2012-09-19CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: September 19, 2012 Location: Beverly Public Library Fogg Room Members Present Chair Paul Earl, David Suminsby, George Simon, Wes Slate, Paul Miedzionoski, Maureen Troubetaris Members Absent: Chris D'Alfonso, Don Neuman, Rinus Oosthoek, Others Present: Rob Dever (Beverly Marina Manager), Tom Bartlett Recorder: Eileen Sacco Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Input There was no public input this evening. Minutes The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meetings held in July and August were presented for approval. Slate moved to approve the July 2012 minutes as amended. Miedzionoski, seconded the motion. The motion carried. The August minutes will be reviewed and approved at the October meeting. Facilities Suminsby reviewed the facilities report with the HMA. He noted the following: Brown Building The goal is to get the building weather tight before the winter. He noted that a lot of things are on order and they are in the process of getting quotes for work that needs to be done. Dever noted that the contractor for the roof is on standby and explained that the bid came in just under $8,000. He noted that hurricane shingles will be installed. Harbor Management Authority September 19, 2012 Page 1 of 4 Draft Minutes Suminsby reported that he met with Dever and Marciano regarding the ongoing maintenance issues with the porta potties at the marina. He noted that they are not being cleaned properly by the contractor. Dever noted that Dave Gelineau is aware of the situation and is looking into it. Slate asks how often they are being cleaned. Dever reported that they are being cleaning one time a week and this has been an ongoing problem. Slip Status Dever reported that there are boaters looking for space for the rest of the season. Earl suggested that they be charged a monthly rate. Dever stated that there have been inquiries about in water storage for the off season. He noted that the rate in the past has been $75.00 per foot. He also noted that he checked around for what others are charging and noted that BPM charges less than that and we may need to consider a rate reduction for the winter to be competitive. Discussion ensues regarding the reduction in the winter rate. Suminsby moved to set the winter storage rate at $50.00 per foot with an administrative fee of $175.00 the same as the summer. Slate seconded the motion. The motion carried. Earl requested that information on the winter storage be sent to the boaters. Commercial Docks Earl and Dever reported that the city is working diligently on the bids. He explained that the bids range from $1.5 million - $2.8 million and noted that the budget is $1.54 million. He explained that the apparent low bidder is BTT Marine Construction. Dever noted that the $300,000 difference is in the rock socket work and they will be interviewing to find the differences in the prices. He also noted that we can eliminate items and make changes to the plans to get what we need. It was reported that the bidders were MIG Corp, S &R, Sea & Shore and Bellingham Marine Inc., and BTT. Slate asked what the schedule is for the project. Dever reported that they want to put the floats in first and they hope to start the work by November 1, 2012. Finance Report Earl stated that he wants to set up a meeting with John Dunn and Miedzionoski to review the HMA budget. He noted that he would like a detailed breakdown in the income. Harbor Management Authority September 19, 2012 Page 2 of 4 Draft Minutes Grants Committee Simon stated that there is nothing to report this evening. Dever noted that the next Seaport Advisory Council meeting has not been scheduled yet. Bass River Suminsby reported that Ron Bourne has submitted a mitigation plan for the intertidal land that would be affected by the dredging. Slate reported that the Mayor held a meeting with representatives of National Grid and he thinks it was helpful. Si2nne Proiect Earl noted that two meetings ago Slate expressed raised concerns expressed by constituents. Slate reported that he got the list and looked at most of the signs. He noted that when signs go up that are not anticipated there tends to be anxiety about them but as the summer went on things have been quiet. Mass Highway Walkway Earl reported that Mass Highway officials have met with Beverly Conservation Commission agent Amy Maxner on the project. He stated that the matter with be on the Conservation Commission agenda soon. He noted that the goal is to construct the walkway next spring. Charter Review Earl reported that he has appointed a three member task force of himself, Neuman and former HMA Chair Miranda Gooding to review the HMA Charter with Roy Gelineau. He also reported that he talked with Mayor Scanlon about this and he is in favor of it. He stated that he hopes that the group will get started in early October. Harbor Fest Recap Earl reported that attendance was lower this year but by all accounts it was a success. He noted that the band was good and the vendors were happy. He suggested that next year we choose a date that does not conflict with other events in the city. Earl also reported that the family of Sylvan Menzes was present and they were very happy with the remembrance of Sylvan at this event. Earl also reported that Charlie Raymond was recognized at Harbor Fest as well for his dedicated service to the HMA since its inception. He noted that Raymond was honored to be recognized and he and his family enjoyed the day as well. Harbor Management Authority September 19, 2012 Page 3 of 4 Draft Minutes Ordinance Update Slate reported that he and Troubetaris sponsored the ordinance at the City Council and the matter has been reviewed and edited by the Legal Affairs Committee. He explained that the ordinance relative to fishing will call for fishing only in designated areas by the HMA. He noted that the matter is still in Committee and they will be meeting again next week. Discussion ensues regarding the issues raised in the past regarding fishing. Earl noted that the signs will need to be consistent with what the ordinance allows. Dever and Suminsby noted that something needs to be added about people fishing yielding to boat traffic noting that is hazardous. Earl suggested language for the ordinance that indicates that fishing will only be allowed in areas designated by the HMA and not to impede boat traffic. Earl noted that the goal is to get this in place for next season and suggested that perhaps the HMA could have a focus group on this and spend a couple of months working on this for next season. Beverly CPA Initiative Earl reported that Marilyn McGrory has requested that the HMA endorse the CPA Initiative. He noted that the HMA has open space that could benefit from this if it passes. Troubetaris moved that the HMA endorse the CPA Initiative for the City of Beverly. Slate seconded the motion. The motion carried. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, October 17, 2012. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Slate moved to adjourn the meeting. Simon seconded and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Harbor Management Authority September 19, 2012 Page 4 of 4 Draft Minutes