BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission
DATE: March 13, 2013
LOCATION: Memorial Middle School, 502 Cabot Street,
Beverly, MA. Superintendent's office
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Rich Benevento, Bill Bent, Tina Cassidy,
Richard Hutchinson, and Sgt. Russ Rollins
OTHERS PRESENT: Marie *Calinski, Superintendent of Schools
Maria Decker, President, Beverly School
Committee, Karla Pressman., Principal of the
Centerville Elementary School, Lisa Oliver,
Principal of the Cove Elementary School and
Etha Indeck, Representing the Hannah
Elementary School
MEMBERS ABSENT: BIII Fiore, john Somes
RECORDER: Eileen Sacco
1. Benevento calls the meeting to order at 9: 3 0 a.m.
2. Discussion o hoo Relate Traffic at Elmentar Schools
Benevento addressed those present and explained that over the last several years
school related traffic and safety issues have been routinely been brought to the
attention of the Parking and Traffic Commission. He explained that some issues are
school crossings, traffic backups, and parking in areas*around the Centerville School
which was brought to the attention of the PTC by former City Councilor Judith
Cronin.. He reported that the PTC worked with Ms. Cronin and the residents to try
and alleviate the problems and recommendations were made by the PTC. He
explained that the reason for-this meeting is that the Commission thought it would
be a good idea to have a discussion about this.
Cassidy noted that the PTC realizes that the traffic issues only occur twice a day for
about fifteen minutes and also that the issues that occur during non school events
are not the fault of the School Department and they have been workingwith the
Parks and Recreation Department on things like notifying participants of available
.parking in the area where the events are held:
Bent stated that his grandson attends the Ayers Ryal Side School and noted that the
traffic P roblems during dismissal are for about 30 minutes. He also noted that he
thinks that there are some things that could be done that are not capital expenses
that could alleviate things. He suggested that the bus students be .released first.
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Pressman explained that the Centerville School dismisses at 1:5 o p.m. and the bus
kids are sent out first and then the walkers. She also noted that there are. parents
who arrive at school at 1:25 for dismissal and sit in their cars and read, noting that
rainy days are the worst.
Galinski stated that the principals deal with this everyday and work with the Police
Department, noting that it is an ongoing challenge and they are constantly reviewing
things and how they could be done more efficiently.
Galinski also noted that they have to be mindful of time on learning so they cannot
release students too early at dismissal times.
It was also noted that young children are not released from school unless someone
is there to pick them up.
Benevento noted that the Centerville School has one driveway. He asked if people
are parking on Hull Street to drop off students.
Cassidy suggested that perhaps the tennis courts could be removed to provide more.
parking. Decker also noted that people can park at Cahill Park.
Decker also noted that the y are trying to encourage more students to walk to school.
,Cassidy reviewed the plan for the Centerville School and suggested that a possibility
could be to expand a few spaces to the left of the building near the kitchen entrance.
Cassidy reviewed the Plan for the Hannah School. Sgt. Rollins noted that there have
been recent concerns by the Police Department but the solutions involve major
capital outlay noting that the current layout is one way in and one way out. He also
noted that the PTC has been looking at restricting parking on Wayland Road.,
It was noted that there is one bus this year for students at the Hannah School and
that has resulted. in an abundance of cars. Rollins suggested that banning a left turn
and onl y g a having r i g ht turn out would help.
Benevento asked Cassidy to do some research on the wetlands in the area and see if
there is any upland area for additional parking. He also .recommended a staging
area for cars and perhaps increase bus transportation.
Cassidy reviewed the layout for the North Beverly Elementary School. Decker noted
re at dismissal noting that there are sar�ne issues over the g that there should be more
room for cuing up
Cassidy reviewed the layout of the cove Elementary School. Sgt. Rollins noted that
they could use increased parking and that is a money issue. He noted that there is
space in the front of the school that could be a possibility for parking.
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Benevento noted that one way in traffic does not leave a lot of opportunity for
circulation of traffic. Rollins noted that when people park on both sides of
Eisenhower and the busses are leaving there are traffic issues. It was also noted
that when it snows or there are piles of snow Eisenhower is an issue. Benevento
noted that it should be discussed with the Public Works Department.
Cassidy reviewed the layout for the Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School. It was �
noted that three or four years ago parking added to the site and they have 8
buses a da y p to transport students. It was also noted that the morning drop off
works well with the circular drip off.
Sg t. Rollins noted that cars speeding on Bridge Street are a concern for those using
the walking path. Benevento asked if there are school crossing signs on Bridge
Street. Rollins reported that there are signs there that say " 5choof Zone ". He also
noted that if the bridge opens up the traffic is backed for sometime.
Cassidy noted that there are issues with conservation land explaining that Rivers
Protection Act allows improvement within 20 o feet of the river is allowed to
maintain but nothing new can be done unless there is no alternative.
Benevento asked what the cost of a bus per year is. Galinski stated that she would
have to get that information.
Decker noted that the McKeown School has 8 classes of preschool students,
Benevento suggested that a study needs to be done, and the sites need to be looked
at to determine the wetlands if any. He noted that the solutions to'these issues will
be a work in progress but safety is the number one priority. He suggested that the
PTC will discuss this further at their next meeting and prioritize a list that will be
shared with the School Department.
Galinski agreed that was a good plan and noted that the Centerville School and the
Hannah Elementary School have the most issues.
Pressman thanked the Parking and Traffic Commission for including the principals
in the discussion. She also noted that Hull Street is also a problem on weekends
when the fields are in use for sports. programs. Benevento noted that the PTC has t
work ed with the Recreation Department on that in the past and they will send a
letter to them reminding then of the previous recommendations.
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46 Adjournment
Benevento asks if there is an additional business for the Commission to conduct.
v Y
There is none.
Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Rollins. All members in favor, motion
carries 5-0.
The meeting is adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
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