2014-05-21Harbor Management Authority
Minutes May 21, 2014
Harbor Management Authority
May 21, 2014
Beverly Public Library
Members Present
Chair Paul Earl, David Suminsby, Don Neuman, Paul
Miedzionoski, David Lang, Pat McAleer, George Simon, Rinus
Oosthoek, Chris D'Alfonso
Members Absent:
Scott Houseman
Others Present:
Rob Dever, Facilities Manager, Maxanne Menezes, Police Chief
John LeLacheur
Eileen Sacco
Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Harbor Management Committee meeting held on April 16, 2014 were
presented for approval.
Neuman moved approval of the minutes of the April 16, 2014 Harbor Management Committee
meeting as amended. Suminsby seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Discussion with Police Chief John LeLacheur
Earl welcomed Beverly Police Chief John LaLacheur to the HMA meeting and explained that the
HMA is trying to service a lot of competing interests in the area of the harbor. He noted that
police patrols have been used and have been effective and he thought this being the beginning of
the boating season that it would be a good time to touch base with the Chief.
Chief LaLacheur addressed the HMA and noted that he has a lot to learn about the City of
Beverly. He stated that he has had discussions with Mayor Cahill regarding the Community
Impact Units patrolling the downtown and suggested that the marina could be included in the
area that they cover. The Chief communicated that recreational and commercial customers
should contact the Impact Unit directly if they sense a security concern. He also reported that
they are looking into putting a computer hook up for the police department in the Brown
Building that would provide a place for officers to do paperwork and maintain somewhat of a
presence at the marina. He also suggested that we could reach out to the Council on Aging for
volunteers to be ambassadors of the City in the Brown Building.
Chief LaLacheur also reported that he has talked with Harbormaster Dan McPherson regarding
his expectations for the waterfront. He also noted that he has talked with Rob Dever about the
history of the fishing season down there and that seems to be a hot topic.
Dever explained that when the squid run the place is packed from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. He
explained that there have been complaints in the past of boats getting damaged- however there
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes May 21, 2014
has been no violence. He stated that he can understand why people would be uncomfortable
trying to get to their boats when that is going on.
Chief LaLacheur asked if there is a designated fishing area. Dever explained that there is noting
that the location appeased some of the fisherman and others were angered.
Neuman explained that the HMA has done a lot to adjust the fishing areas and explained the
designated area as the end of the pier and the area to the most east of the concrete platform
looking towards the former McDonalds building. He noted that the fisherman have a public right
to fish and the boaters are entitled to their privacy.
Suminsby stated that they are not supposed to be fishing near the boats. Neuman noted that they
are not supposed to be fishing on the Ferry Way Landing but they do.
Earl noted that the marina is supposed to close at 10:00 p.m. and a police presence may help that.
Dever stated that there could be a public safety issue if there are a lot of people down there
fishing, noting that it could be potentially dangerous.
D'Alfonso stated that the boaters are not anti - fisherman. He noted that the ordinance that the
city adopted struck a balance. He stated that the issue is how to enforce the 10:00 p.m. closing
time. He also noted that people need to watch their kids noting that they have babies down there
in strollers and little ones running around and they could get hurt.
There being no further questions or comments at this time, Earl thanked Chief LeLacheur for
attending the meeting.
Facilities Report
Dever reported that the DPW workers were pulled into the Police Station last week to do some
emergency work and when they are finished there they will be back at the Brown Building.
Neuman asked if Engineering is doing a plan related to handicapped access in the Glover Wharf
area. Dever reported that it is all being worked on as time allows.
Dever reported that Mr. Edelstein will pay the difference in the size of the boats (17 feet) by July
1 Neuman stated that he is happy that they found a peaceful solution noting that the matter was
more of a safety issue. Dever stated that the city has agreed to make room if necessary but they
will have to install a double mooring.
Dever reported that Mr. Balboni has requested to put a 220 volt outlet in the parking lot for his
freezer truck. He stated that it is a reasonable request that the HMA could think about but noted
that if more people wanted access the transformer probably wouldn't handle it.
Dever reported that there are 17 recreational boaters with leases at the marina. He stated that six
of them are new customers and there are still six slips available.
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes May 21, 2014
Earl reported that he met with City Finance Director Bryant Ayles and they reviewed all of the
HMA finances. He explained that Ayles has renamed the enterprise fund the HMA Fund after
reviewing the legislative act for the HMA.
Earl reported that there is $125,000 free cash in the HMA Fund. He explained that the Seaport
money still needs to come in.
Earl stated that he is comfortable with the budget and the HMA status. He noted that the revenue
projections were conservative and he expects that we may see a little more than predicted.
Dever noted that we should always keep in mind that the large chains on the recreational floats
need to be checked and explained that divers go down and inspect them. He estimated the cost
to be about $2,000 and suggested that it will probably have to be done next year.
Neuman moved to approve the FYI Budget for the Harbor Management Authority. Oosthoek
seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Neuman stated that there is nothing new to report. Oosthoek noted that the preconstruction
meeting that was scheduled was cancelled.
Lower Bass River
Neuman reported that Bourne has been on board for a month and they have had initial contact
with Mahoney Associates and National Grid but nothing has been done beyond that.
Waterfront Signne
Oosthoek stated that he needs the data. Dever reported that he talked to Mike Bouchard and he
is very busy but he will get a list from him.
Legislative Act and Operations Review
Earl reported that he met with City Solicitor Stephanie Williams and they discussed the
advantages to the state designation. He stated that we need to think about what the HMA thinks
is best for the city.
Simon noted that it may be a state designation but it is controlled by the Mayor's office. He also
questioned if the state designation makes us more eligible for Seaport money. Dever explained
that the Seaport money is not bound by legislation.
Oosthoek stated that the HMA has automatic control over what goes on at the waterfront, noting
that as it is now the HMA has to be informed about everything and we would lose that.
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Minutes May 21, 2014
Fishing Float Study
Neuman reported that the Fishing Float Study report was received today and will be distributed
soon for HMA review and possible action.
Sea Station
Earl reported that Sea Station is good to go. He reported that the legal opinion issued was that as
long as they do not monopolize the space there is no issue.
Carry In / Carry Out
Dever reported that will look into signage for Carry In/Carry Out.
DPA and Waterfront Zoning
Earl reported that he attended the DPA information session as did Oosthoek and Lang. He
reported that the CZM presentation on the process was very informative and he would like to
have a presentation from CZM at a future meeting.
Lang agreed noting that the presentation explained the criteria for the DPA and stated that
Beverly really does not fit into the DPA anymore.
Harbor Fest
Earl states that he would like to start the planning for Harbor Fest at the next meeting.
There was nothing new to report this evening.
Next Meeting
Earl reported that he has a conflict with the next meeting date of June 18, 2014. He stated that he
does not have a problem with the HMA having a meeting without him but noted that he would
like to get the planning started for Harbor Fest. He suggested moving the meeting to June 11,
2014 at 7:00 at the Library. He also suggested that the July and August meetings be held at the
Marina as has been the practice in past years. Members agreed and the next meeting will be held
on June l 1tn
There being no further business to come before the Beverly Harbor Management Authority this
evening, Lang made a motion to adjourn. Miedzionoski second and the motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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