covering debt service for the Harborlight project relative to the City's ability to
bond private debt service. She called the CPA Coalition that has advised that this is not an option for the City
because Mass. General Law prohibits indebting future City Councils who would not be able to vote on the
budgets. The only way to help finance Harborlight's loan obligations by encumbering the cash amount for that
purpose and disbursing payments yearly, but that cash amount must be in the CPA fund at the time the CPC
makes that decision. McCrory inquires if the CPC could fund Harborlight at a lower amount, with Pearl noting
that could be a conversation to be had with the applicant.
Community Preservation Committee
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Maxner notes that she intends to solicit bids from at least three Beverly -based sign makers for CPA signage to
be lent out to project proponents and displayed at project sites. She offers to tailor the Gloucester's MOA to
Beverly for draft review and eventually City Solicitor's office.
There being no further business this evening, McDonough moves to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Seconded
by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 5 -0, 5 in favor none opposed.
CPC Questions & Additional Information Requests
Lynch Park Bathrooms
➢ How does this fit into the master plan and long term planning for the site? Is there a well thought -out site
➢ How can the design, architecture and aesthetics be addressed to fit into the historic character of the park;
➢ Please explain the level of public input the master plan experienced;
➢ Will the public get a chance to review the project in advance?
➢ If CPA money is not awarded, will this project happen with another source of funding?
➢ CPC may consider funding to be contingent upon a set of design criteria for the structure.
Lynch Park Spray Pad & Play Structure
➢ How does this spray pad fit into the master plan and long term planning for the site? Is there a well thought -out
site plan?
➢ Please explain the relationship of the spray pad to the bathrooms and possible code related issues (i.e. is there a
required proximity to each other ?)
➢ Is the Lynch Park Advisory Committee on board with the spray park proposal?
➢ If CPA money is not awarded, will this project happen with another source of funding?
➢ CPC may consider funding to be contingent upon appropriate positioning of the spray pad on the site.
➢ Is the Common Back Yard grant a one -time opportunity or is this a cyclical funding source?
Dane Street Bathrooms
➢ Is there a long -term plan to address the flood zone and sea level rise for this building?
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➢ The CPC is curious to know if this is a short -term plan to address the conditions of the bathrooms and whether
the City would end up replacing the building in the near future.
➢ If CPA money is not awarded, will this project happen with another source of funding?
Community Preservation Committee
July 17, 2014 Meeting Minutes
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