2012-05-16CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: May 16, 2012 Location: Beverly Public Library — Fogg Room Members Present Chair Paul Earl, Charles Raymond, Don Neuman, Sylvan Menezes, Maureen Troubetaris, David Suminsby, Rinus Oosthoek, George Simon, Wes Slate Members Absent: Chris D'Alfonso, Paul Miedzionoski Others Present: Rob Dever (Beverly Marina Manager) Recorder: Eileen Sacco Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Input Presentation on Community Preservation Act Marilyn McCrory and Constance Lapite addressed the HMA and made a presentation on the Community Preservation Act. They explained that the basics of the Act is that local adoption is needed for the establishment of up to a 3% surcharge on local property taxes. They further explained that 10% of the funds each year must be spent or set aside for each of the three categories, Open Space and Recreation, Historic Preservation and Community Housing. The act allows for flexibility in the remaining 70% of the money. McCrory explained that a local Community Preservation Committee (CPC) would be appointed and would be comprised of one member each from the Park and Recreation Commission, Conservation Commission, Historic District Commission, Planning Board and one person acting in the interests of community housing. She also noted that there could be up to four additional members. McCrory reviewed the CPC statutory requirements. She noted that the charge is to assess CPA needs, solicit and screen projects, recommend CPA expenditures to City Council, and develop a CPA budget and other record keeping. Harbor Management Authority May 16, 2012 Page 1 of 6 Draft Minutes McCrory explained that the CPA could raise about $606,000 per year with a 1% surcharge. She explained that there would be exemptions of the first $100,000 of the residential property value, low income residents and low and moderate income seniors and any existing property tax exemptions. She explained that the average assessed value of a single family home in the city of Beverly is $419,051, minus the $100,000 exemption, the CPA cost would be based on $319,051 and the yearly surcharge would be $41.38 ($13.00 per $100,000). McCrory explained that in additional to the surcharge collected by the city there would be state matching funds of approximately 25% from the state's Community Preservation Trust Fund. She estimated that would amount to $161,400 for total CPA Annual Revenue of $767,400. McCrory explained that the funds can be used to purchase land, purchase easements or restrictions on land, protect drinking water, wildlife habitat and restore polluted land to its natural state. Land can be purchased for active and passive recreation, community gardens, trails, non commercial sports, parks, playgrounds or sports fields (outdoor facilities only_. Historic Preservation funds may be used to acquire, preserve, rehabilitate or restore historic resources that are listed or are eligible for listing on the state register of historic places, or are significant in the city's history, archeology, architecture, or culture as determined by the local Historic Commission. Preservation projects can include buildings, structures, vessels, historic landscapes, documents and artifacts. Historic Preservation projects can be used for restoration of historic municipal properties such as city hall, public library or GAR Hall. They can also be used to restore or preserve historic documents, archival collections, adaptive reuse, and grants to private nonprofit groups or individuals with a preservation easement required. CPA housing is for families and individuals earning up to 100% of area median income. McCrory explained that CPA housing is different from 40B in that it is subject to local zoning, approved locally, and permanently affordable. It was noted that 10% can count towards the goal if the occupants are at 80% or below the area wide median income. McCrory noted that there is pending legislation HB 765, an Act to Sustain Community Preservation. She noted that the provisions of it are to increase CPA Trust Fund revenue to provide a higher annual match from the statewide CPA Trust Fund and to clarify and broadent recreation language. McCrory explained that Beverly could adopt the CPA by using a two step process which would consist of presenting a CPA to the Beverly City Council for approval to put the CPA on the November ballot, and a simple majority vote in the election would decide it. McCrory reviewed projects that other communities have accomplished using CPA funds. Wes Slate noted that the changes to the funding mechanism that are being considered by the state and is before the House and Senate now and they may be broadening the criteria. He also noted that the role of the City Council in this is to put the measure on the ballot, rather than gather signatures to get it on the ballot. He also noted that this coming election is a good time to have this on the ballot, being a Presidential election year the greatest majority of people will be voting so there could be a good response to this. Harbor Management Authority May 16, 2012 Page 2 of 6 Draft Minutes Maureen Troubetaris questioned how the CPC would ensure that the money is being spent equitably throughout the city. McCrory explained that the proposals would have to be approved by the City Council. Earl noted that the HMA is always doing projects on the waterfront. McCrory stated that they are always looking for projects to endorse. There being no further questions or comments regarding the CPA, Earl thanked them for the presentation. Minutes The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meetings held on March 21, 2012 and April 18, 2012 were presented for approval. Slate moved to approve the March and April minutes as amended. Neuman seconded the motion. The motion carried. Facilities Dever reported on the following facilities matters: Dever reported that the restrooms are not functional at this time. Dever reported that the gate is now in working order and no alternatives for it need to be considered at this time. Dock Repairs Dever reported that estimates for the repairs of the dock are $5,000. He reported that Mike Collins has that is not worth it to fix the dock at this time. He noted that there are no safety issues with the dock in the present condition. Security Cameras Dever reported that he talked with Mr. Leone regarding the security camera and he is still willing to do it. He recommended that it be installed on the roof. Earl noted that this work should be done soon. Open Slips Dever reported that there are currently four 40' slips available and one 30' foot slip has recently become available. He noted that interest has been expressed in the slips but no one is committing. Raymond suggested sending a notice again to local yacht brokers informing them of the availability of the slips in the hopes that they will pass the word along to customers. Harbor Management Authority May 16, 2012 Page 3 of 6 Draft Minutes Neuman noted that that the Jubilee Yacht Club has a waiting list for moorings and suggested asking them to notify members that of the availability of slips. Earl agreed noting that another sign at the marina geared towards Danvers boaters passing by might help as well. Hoist Dever reported that the estimate to repair the hoist is $1,900. He also explained that the city wants the hoist to have an engineer stamp so he had a company from Rowley come out to look at it. He explained that it keeps breaking because water gets in and they recommend that we get a food grade hoist that is all sealed stainless. He stated that they are putting together a proposal to replace the hoist. He noted that this is a better long term solution; however the total cost for replacement could be $5,000410,000. Test Borings Dever reported that test borings are currently in progress, noting that they are mapping the area tomorrow and Friday. Summer Maintenance Help Dever reported that he is not planning on hiring summer help this fiscal year. Finance Report Earl reviewed the current finance report from John Dunn. He noted that 63% of slip fees have been collected ($42,000 short on the recreational side). Neuman reported that he, Earl, Mike Collins and John Dunn met to discuss the need for engineering studies. He explained that they reviewed copies of the Vine Proposal. He reported that Mike Collins was very responsive and that with some budget moves there could be a chance to keep the commercial project on target. He explained that the cost for the consultant is $45,000 and $17,000 was budgeted. Earl also noted that we might be short this year because of reduced revenue collection. FY13 Budget Earl reported that he and Oosthoek met with John Dunn to talk about the FYI budget for the HMA. He reported that we are budgeted for 23 slips and 18 are filled and we need to continue trying to fill them. Earl reported that Dever will be taking on additional responsibilities with the city in the area of optimizing parking in the downtown. He stated that the down side of this is that he will have less time for the HMA. He noted that the money will stay in the budget for the HMA for the Harbor Manager. Earl reported that he has asked David Suminsby to head up an audit of the areas in a detailed interview with Dever regarding the responsibilities of the job and the content of the job and what people should expect to be done at the marinas. He suggested that an operational Harbor Management Authority May 16, 2012 Page 4 of 6 Draft Minutes management plan be prepared. Neuman stated that he feels that a presence at the marina is a large portion of the responsibility during the summer months. Earl noted that a balanced budget has to be submitted to be presented to the City Council. He recommended that members review the proposed budget and make their suggestions and recommendations to him. There being no further questions or comments regarding the FYI budget, Oosthoek moved to approve the proposed FY13 budget. Neuman seconded the motion. The motion carried. Grants Committee Simon reported that he and Neuman talked with Mike Driscoll and Ellen Cebula (separate conversations), and he recommended that the city get grant applications to the Seaport Advisory Council (2 for the Bass River and 1 for Phase III of the Pier repairs). Menezes and Simon will do the grant applications for the Bass River project and Neuman will do the grant for the pier. Neuman reported that the permission to dump at sea for the Bass River dredging expired a year ago and explained that there are now provisions from DEP for maintenance dredging and he is hopeful that the proposed dredging will be included in that. Si2nne Proiect Dever reported that the signs are in the process of being installed around the city. Harbor Fest Earl reported that Harbor Fest is scheduled for September 8, 2012. He noted that the band has been booked and the cost is the same as last year. Oosthoek stated that he would reach out to Beverly Main Streets and Chamber for their assistance in promoting this. BHMA Data Base Neuman reported that there are five new entries in the data base. Sandy Point Beach Cleanup Slate reported that Jeremy Harrington is planning a cleanup at Sandy Point Beach Next Meeting The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, June 20 2012. Earl reported that long time HMA member Charlie Raymond has submitted his resignation from the HMA. He noted that Raymond brings the commercial fisherman point of view to the HMA and he has been a valuable asset to the HMA. Harbor Management Authority May 16, 2012 Page 5 of 6 Draft Minutes Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Oosthoek moved to adjourn the meeting. Troubetaris seconded and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Harbor Management Authority May 16, 2012 Page 6 of 6 Draft Minutes