Board: Harbor Management Authority
Date: November 14, 2012
Location: Beverly Public Library Staff Conference Room
Members Present Chair Paul Earl, Don Neuman, Maureen Troubetaris,
David Suminsby, Paul Miedzionoski, George Simon, Wes Slate,
Pat McAleer
Members Absent: Rinus Oosthoek, Chris D'Alfonso,
Others Present: Rob Dever (Beverly Marina Manager), City Solicitor Roy
Gelineau, Atty. Richard Nylen
Recorder: Eileen Sacco
Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Public Comment
There was no public comment this evening.
Update: Sea Station Proposal
Michael Medlock addressed the HMA and updated the members on the progress of their
proposal to run a shuttle service to the islands in Salem Sound. He explained that they are now
looking at a different boat and explained that it is the same boat used by Sun Line Cruises at the
Salem Willows in the 90's. He noted that they have had discussions with Brian Brailsford and
Gary Moore, former captains of the boat and they confirmed that this is a very sea worthy craft.
Medlock reported that they are continuing to work with the City of Salem on an RFP to use the
Salem Willows as well. He also reported that they are having discussions with the Essex
Heritage Commission regarding trips to the Bakers Island Light House.
Medlock explained that they are interested in using the public docks in Beverly for charters. He
noted that Salem brings their floats in too early in the Fall, and so they are looking at Beverly for
this part of the service. He noted that Salem would be a major port and described what a
schedule of trips per day would be.
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Draft Minutes
Troubetaris questioned how they would land on Baker's Island. Medlock explained that the
north side of the island is undeveloped and the north end of the gravel is a public beach.
Earl asked how many charters they hope to do. Medlock explained that they hope to develop a
relationship with educational groups and summer camps for up to nine weeks ( ?) in the
Earl asked if they could provide a draft schedule to the HMA over the next few months.
Medlock stated that they have a draft schedule for advertising purposes and noted that most
charters will be pre- arranged.
Wes Slate suggested that they may want to make a presentation to the City Council at some
point. Medlock agreed that they would be available to do that.
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, Earl thanked Medlock for
attending the meeting.
Earl asked for a motion to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending
litigation and the Harbor Management Authority will return to open session at its conclusion.
Simon moved that the Harbor Management Authority adjourn to Executive Session for the
purpose of discussing pending litigation and the HMA will return to open session at its
conclusion. Slate seconded the motion. Earl called for a roll call vote as follows:
The motion carried (8 -0)
The HMA reconvened the regular meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Update on Bass River
Atty. Nylen reported that the land sale on the water side has been resolved and he expects
dismissal of the case pending the sale to the city and the Beverly Conservation Commission. He
reported that samples have to be taken. Neuman noted that if what the court said is true then
everything should be disposable at sea.
Slate reported that Mayor Scanlon met with Marcy ?? and her staff from National Grid. He also
noted that the Mayor is prepared to look for money for the dredging from the State.
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Draft Minutes
Update on Collections
Dever updated the HMA on the status of collections of money owed and noted that they have
been referred to the City Solicitor.
Dever also reported that to date there are three winter tenants. He explained that Bob Munroe
has approved the lease agreement and they need to be signed by the tenants.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meetings held in August and September were
presented for approval.
Troubetaris moved to approve the minutes of the August meeting as amended. Simon seconded
the motion. The motion carried.
Slate moved to approve the minutes of the September meeting. Miedzionoski seconded the
motion. The motion carried.
Approval of the Rates for the Recreational Marina for the 2013 Season
Suminsby reported that the facilities committee has recommended that the rates for the
Recreational Marina for the 2013 season remain the same as last season at $150.00 per foot.
Troubetaris moved to approve the recommendation of the facilities committee to set the rate for
the 2013 season at $150.00 per foot. Slate seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Suminsby reported that there have been inquiries from boaters regarding a discount for Beverly
residents as is done with the Beverly Golf and Tennis Club. Earl suggested that the HMA look
into that and have further discussions in January.
Dever noted that the HMA cannot discriminate in favor of Beverly residents.
Earl noted that there was a $20,000 shortfall in revenue this year and recommended that the
HMA needs to start marketing now.
Dever reported that the roofing work on the Brown Building will begin the Monday after
Thanksgiving and it should be completed by December 2, 2012.
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Earl stated that he would like to spend some time at the January meeting discussion finances and
will invite John Dunn to attend. Slate agreed that it is a good idea and suggested that Mr. Dunn
be invited to attend HMA meetings twice a year.
HMA Proiects and Initiatives
Earl distributed a list of suggested member assignments for HMA projects and initiatives. He
explained that members will take the lead on projects and update the HMA on progress.
CPA Initiative
Earl noted that the ballot initiative for the CPA passed and a committee will be formed to
oversee the funds and make recommendations to the City Council on the use of the funds. He
stated that he would like to see the HMA represented on that committee. He will look into that
and report back at the next meeting.
Open Space Committee Correspondence
Earl reported that he received an email from Amy Maxner, from the Open Space and Recreation
Committee notifying the HMA that they planning to honor Sylvan with plaque on a bench. Earl
will follow up on this with Maxner.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, January 16,
There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this evening,
Slate moved to adjourn the meeting. Simon seconded and the motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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Draft Minutes