2014-07-16Harbor Management Authority Minutes of July 16, 2014 Meeting CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: July 16, 2014 Location: Beverly Public Library Members Present: Chair Paul Earl, David Suminsby, Don Neuman, Paul Miedzionoski, David Lang, Pat McAleer, George Simon, Rinus Oosthoek, Scott Houseman Members Absent: Chris D'Alfonso Others Absent: Rob Dever, Facilities Manager Others Present: Estelle Rand, Maxanne Menezes Recorder: George Simon Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Minutes of June 18, 2014 meeting were approved. Discussion with Aaron Clausen, Director of Planning, Overlay Plan Review and HMA Comments Director of Planning Aaron Clausen began the discussion by presenting a brief review of the process set in place by the City's request to Coastal Zone Management (CZM) to review the DPA. He reminded board members that once this process started the City no longer has control of the out -come. The Mayor requested this review as he believes that the DPA is too restrictive and stunts the type of development and growth envisioned for the area. Currently, the only commercial use in the DPA is commercial fishing. Clausen further stated that the process usually takes between 8 -12 months with a final report by February/March 2015. If, as expected, the DPA is removed, the current zoning in the harbor is not adequate, and a new zoning code must be crafted to guide and control new development in the area in a manner that coincides with the City' vision for the future. The Overlay Plan (IPOD) is a short term measure (2 years) to give the City control and restrict development until new zoning is in place. McAleer had questions concerning DPA definition of commercial use /activity regarding boatyards and travel lifts. He and Suminsby both stressed the importance of having a travel lift on the waterfront. Neuman asked what does the City envision. Clausen responded as follows: 1. Improve public access 2. Allow mixed use (commercial /retail /restaurant with residential) accessible to downtown - both Cabot and Rantoul Streets 3. Strongly support commercial fishing, public fishing, and recreational boating Houseman stated great vision, but lacking space! Clausen responded that it is a question of scale - it does not have to be a large development to act as a catalyst to generate substantial activity. The key is to control the scale of development through the planning and zoning boards. Harbor Management Authority Minutes of July 16, 2014 Meeting Clausen: Crafting a Zoning Code takes time - the IPOD gives the city more time to get it "right ". IPOD will restrict most uses by requiring special permits (restaurants, housing, etc.) in the area. Simon raised issue of traffic flow /parking. Clausen: We need alternative ways to get there - circular shuttle bus routes, bikes, walking. off -site parking, ... Clausen hopes to return for September meeting with updates /changes adopted for IPOD. Lang and Suminsby both had concerns that land side of Water Street be included in the process. Harbor Fast Earl reviewed assignments. Oosthoek suggested that Education Display focus on rezoning /DPA process. Raffle process needs to modified. Other Items Earl will get in touch with Steve Lotito (Bait Shop) regarding Fish Pier report. Rob will discuss with Mike Collins the feasibility of bringing a 220 line to the commercial marina area. He will follow up with Hoist inspection. Brown building repairs - nothing substantial to report. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for August 20, 2014 at the Beverly Library. Adiournment There being no further business to come before the Beverly Harbor Management Authority this evening, a motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.